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Best looking electric guitar of all time?


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In your opinion what is the best looking guitar of all time. Can be made for any style of music but must be an electric guitar. Would be grateful if you could include pictures aswell. And happy new year :)

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Leo got it right in 1950. It was 'utility first' and cosmetics a distant second but in my opinion it's simplicity has a grace and timeless beauty that has never been equaled, let alone improved on.




Wow!!! That's one nice...carpet :L Jokes aside, that is a beautiful guitar :) How much did it set you back?

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Wow!!! That's one nice...carpet :L Jokes aside, that is a beautiful guitar :) How much did it set you back?


Not my carpet, not my guitar. I just linked to a pic I googled. Mine is a '77. Just as sexy, just not quite as elderly.



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Is that because u genuinely love them or because you own one?

I always liked the sound of both. I had an SG Jr. years ago and thought it was great. In a bass I obviously like the SG style body. Also performed with a lot of lead players over the years using both.


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No, i don't have any video capabilities. Thanks though, I was lucky to get the SG Std. bass I was sent. It sounded great through Mesa gear. But I like it's sound through the Marshall better. Personal preference.

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Purely on looks? The ES175. It's a synthesis of acoustic and electric appearance and size that pretty much became a standard and - look at one and then at your LP and consider the LP is kinda a smaller board-version of the 175.


In 51 Gibson made a Florentine cutaway flattop with a built in pickup that was awesome. A friend still regularly plays his "out" when he leaves the ranch in "nowhere" country. Play it as an A-E and it's awesome.


I love the look of all the good Gibson electric archtops and those that copy the concept.


So... in #2 I'd probably say the 335 or one of the fancied-up versions. But the simplicity of the 335 as opposed to more fancy stuff is something I find attractive.


Nothing against the Tele, and has been noted, one's aesthetic is purely subjective and comes from background and training. But I consider it kinda like the old WWII Jeep that's still rolling in today's world with some updates and variations. It's not what I'd call pretty, but it is attractive in its own unique way. Strats never appealed to me. Gretsch and Guild in the old days always seemed to be branches off the Gibson tree.


The SG, with the set neck as opposed to a bolt-on, has a beauty of simplicity that I find very attractive. The "horns" essentially are dual Florentine cutaways with an idealized "traditional guitar" shape.



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