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I'm not as good as


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I don't think I'll ever be as good as I would like.

I'm only getting in 2 or 3 hours a week unless some buddies are over for a jam.

I started lessons in November and that has made a difference. I've played for over 30 years but that was once a year for at least 20 of them and only steady for about the last year and a half.

If you're like me, you may not notice improvement but it seems everyone who hears me have commented on the difference. One friend was surprised that I was taking lessons. He figured I should be giving them. I know better.

My 2 cents worth.



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I started playing when i was 12, no formal lessons. 24 years later I still dont feel like I'm particularly great but i have fun and have had some great experiences gigging and recording. (that was over a decade ago)

As long as your having fun, thats what counts



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If you're ever as good as you want to be, you might as well stop playing. :) Right?!




Someone, the other day, remarked to me that Jimmy Page was considered to be a very sloppy player.


I wish I was half as sloppy as him....[blink]...or should that be twice as sloppy as him...?





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Someone, the other day, remarked to me that Jimmy Page was considered to be a very sloppy player.


I wish I was half as sloppy as him....[blink]...or should that be twice as sloppy as him...?





I've heard people say this about Page too. I think it's intentional though. He was a bit of a showman, right? Guitar ultra low on the hip, hair in face, no eyes on the fretboard...etc.


There are songs though, in my opinion, on some of their albums in which he clearly sat down and played through it with focus on clean and precise playing. It's because of these moments on some of these songs that I believe he could actually be very clean if he wanted, he just often didn't care.


As for the OP, I think most of players would say they're nowhere as good as they'd like to be. I'm definitely not.

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I think that it is improving attitude overall. It just keeps you playing, rehearsing and learning... and so you get better and better all the time. Otherwise there is no progress. People keep telling me that I play very well... but it makes me feel uneasy [blush], because I am not as good as i wanted to be and i could play much better.


Keep on playing and practicing. [wink]


But the most important thing is having fun.[smile]

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I want to be.

It's a struggle.

All I can hope for is that I get a little better everyday.

Carry on.

Same here too...but...I bet you are better than you think you are. Here is a trick I do every once in a while just to remind myself how far I have come. I take my guitar and flip it over and try to play left handed Albert King style. Now as awkward as that feels, THAT is probably about where we all started, totally lost with this crazy piece of wood in our hands trying to bust out "Smoke On The Water". It's the journey not the destination.


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