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I want to gig again.


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I only got back into playing last year after a break of about 26 years. I've bought three guitars and none are good enough.

I want a Les Paul again! I've been in touch with some old musician friends on Facebook and I want to gig again. I really feel the urge.

I'm older and 'fatter' but I don't care. I'm in touch with some that I won't put on here yet ( As they are 'major' stars in the rock genre).

You never lose the 'want' to play. I wish I'd come back earlier now.

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I hope you can get back in the saddle real soon Lashurst.

26 years is a long time.

My guitar break was around the same number of years.

After getting back to it for the last year and a half or so, I'm a much better player than I ever was.

Maybe age, confidence and quality gear have something to do with it.



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I find the biggest difference is 'wisdom'. When I look back. I was just out for a good time. When it should have been business. On a playing front. It hasn't taken much to get into it. Sore fingers omitted! I am finding that I don't like inferior guitars!! But that's no surprise. I look at modern rock and nothing's changed over time. The shred stuff is crap though. No taste. The most important thong in a band is it's no good being 'solo' players. You have to be a 'whole' band.

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I hope you can get back in the saddle real soon Lashurst.

26 years is a long time.

My guitar break was around the same number of years.

After getting back to it for the last year and a half or so, I'm a much better player than I ever was.

Maybe age, confidence and quality gear have something to do with it.




Dave, I am experiencing the same thing as you.

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Do it man. I took a 21 year break and gigged for the first time last year and will again this February. I can't tell you how fulfilling it is. Best thing I've done in a long time (besides marrying my wife)! smiley-music014.gif

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My 'break' came from having kids too young. I had to grow up quickly. I had to put food on the table.

After our singer left when I was 24 (we were to sign to RCA)we auditioned for 2 years and couldn't replace him.

Eventually life took over and I needed money. The amps went, then the guitars. It broke my heart. That's why I stopped playing.

Every time I picked a guitar up the thought that I almost got the contract came flooding back. I couldn't even listen to music.

I only got the urge back a few years ago.

Any of you young players take note.

It's a business. Treat it as such.

Any half hearted band members. Knock them into touch.

Don't get married. You need all your attention for the music.

Study. learn momey matters.

Don't let some tosser manage you.

Listen to your elders and learn from them.

Any questions??

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Sorry lashurst, I didn't mean to dredge up any bad memories for ya. But you're absolutely right, the only way any band can work is if you treat it like a business. Balancing talent with work ethic is no easy job.


In a way I guess I was actually lucky I couldn't find love or success at a young age. Didn't feel like it then, but in retrospect.....


Either way, it's great that you're playing again, and it sounds like you have plenty to write about.

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