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Crystal Frets


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Interesting; I didn't go for that guy's spiritual stone mumbo jumbo B.S., and he's clearly not a guitar player....


And it would be nice to hear them reviewed properly.....I'll bet they work well....


In theory they really should work well......Maybe Gibson will consider these and be cutting edge, and cool.......

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They are running inito patent issues though with GlassTones. This is from http://www.theguitarcolumn.com/2009/10/crystal-frets-vs-glasstones.html


Crystal quartz is glass, chemical SiO2 (Glass) use of a no resin SiO2 is an infrigement of GlassTones technology, any way the you verbalize it. I don't have to compare my innovation to a infringement of my innovation. Your crystal frets are one point of the material, like playing glass slide, like Duane Allman, however in the open strum, un-fretted string or fretted string, the other point of the string contact is still interfering with the strings vibration. I would be very careful about trying to proceed, my US & International patent has been issued and your infringement is being noted. My advise to you is to stop the negative comments and stop your infringement. Patent infringement is a very serious matter, handled in courts of law, your comments regarding GlassTones products are not appropriate, unfounded, and ignorant. The innovation has already been issued, which is the reason that your application has been rejected. Regardless, of your rhetoric, by just having the strings fretted on a single point of silica (SiO2) material, crystal quartz (SiO2), Pyrex (SiO2), Borafloat (SiO2), Tempered glass (SiO2), etc you only purify the vibration some, not the full potential of the innovation. The full potential is only achieved when the string come in contact with two points of highly dense silica material; hence, purifying the strings vibration. Crystal frets and Erich Stone is a copy cat attempt at a prior invention, that has already been issued (May 6th, 2008 US Pat 7,368,646).

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Guest FarnsBarns

His effects drown out ANY bit of the tonal differences.


Congrats. He can use a wah-wah and delay.


I was excited before i pushed play. I thought he was SRV reincarnated.


Talk about let down.


I wanna hear it clean, and unplugged.


Yep, when something like this is used to promote a tone product I have to assume they are hiding the fact that there is no advantage at all, an immeasurable advantage or a disadvantage. If they really wanted to show of the tonal benefits they'd have 2 identical acoustic guitars, one with, one without.


I also can't think why crystal frets would be an advantage, no one is saying why there is an advantage, other that the mystical crystal magic stuff.


Actually, since quarts resonates when a small electrical current is put across it, I can imagine it being a negative difference, even that seems unlikely though. You might want a guitar with vibrating frets, once, for one song, but not for ever.

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