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Good Bye Seasonal Depression


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Guest FarnsBarns

As with all these things, seasonal adjustment is a natural part of the human life cycle. I always feel more buoyant and lively in the spring and summer but not to the degree that you would say I feel depressed in autumn and winter.


I'm glad you feel better!

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Thank god it's Spring! anyone else suffer?


Yup.....Got that, and bi-polar, and treatment resistant depression, and clinical depression, and more fun stuff...........


It's why I'm retired on disability......Music and art keep me almost alive...........and my gal....and my cats....


and you guys as well.......Thank you, by the way...[thumbup] ...

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Thank god it's Spring! anyone else suffer?

Yes! Get yourself one of those SAD lights, if you haven't already. They do help a bit. Up here in the Great White North the winters are long, cold and dark. It's AWFUL. Since the better weather I feel more alive and happy. Even my horse has more spring in her step!

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Yes I need light and warmth but now that spring has sprung my allergies are going nuts.

Glad your feeling better


Yes, the allergies are horrible... Other than that, days are beautiful!


And Shred, be careful with them roids (jk). Don't wanna end up like the guy whose arms exploded.. And yes they did! TLC did a special. Sorry for going off topic... After surgeries, he's ok, I believe.



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Im with you gsgbass living here in Arizona the winters are beautiful, the summer not so much here, the summers are just freaking hot. Its also hard to get seasonal depression in Arizona since you can just go outside and mow your lawn or play a game of golf [thumbup]


But now we have 6 months of running from air conditioned houses to our air conditioned cars trying to not spontaneously combust.. [crying]

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Im with you gsgbass living here in Arizona the winters are beautiful, the summer not so much here, the summers are just freaking hot. Its also hard to get seasonal depression in Arizona since you can just go outside and mow your lawn or play a game of golf [thumbup]


But now we have 6 months of running from air conditioned houses to our air conditioned cars trying to not spontaneously combust.. [crying]


No kidding about that partner. The humidity here is already getting up to 80% plus, on top of the 89 degrees. Oh well. No place is perfect.

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