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If you don't laugh you must be dead...


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I guess it was amusing and she clearly wasn't hurt. I rarely laugh at videos of people falling or anything like this, although my wife can't stop laughing after I showed her this. I guess I just spent to many years in law enforcement and as a paramedic cleaning up the gore after people did stupid things and hurt themselves or others.


I can only remember one time I could barely do my job because we were all laughing so hard. A guy probably in his mid thirties was cleaning some car parts with a combination of WD-40, Gasoline and a bucket of wet soapy water he finished and started cleaning up and for some reason none of us could ever figure out he decided the soggy rags should go into his gas clothes dryer after he wrung them out. So Im sure everybody has figured this out but the guy stuck a full load of gas soaked towels into his dryer turned the setting and pushed the start button.


Well not a great idea, especially when the pilot kicked on and the whole house exploded the man was blown backwards about twenty feet through the arcadia door landing in a swimming pool in the backyard. luckily that was a great combination of events even though the house exploded and it blew out every window in the house as well as setting the house on fire and moving two walls clear off the foundation by at least a foot. The ball of flame barely touched the guy as he flew out the door into the pool which put out all he flames he had some second degree burns like a really bad sunburn to his chest, arms and face and had lost much of his hair and beard. but what was left by the time we all got there was a man that was basically bright red and wearing only singed Levi cutoff shorts with the crinkly and smelly remains of his hair just walking around putting out little fires with a garden hose and yelling "What" at the top of his lungs whenever anyone tried to speak to him. He was fine in a few days and probably learned all about gas dryers and what not to use them for but at the time it was pretty funny, I was trying to check him out without laughing and he kept yelling "What's so Funny" every time anyone walked by laughing.

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