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My "art" takes several forms. My main line is screenprinting and feel accomplished inasmuch as I do the entire process from logo/art design through the actual printing process - I have a small shop in my garage with 2 4-color presses and all other necessary production equipment. I also do inlay work with my friend and boss at his guitar shop in Greensboro, NC - This is accomplished by means of a woodworking laser made by Epilog. I'm also learning basic repair and even a bit of building from Bob the Master.


For fun I draw and paint - Mostly pen and ink and acrylics. Here are three ink drawings I'm developing for a novel I'm currently writing that tells the story of a 17thy century Japanese swordsmith who embarks on a path of vengeance against the men who murdered his father at the behest of the Samurai overlord of his home province.








I also write a lot of short stories that just happen to pop into my head and a lot of stories based on the memories of my life growing up in a diverse family - Mom's people immigrated from Sicily at the turn of the 20th century, Dad's were English-Protestant stock who farmed in upstate New York.


I thoroughly enjoyed see the art of all of the members who posted here....Bravo!



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I haven't written anything "formal" in a while, but did do a commissioned play a dozen years ago or so.


Writing of various sorts and most of my photography is more along the lines of "industrial art" 'stedda fine art. But it's fun regardless.


I can't claim any sort of specialty, but rodeo photography is fun. I once had about 50 martial arts magazine covers - some of which both passed both editorial review and my own idea of what was "good." Some of the rodeo stuff, if you're close enough, can still be a bit of an adrenalin rush even for an old guy.



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For those of you that like to draw and are addicted to Moleskine notebooks like me. I found this company called engraveyourbook on the web that can take a piece of your own custom artwork and laser engrave it on a nice leather cover. I gave them a very highly colored comic book style drawing in digital format and they were able to engrave it in a leather cover, it looks great and seems to be holding up really well also Ive had this one for about six months and I carry it in my messenger bag everyday. A lot of the background has faded out somewhat with hard use but the primary drawing is still very clear. In fact it was so clear I gave her pasties to make it more family friendly.



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wow guys, especially Retro and Bob, that's f'cking fantastic!


I can't draw for my life, if you told me I'd have to draw a good stick figure or die... might as well pull the damned trigger.


[thumbup] Retro how can I get a hold o' those?!

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The extent of my painting abilities is more along the lines of the chairs that Chanman is displaying his art on.

I have built a few items of wood though.

My favourite is a blanket box for my wife. Mostly Cherry with mahogany and dark walnut for accents.

My 7th grade art teacher suggested that I never take art again.

I've never been referred to as an artist in any way but I'm being called a musician more and more. No longer just some dude that plays some guitar. I toy with drums and harmonica too.



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Dang! I was never able to control my pastels that well. Really good work.


Wow, was that all burnt into the wood? Or painted? Your songs are good, the first one riminded me of vikings, and the second just made me laugh. I really enjoyed your Cat Lady story, and you can certainly write a good scary story. You have a gift with words.


Hahaha! Now that's thinking with your dipstick Jimmy! I graduated last year, and remember sleeping in many classes (high school that is). I have never slept so soundly than in my Math classes.


Wow! You've got some really impressive stuff! For oil not being your favorite, that elephant is great. I also wouldn't mind a few necklaces and such. You got a realistic look on those skulls (I really like the bird one.)


I do like your wallet, the paint turned out really well. And that piece of leather is just amazing.

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That's some very nice wood work, your workman ship is very nice. The paint looks better on your bird house than on my car!


I'm a massive fan of pen and ink, and yours is great. I'll give your flickr a good run though one of these days to see the rest of your work. Please keep it up.



You really captured some emotion in those shots, which I know is hard to do. Is there a site were I can read any of your articles? Congrats on all the magazine covers!

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Dang! I was never able to control my pastels that well. Really good work.


thanks man! I was definately not in control with that though. That was the first (and last) time I used oil pastels and I had no idea what I was doing at all. If anything looks good about that it was just luck lol. I'm not sure if there's a certain way you're supposed to use them or what.


I just used oil pastels because I wanted to try caking them on really thick for some texture or whatever. Didn't really work out as planned lol. I wanted it to be kindof impressionistic but it just looks like poorly executed realism to me.

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Pastels are tough and require a light touch. blew off working on commissions today (yep the elephant is still blind) and finished part of a large metal mural I'm making for a wall in my new studio. I decided to make my own band out of soft steel rod it's about the thickness of a pencil and pretty much life size I finished the singer today and he's about 5'!0" tall.




Also found the pics for some hot shop glass I did a few months back the balls are 3 or 3.5 a half inches in size so just a bit larger than baseball sized.





I also love photography But I still do it the hard way with Black and White roll film in 120 using Mamiya RB67 Pro and a Hasslebad 500C camera made in 1958 that I always wanted when I was young but couldn't afford to buy until they became somewhat obsolete.


Thes are just iphone snaps of a couple of 16x20 prints hanging in the hall. The stump was a fun shot I wait 7 hours for the light to get right but it also won me a kodak medallion of excellence and some great gear in a national photo exhibit from 2006.






Here's some additional glass beads and wire work Ive done just for fun in the studio



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Here's one of my older paintings - approx. 36 x 48" Mixed acrylic and airbrush. It bears the mark of years and multiple moods and moves - everything from rips and pet stains to a bullet hole inflicted before one gained harmony. If anybody you know can't remember the 60's show em' this.












The guest star in the last photo is our old sweetie Hershey.


If any are interested in a bunch of my other mixed bag of stuff you're welcome to check out my flicker acct. There might even be some guitar porn within the pages.





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Wow, was that all burnt into the wood? Or painted? Your songs are good, the first one riminded me of vikings, and the second just made me laugh. I really enjoyed your Cat Lady story, and you can certainly write a good scary story. You have a gift with words.


Thanks! I have several books either completed or in the works... glad you liked the work :D


On the axe and spear, I free hand the design on the wood in pencil, then use a dremel to carve it. I come back in with stain to color it in.

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ChanMan and all the other posters displaying such talent - How about a thread for writers - I'll post mine if you'll post yours





You can write and illustrate your own books?


Dude, you rock! Love the skull painting... just a wee bit creepy, which has always appealed to me :D!




What didja have in mind for the writer's thread?

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m - Nothing wrong with industrial or technical writing - No doubt takes a great deal of discipline and research.



I dunno, short stories, musings, songs,novels, stream of consciousness writing - whatever rolls out of your mind.


Mine span everything from stories from my youth, stories from my "geezer" period (contemporary) to a rather long (and getting longer) novel of midevil Japan in the vein of Shogun with a dash of Conan mixed in.


I'll start a thread and see if it elicits any interest - I've already enjoyed your prose and poetry from this thread - how's about more?



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