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The road to recovery is a long one. The first step in the right direction is a Big Muff. Once you're ready you can move on to a Tone Bender and so on until you have reached fuzz glory. I believe in you Steve.


Take your fullb00re and drop it into the fires of M00rd00r and then you can have the one pedal to rule them all, a fuzz. From the cremated remains of the fullb00re will rise an original Shin Ei

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Take your fullb00re and drop it into the fires of M00rd00r and then you can have the one pedal to rule them all, a fuzz. From the cremated remains of the fullb00re will rise an original Shin Ei


like a phoenix rising from the ashes

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I wish I was better at photoshop because I would totally do that


then get a picture of smeagol, shoop in steve's face and have him hold a fullb00re metal


so, you can dis the fullbore but i get my head bitten off for dissin fuzz?....double standards [rolleyes]

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I just went and had a beer with a good friend now I need to work on how I want to set my pedals, amp and crap up...should've drank more, then I could figure it out lol


Oh no falling out Steve, you love me too much for that :)

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What Stevo needs is " APSOLUTE FUZZ ".......[flapper] ....



It will help him play a LITER bit better.......It'll help him with his FIFTHS........[crying] :unsure: ....


He should at least give it a SHOT.......[blink][drool] ....

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Steve, bet you weren't expecting these responses


I wasn't either.


Seems the forum is full of grannies.


Those who are the picture of health throw the first stone....please


Hehe, I was in San Diego a couple of days ago and went to El Indio...eat food that would feed 2 grown men, a fifth of vodka would have been healthier...

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I wasn't either.


Seems the forum is full of grannies.


Those who are the picture of health throw the first stone....please


Hehe, I was in San Diego a couple of days ago and went to El Indio...eat food that would feed 2 grown men, a fifth of vodka would have been healthier...


We all have our vices, I just didn't expect a ****ing intervention on the forum


I went to a brazilian steakhouse once, ate til I couldn't anymore, then had a bit more. I felt like I was giong to die, but it was going to be an awesome death

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I have an eating problem...I can't get enough. I can eat most people under the table lol.....I once ate 24 once steak then looked at my GF's (ex now) plate and asked her if she was going to finish it....lmao


I'm trying to convince my friend to eat 30 hot dogs today


I'm also trying to get my other friend to eat 20 McDonald's McDoubles. He's gonna be on the toilet for a month and a half [lol]

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I'm trying to convince my friend to eat 30 hot dogs today


I'm also trying to get my other friend to eat 20 McDonald's McDoubles. He's gonna be on the toilet for a month and a half [lol]


I once ate 14 hot dogs with buns when I was in my early 20's. I was in good shape at the time and could work that off. Now 3 or 4 max. I can still tear into 6 or 7 tacos though.

Gotta whatch what I eat and how much now. I'm older and not as active for various reasons. I'm probably weighing in at about 220 now on a 6' 1" frame. Could lose about 20-25. I think I'm the heaviest I've ever been.

Don't have to worry about buckle rash. My guitars can't reach my belt buckle.

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I cant touch Smirknoff I dont know why but it all tastes like paint thinner to me now, I used to drink it like it was going out of style and well I mixed a drink on saturday, took a sip an poured it down the drain because it was so repulsive. I am more of a Scotch Whiskey guy but now and then I will have some vodka provided its the right kind. Grey Goose, Stoli, Russian Standard, Cristall are all nice stuff but generally come with a pretty good price tag. Gimme a good old bottle of Talisker, Glenkinchie or heck even a bottle of Highland Park and I am happy.

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I cant touch Smirknoff I dont know why but it all tastes like paint thinner to me now,


i do prefer "absolute" vodka made in sweden, although the smirnoff "black label" does have a more fruity easy on the tastebuds flavour imo B)

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There is a nice vodka that comes out of Newfoundland, Canada called Iceberg I think. I'm not much of a purist though. I mix it with clamato, worcestershire, tabasco, celery salt and salt and pepper. The only thing I drink straight is Scotch Whisky and Grand Marnier

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