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I Burned My Hands


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While I was barbecue'n the corn last night.

I got careless and started flipping it with my hands. Sure enough, the back of my fretting hand got the worst of it.

I played through the pain though. Played for two hours last night and woke up feeling fine.

But I sure could feel the burn so to speak, every time I made any type of chord.

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I've lived in fear of mangling my hands for 50 years now..... even when I'm working around the house, etc.



Ever since I clipped the end of my left index finger with a table saw(1997, I was 24 at that time.)

I sure as hell watch where my hands are whenever I am working with tools....

I even get on the wife for squeezing my hands, that's how paranoid I am.

I don't even like to shake hands if i can avoid it.

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I do think their is something on the market called "afterburn". It helps provide a layer on the burn and an antibiotic to help healing plus infection. Ask your pharmacist about it or something they would recommend. It so blows getting a burn or cuts on your hands, Ive been there ....

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Man, it's too bad they don't make some sort of device that could have prevented this mishap. You know, a tool that could be used to grasp the corn and help to turn it? Some sort of mechanical apparatus that you could manipulate and rotate said BBQ items...


One day, my friend, one day.


Heal up quickly! :)

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Man, it's too bad they don't make some sort of device that could have prevented this mishap. You know, a tool that could be used to grasp the corn and help to turn it? Some sort of mechanical apparatus that you could manipulate and rotate said BBQ items...


One day, my friend, one day.


Heal up quickly! :)


Oh I just didn't think tongs were necessary.

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So did I about 25 years ago... 3rd degree on most of the top of my hand. Burned off my thumbnail and 1st two fingernails to boot. 2nd degree from about halfway up my forearm, around my wrist and my whole palm[cursing] Burning hot oil made a mess of it.... As soon as I got out of the hospital ( 3 weeks) I pulled back enough of the bandage around the tip of my thumb and 1st finger and taped a pick to my thumb to play.


I have since almost cut the tip of a finger off on a table saw, shot a 2" staple through the middle of my thumb, had a cutting wheel break on a grinder and dig a huge gash between my knuckles and more recently damn near cut down to my knuckle on my band saw...[scared] Unbelievably I still have all of my digits and have yet done anything to prevent me from playing!


This looks good compared to what it used too.. The faint bluish line between my 1st two knuckles is from the grit from the grinding wheel the doctor failed to clean out...









Corn? :rolleyes: Man up Nancy Boy! [biggrin]




He he Just kiddin' ya.... Burns suck!

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Wow, Andy that doesn't sound like fun at all. I was a cook during college and burned myself on a semi-regular basis. But nothing like that.


Caliman, glad it wasn't too serious. Hope you're feeling better today...

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