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Everyone should at least know the sewing basics. Its a useful skill to have.

I have a friend from Uni that moved to Japan after school. He's way into cosplay and posts pix on FB all the time. Not my bag, but some of those girls are dead sexy.

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Sew what ?????? [flapper] ..


Actually sewing is a good skill to have.......


In my youth I used to sew my wild oats a lot..............



I don't know if you read the comics but "Pearls Before Swine" used that pun today. It is a strip that is known for its strained puns.

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First... I haven't the slightest idea what cosplay is. (I take that back - I googled it.)


When I was 12 I wanted a "real" miniature parachute instead of just the bandana parachutes we were tossing at school recess.


So... I asked Mom to sew me one. She said, no, but I'll teach you how. A lady friend, she said, was dying of cancer and taught her two sons how to cook and sew so they could better care for themselves when she was gone. So... I learned the basics of hand and machine sewing. I already could do basic cooking and baking thanks to Boy Scouts. Three years later, just after I hit 15, she was killed in a car wreck. I've sewn my own clothing in emergencies, I've made some reenactor type things even with hand-made button holes, and I've been able to do crude emergency sail and canvas repairs for boats and camping.


Ain't gonna find me teasing you, Kimba.


I figured there are five things everyone should know for basic survival almost any time, any place: Cooking, sewing, reading/writing/'rithmetic, unarmed combat and personal firearms. I'll admit that firemaking and water safety, winter survival, etc., and some facility with communicating to folks of other language cultures can help too. Oddly the basic five make a good start at all the rest.



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I've been thinking about putting together a Shotaro Kaneda (a la Akira) costume for the longest time, but...


...Never got around to it.




Anyway, yeah, sewing is a good skill to have, cosplay or not--it's especially good when the waistband on your boxers rips, and you don't want to buy a new pair.


Um...not that I've ever had to deal with anything like that... [unsure]

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I own a couple of leather sewing machines does that count? I sew on leather all the time. When you dress up in a costume like that post a picture than will probably laugh at you. I don't really understand the costly thing at all but Ive made some jewelry and goggles for the steampunk costumes so far.

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I do most of my own sewing. If I didn't it wouldn't get done. While my missus can, she works harder than I do, so I don't rely on her to do all the 'wifely' chores around the house.



One of my fondest memories of my children when they were young was my youngest. She bugged me to play Barbies for weeks. Not knowing how to play Barbies, I put it off. Then one day she asked and I said, "Okay."


Sadly, when she got bored with it and decided to do something else, I was like, "Really? we're done?" [crying]

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Guest farnsbarns

I had to learn to sew at school, and knit. I even made a shirt. A long time ago now, can't really remember how to knit and I certainly couldn't make a shirt.


I believe Damian is pretty good at sueing.

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I had to learn to sew at school, and knit. I even made a shirt. A long time ago now, can't really remember how to knit and I certainly couldn't make a shirt.


I believe Damian is pretty good at sueing.


[thumbup] [thumbup] [thumbup] .....Only when I have to.....

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