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For all the people that are facing doubt


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Few days ago, I was feeling like perhaps it was time to give up and against all odds, a far away friend, told me about Ed Wood, I was not understanding the link between my doubt and a movie.

Now, I unsterdand, never give up until you realise your projects, no matter what people think or say.


So now, let me tell you that I will make a my band and I don't care about how many time it will take.

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Few days ago, I was feeling like perhaps it was time to give up and against all odds, a far away friend, told me about Ed Wood, I was not understanding the link between my doubt and a movie.

Now, I unsterdand, never give up until you realise your projects, no matter what people think or say.


So now, let me tell you that I will make a my band and I don't care about how many time it will take.


I am so pleased the film meant something to you! Underneath the comedy in the film, I think there is a real message about optimism in the face of unspeakable odds!


The writer Henry Miller had his fair share of critics of his books, but was unfazed by negative remarks; when asked how he coped with harsh words, he said he pretended that they (the critics) were friends that and were joking with him [biggrin]



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Never to late man . I started with guitar when i was around 30. And know 8 years later im in a band, had our first paid gig two weeks ago. A Garden party. When i think back i never would have thought i should perform live for a audience. And when you have those moment when things are going really well, all the years with frustrations are forgotten. Good luck with starting a band [thumbup]

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Never to late man . I started with guitar when i was around 30. And know 8 years later im in a band, had our first paid gig two weeks ago. A Garden party. When i think back i never would have thought i should perform live for a audience. And when you have those moment when things are going really well, all the years with frustrations are forgotten. Good luck with starting a band [thumbup]


I have played in a lot of band ;), but I always wanted to do a blues rock band so, after 15 years of playing in all kind of metal band, I have taken the decision to make my own blues rock band.

Let's rock! [thumbup]

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I have played in a lot of band ;), but I always wanted to do a blues rock band so, after 15 years of playing in all kind of metal band, I have taken the decision to make my own blues rock band.

Let's rock! [thumbup]

[biggrin] yea man, rock"n"roll will never die B)

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Glad to hear you're doing what you love [thumbup] it's the only thing you should do.


It's also worthy of note, that this is just more proof that this forum is filled with great people :D


I totally agree, this forum is only populated with great people [thumbup]

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Ed Wood is one of my favorite movies.

The only reason Ed Wood ever made a movie was due to his "not taking no for an answer" attitude.

I've seen the movie many times. But since I have had a lot of bad luck, and bad things happening to me lately, I might need to watch it again.

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Few days ago, I was feeling like perhaps it was time to give up and against all odds, a far away friend, told me about Ed Wood, I was not understanding the link between my doubt and a movie.

Now, I unsterdand, never give up until you realise your projects, no matter what people think or say.


So now, let me tell you that I will make a my band and I don't care about how many time it will take.


This is the exact scene that I find just as funny as inspiring! Orson Well's advice is so true!!!!


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Few days ago, I was feeling like perhaps it was time to give up and against all odds, a far away friend, told me about Ed Wood, I was not understanding the link between my doubt and a movie.

Now, I unsterdand, never give up until you realise your projects, no matter what people think or say.


So now, let me tell you that I will make a my band and I don't care about how many time it will take.


See there you're feeling better already.msp_thumbup.gif

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I think life is about trying, not succeeding. Success/failure means nothing. To try will always have meaning.


We all give up sometimes. That is OK I think. Just as long as it is a temporary condition.


No pot was smoked during the writing of this post.

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I wanted to be a guitar player from as long as I remember... I never thought I had it in me or I should say had the patients to do the work to get it out of me. Well, at 51 years old I decided to learn how to play guitar... I'll be 56 in 11 days and I am playing in two bands now and loving it... I have been writing and composing for many years but not on guitar. I have decided to go through my tunes, make a selection of the best, and together with the new stuff I'm writing now, record an album. We are already playing some of my stuff in one of my bands... [thumbup]

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