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my wife...

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my wife shouted upstairs the other day "sun's just come out". i thought great.... i threw on some shorts, flip flops, grabbed my sunglasses and shot down the stairs.


i was gutted when i got down to find our lad holding hands with his 'best mate' Dave... #-o

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My daughter was 4 years old at the time and she said to me "daddy when I grow up, I want to be a lesbian". My mouth almost dropped then I thought about it and I liked the idea. No boys coming around but that was short lived. Now she is 12 and boy crazy. Life sucks lol

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My first wife asked me what I wanted for dinner one night. I told her meat loaf. She said she didn't know how to make meat loaf. I told her it was easy, just don't over-cook it. Well, she made it, and she cooked it way too long. It was burnt when she pulled it out of the oven, all shrunk up and black on the outside. I choaked some of it down so that she wouldn't feel so bad. When I had eaten as much as I could stomach, I decided to give the rest to the cat. When I did the cat looked at it, smelled it, then tried to cover it up.

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