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New LP, New Man on the Forum.


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Hello all. I just drank the LP Kool-aid and boy am I glad I did. Mine is a brand new 2007 Standard in Heritage Cherry Burst. I have added this pretty lady to a stable that includes an Epi Dot, a Yamaha acoustic, and a MIM Tele(can I say that on this board?). I know alot has been said on many forums about the chambered LP's but it sounds amazing to me. I was able compare it to a used 2002 Standard, as well as an Epi Elitist, and it smoked them both unplugged, and through a Traynor YCV50. I really love the resonance of this guitar unplugged. It vibrates and seems alive. I play through a Peavey Classic 30 at home with a few pedals for any over the top dirt, and I swear, I almost broke down when I cranked it up for the first time. It sounds that good to me. The sound is thick, and massive. The guitar is a dream to play as well. I'm not much of a guitar tech myself, but the set up seems perfect. My lovely wife has been calling herself a "guitar widow" ever since it came home. As you can all tell, I love this guitar. This is the tone that I've been searching for since I started playing about 5 years ago. As I get to know my way around my new LP and this forum I'm looking forward to getting to know you folks, and perhaps getting some answers to the questions that are sure to come up in the future.

Thanks for reading



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hi welcome!!! I just joined the forum myself and it is really very helpful... I have had a 335 but decided to buy a custom LP and the sound for me is really good though of course they have different qualities. I am also having sleepness nights as I cant get my hands off the LP...enjoy

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Thanks for the welcomes. I really did have a tough time sleeping the first night I got her. Also, thanks for the guitar dater site. Apparently mine was made on Friday, April the 13th. Too cool. As for pics, I was able to add to my avatar, but I can't figure out how to post them to the thread. Tips?





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Hi GWN and welcome.


On the Gibson Forum opening page after logging in (but before clicking on the Les Paul site) in there's usually one or two very helpful step-by-step guides to posting snaps. The first thing is to set up an account at photobucket.com (it's free) and take it from there.


I, too, look forward to seeing all your guitars and, yes, that includes your Tele!


Best wishes.

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Thanks for the welcomes. I really did have a tough time sleeping the first night I got her. Also' date=' thanks for the guitar dater site. Apparently mine was made on Friday, April the 13th. Too cool. As for pics, I was able to add to my avatar, but I can't figure out how to post them to the thread. Tips?






Check this out:




PS welcome to the group.

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but I can't figure out how to post them to the thread. Tips?


Cheers' date='




Congrats on the new ax and welcome! To post pics sign up for a free photobucket account, upload your pics to it and then copy the img links here. Easy.

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How to post your pictures in The Gibson Forum.


First get a photo hosting service such as Photobucket, it is free to set up a basic account.

(Photobucket is just one example, there are many sites provide free photo hosting)

Then just upload your photos to the site and save them.

Once you have saved them there will be code box by the photo that will have an code in it.

When you click on this box, the code is automatically saved into your clipboard.


Then just come back to this forum and click on the icon located in your editor window, that has the mountian and sun on it.

Then post your code in between the img tag brackets.

That's it!


Also, if you wish to reference a photo on another site, just right click on the photo, select properties, then select the location, and highlight and copy, then just post the location into the [img ] tags.

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it's not engraved, yet. it's stickersfrom the scrap book / craft section of walmart. looks like old label maker tape. I'm going to get it engraved eventually at canadian tire [hardware store] they will engrave just about anything i'm sure. as long as they make they make monogrammed keychains n'stuff. they would probly have fancy letters, too

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Welcome to the forum. Just curious' date=' are you sure yours is a chambered? I thought they only started chambering the Standards in 2008. Either way, it's a great guitar. [/quote']

End of 2006, I've read October to be more specific...but late 2006, anyways.

Aside from the Traditional. ALL 2007/2008 Gibson LPs are chambered.


.....I get to follow Tim/R9 ](*' date=') [/quote']


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Beautiful guitar, man! Always nice to meet a fellow Canadian on the forums. I'm about 250 km south-east of Calgary between Lethbridge & Medicine Hat. I believe GillianGirl is also Calgarian... perhaps you two could jam sometime? :)


My LP is also a 2007 Standard, but in Ebony (see avatar.) I really wanted a honey burst but I fell in love with it and just had to have it.

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Thanks again for the warm welcome folks.

SRV-ZEP, where did you pick up your ebony LP (which is very beautiful by the way)? I got mine at Long & Mcquade here in Calgary but I checked out a bunch at Guitarworks, and some used ones at Music Centre Canada. I'm glad I took the time to look around before I found mine. I used to think it was funny when people would say that you should find a guitar that "Spoke to You", but after I played this one there was no way I was walking out of the shop without it. I'm sure it'll be a while before I partake in any more of this brand of potato chips, but I'm very happy with this one.

Thanks again everybody,



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