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Gorod.. is mallcore now? what ever that means

im assuming you mean Black Daliah Murder, because all the kiddies listen to them and bang their heads in the air.. the difference is they like them because its dark and spooky, i like them because ive watched them grow up. and progress.. kinda cool to see.


ahhh people and their "cores"


is this metal core? or is it death core.. maybe its hard core.. or maybe its medio core. or maybe its bill nye the science guy core? too many choices.. time to go pound off with some a535. is that metal enough? should i hold an orb and crouch down on one knee first?


i love metal.


dont care for the idiots that come with it though.


I was talking about BDM.


And how am I an idiot for not allowing a non metal band on a metal exclusive thread? If you want a Mallcore thread, go make it, but don't blame me when you're filled with 12 year olds spamming BVB and BMTH.

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Thanks for posting that, Matt.


It reminded me how much I absolutely loved that documentary!


Great bunch of guys, too.




That reminded me of this.



I wonder where the on stage video is.

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I was talking about BDM.


And how am I an idiot for not allowing a non metal band on a metal exclusive thread? If you want a Mallcore thread, go make it, but don't blame me when you're filled with 12 year olds spamming BVB and BMTH.


Yous guys should fight. :)

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man, i just said i liked em a bit, i didnt post a video...


you have sand in your vagina for no reason.


i dont even know what mallcore is.


are we fighting now? man.. i dont want that.. internet fight.. i cant handle this right now. :)

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Definition: Shitty music you constantly hear blaring from within Hot Topic stores (Usually located in malls)


Definition 2: Shitty music that emo/scene kids have embraced


Definition 3: The same breakdown for every song, stupid sounding screaming, that same awful looking writing, plastered on the front of every tshirt.


Just my definitions. Only people I know of who listen to BDM are emo/scene, or don't know **** about metal and think it is.


I swear, if someone posts an A7X link, I'll shoot myself.

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Some metalcore bands are good, just nto the popular ones. Anyways what some consider metalcore i just consider hardcore since most cant tell the difference, hardcore is still a great genre and there are still a great handful of metalcore bands. The genre is **** on because some guys from the genre got famous using cheap metal techniques. Then because of hardcore you always have grindcore where some metalgore bands can fit in, the whole "core" scene can be confusing but i just put it under hardcore most of the time.

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Deathcore is just the same riff at different speeds, maybe a bit of shredding and the occasional divebomb or squeel, blast beats, bass that is virtually nonexistent, and guys that scream like they just had their balls ripped off.

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apple core. (what you find in the center of an apple)



i will stay out of your elitest bs thread. it is yours to do what you want with after all.


I'm not a metal elitist. My favorite genre is punk, my favorite band is The Ramones.


I just don't like it when rust (mallcore) gets on my metal.


You can post, just post metal.

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Deathcore is just the same riff at different speeds, maybe a bit of shredding and the occasional divebomb or squeel, blast beats, bass that is virtually nonexistent, and guys that scream like they just had their balls ripped off.

But thats just over judging from the few bands you heard. You cannot judge a whole genre from a handful of bands, you have to go deep into a genre find the works considered masterpieces and avant garde and etc then listen to them and make a complete judgment of the genre..

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I've got a deathcore junkie friend. And every time I go to his house, he shows me a different band, and tries to get me into it. It's just boring to me. I'm cool with screaming, as long as it sounds good. I'm cool with the same riffs, as long as it sounds good. I'm cool with nonexistent bass, I prefer listening to guitar anyways (I generally zone out the rest of the band when I have headphones in and focus on guitar) and let's face it, blast beats never sound good.

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Also, I could have seen Ensiferum about a year ago, but I didn't have a ride.


I was at that Ensiferum show. Paid the extra $ to hang out w/ them beforehand and get the autographed flyer. I didn't stay for much of Fintroll cuz it was a work night and had to drive back to Richmond.




Steve, I cannot reveal my hiding place.

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I was at that Ensiferum show. Paid the extra $ to hang out w/ them beforehand and get the autographed flyer. I didn't stay for much of Fintroll cuz it was a work night and had to drive back to Richmond.




Steve, I cannot reveal my hiding place.


Holy ****! The one at JAXX? You going to see CoB later this year? I'll be there with a friend of mine most likely.

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Definition: Shitty music you constantly hear blaring from within Hot Topic stores (Usually located in malls)


I stole this basic idea and told my wife the crap she was listening to on Sirius/XM Alt Nation was "Mallternative".

[lol] It did not go well, but I still think it was funny!

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