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how do i get my LP customized?


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I did some browsing online, im looking for a place that can do a custom headstock, pickguard and inlay for my LP. anyone know of a good site? im not going for crazy customization like a themed guitar that looks like a axe or something. I just want my headstock to say a something I want in pearl in the gibson font. and a custom pickguard with a design i designed, and maybe some sort of inlay. because i dont really like the stock rectangle inlays.

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Seriously though, this is a weekend project you can do by yourself for cheap.


All you will need is:

- Guitar you will be customizing

- Scalpel or X-ACTO knife

- Duct tape

- Mother of Pearl, elephant tusk, or toilet seat

- Paper towel tube (or two toilet paper tubes) cut into 1 inch sections

- 6oz Jack Daniels

- Coat hanger

- Aluminum foil (all good DIY projects need tin foil)


Use your imagination and have fun! Post pics when you're done!

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that i cannot do. im not very pro and i didnt take shop class in highschool. so somehow carving a headstock and etc is too much for me, i wouldent even know where to buy the wood. i have seen a couple websites online that do these things, but they have way too over the top designs, i emailed some that have not emailed me back. all i want are minor changes. they could even use the same headstock i have now just take out that diamond or w/e it is and put in what i want etc etc. i have seen pics of really customized guitars, i would think minor cosmetics like the ones i want should be really easy to come by.


and BTW the elvis edition king of rock gibson looks pretty clean w/ the crown inlays.

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