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parents who force their kids into sports, music, ect


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what do you guys think about parents who force their kids into activites like music or art or sports ect?




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I think kids need to be pushed to a point. My father pushed me pretty hard and I did fine, but I truly believe that kids are pushed way too much these days. I see all the things that they are required to do in high school, but when they get to college something happens that usually isn't good. I'm a university professor in engineering. I know that kids are much better prepared than me when I went to school, but the main difference I see is a lack of drive in them at the college level. This is a very general statement, but I think that the trend is there for the most part. I believe there are variety of reasons for this, but one of them is probably that they get burned out before they even get to college. Too much forcing induces rebellion IMHO and since parents have control until they are 18 (well one would think they do), the kids tend to rebel at the college level instead. Too little is a problem too for obvious reasons.

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I think parents shouldn't force their kids into anything (except bed on time). Encourage, suggest, provide opportunities, etc. But the kid needs to be the one who wants to do the activity. It's like fishing... you keep throwing bait until they nibble!

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There is balance in parenting. Some kids need to be placed into a position to try some things others do not. However, signing them up to try something is different than having them to keep doing it once the season (for sports) is over.


For example: We started my son in Football when he about 11 years old. I wanted him to play football for all of his highschool years. This way he might get picked up for a scholorship to pay or help pay for college. He didn't play this year (senior year). Now he will have to work to help pay for his own college. I wanted to force him to play and I tried to tell him playing football would be like his job to help pay for his college, but we let him make the choice.

Of course he won't get picked for the NFL either so I won't be getting a new guitar every Christmas/birthday.


On the other hand, I have a daughter who loves to try a lot of different things and she asks to sign up for all of them. In fact we have to limit what she can do because of time and money.


Every child/person is different and it is the parents job to know their kids in a close relationship in order to know when to force, push, encourage, or not to do anything for each one.

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I think that parents should "force" their kids to take sports, music, etc for about a month at a young age to find out what they like and what their talents are. After that it should be the kid's choice... unless it's clear they're a genius at something and don't want to put in the effort.


My mother "forced" me to play piano for 8 years until I decided it was worth practicing, and I'm so glad she did...

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+1 to Kenny. I imagine his insight is from still being forced to do things by his 'rents. ;-)


I think it's only healthy to encourage them and give them as many opportunities as you possibly can. If you force them to do something, they're gonna hate it most of the time. Period. My parents never forced me to get into music as a kid, and I never really had an interest...and I didn't until I was in my mid-teens. I really wish I would have been introduced to playing music as a kid, but I willingly rejected it to do other things. If they would have forced me, I probably would have hated it so much that I would have rebelled from it. But who knows? I only wished my parents would have of encouraged a little more strongly in that direction, but I can't put any blame on them. Instead, they encouraged me in other activities (and at the time, was the direction my talents were aimed at).

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that's right=d>

video games rot the brain


Not completely correct. Google the subject; there are countless studies on this and yes there are certain games that do nothing for a kids brain but most have a positive affect in small doses and many actually help develop good memorization skills, eye-hand coordination, comprehension, etc.


The key is for the parent to actually do their job and investigate what the kid is playing and then take an active role in monitoring how much the kids plays it.


The problem with video games and kids are the parents. They let their kids come home from school or whatever and play for hours on end so that they don't have to deal with them.

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i take it you play video games?

have em' play a guitar or drums (which also improve all the areas you listed) or anything besides sitting on their *** vegetating in front of a TV.


Oh yeah def.


Well that brings us back to making your kids do something. I don't know many 10-18 yrolds who will put the time in to be good at an instrument but most will play vgs if available. Society and kids love instant gratification and instruments don't give it up as quickly as a video game. Sucks but that's human nature at the moment.


And limiting your kids play time is the key. 30mins playing video games could get the bug out of their system and I don't think it would be "vegetating" if the games are productive. What physical difference is there from sitting on your *** playing guitar and sitting on your *** playing a video game? Either way my *** is numb, fingers tired and my eyes are blurry. Just two different ways to do something other than nothing.


Too much of anything can be bad. One of my best friends growing up played drums 75% of the time he wasn't in school and was amazing but he had next to zero social skills b/c of that. Carried over into his adulthood too. He can out play just about anyone but he isn't good with people so he just plays by himself. His older brother was the same way on sax, I don't think he plays at all anymore. Their parents pushed them too much and they suffered for it.

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As a parent I have to say that forcing our children to do things is one of the last fun things we have! Besides that, kids don't know what's good for them and we "force" them to try new things and to stick with them until they find out if they are any good at them. It's our job and responsibility.

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that's right=d>

video games rot the brain


So does Crystal Meth.


Meth and Video Games are two completely different things, of course... one is highly addictive, rather expensive, has a host of harmful side effects to your health, and is responsible for the deaths of many teens in schools across America....


...and the other's CRYSTAL METH!

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