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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. That works for the 16 and under crowd.
  2. Pee is a body fluid, if I remember correctly from Biology. Or have we thrown that discipline of science out the window now that many boys that what to be girls, and girls who what to be boys, or be called some random number divided by the square root of Pii? Non-Binary I think is the new Lib name for it. So this guitar was made by some Wiccan High Priestess. When did Stevie Nicks work at the Gibson acoustic plant?
  3. Gezzus. That is some feet of mechanical engineering? Its got fulcrums and pivot points and springs and leavers.
  4. There is only one word for curved pickup rings, they are _________________________ (fill in the blank). Not sure where the irony would be on a set of pup rings?
  5. I would think an ultra liberal ex-dope smoking (or current dope smoking) hippy would be against corporate greed. I guess not. You make no sense. You b-itch at many of us (mostly me) who say things or stuff you don't agree with, but a big uber rich guitar company who has done illegal business practices you support. And use their products. I guess you support China too?
  6. I saw them in 2006. K W Shepard opened. He was really good. Ted (The Ego-mouth) Nugent was next. He was okay when he wasn't talking political BS between songs. He did play The Great White Buffalo. And he is such a manly man, and he shot a cross bow into a cardboard cut out of Saddam Hussein. I was so impressed he could hit a non moving cardboard cut out from 10 yards away. What a terrific hunter he is. Then ZZ Top. They were great. They only played two lame songs from their 80's trash (Legs and Gimme All Your Lovin') the rest was all killer and no filler. Manic Mechanic was the icing on the cake.
  7. And for all you 16 year old's: "Kick out the Jams boys and girls". Then on to the classic riff.
  8. There are a number of ways a musician can make money and The Beatles didn’t really profit from any of them as much as they could have. The first is music sales. And while the Beatles totally dominated music sales for several years, they weren’t getting a great deal from their label or management. They originally received one penny for each record sold (not one each, one between them). So while their music was marching off the shelves, they were earning .25% of a penny each. This was renegotiated by Allen Klein in 1969 but for most of their career, others were earning more from their music than they were. It’s worth remembering that when the Beatles signed up with EMI they had been rejected by the only other record label who would even give them a chance to play. They were desperate for a record deal but couldn’t afford to be choosy at all. Modern musicians make a fortune from touring. A promoter agrees to pay a band like The Rolling Stones millions of dollars to perform 12 shows in their country and the Stones sign up, leaving the promoter to try and sell as many tickets at the highest possible prices, usually by booking huge venues. But touring wasn’t as lucrative in the Beatles day because stadiums weren’t used for Rock and Roll shows (until they played Shea Stadium). When big bands come to Melbourne Australia (for example) they play the Melbourne Cricket Ground which can seat over 80,000 as a concert venue and with tickets going for close to $100, it’s possible to make well over half a million dollars for one night’s show. When the Beatles played Melbourne they performed for three nights at Festival Hall, the largest venue available but still only capable of seating a few thousand. They played six shows over three nights to a total of 45,000 people, which means there wasn't’ a huge amount of cash to go around. And of course The Beatles only toured for the first half of their short career and stopped playing concerts in the second half. The also didn’t earn as much as they could have because Epstein negotiated contracts long in advance, which means he made several long term bookings before the Beatles popularity meant promoters could ask more per ticket and Brian could demand a higher price. Their tour of Australia occurred when Beatlemania was at it’s height but was booked before they were huge which meant the contracts were signed for less money (Apparently George’s first words to the Aussie promoter were “you got us for the cheaper rate didn’t you?”) Merchandise is a big money spinner for a popular brand but manger Brian Epstein has often admitted that he did badly by the band when it came to merchandising rights. He grossly underestimated the demand for the Beatles faces on a variety of tat and while people were making huge sums from Beatle wigs and other nonsense, the band themselves were making next to nothing. Songwriting rights are a common way for musicians to make money and John and Paul as writers did earn money from their compositions. But they were ripped off here as well as they formed a company which they only owned 49% of between them. Publisher **** James and his partner owned 51%. They did see some money from their song rights but not as much as they could have. The Beatles had other incomes streams as well (their three movie deal for example) but they raised their money in traditional ways and those ways were not as lucrative as you might think. And they were taxed heavily by the UK tax laws, which prompted George to write Taxman as an angry response. It should also be noted that they were terrible businessmen and their notorious Apple Corp lost them a massive amount of cash with no return. They did okay for themselves of course but I’ve heard it said (but can’t confirm) that all four made more money in their first year as ex-Beatles than they did in their years as Beatles because they had so much control over their input and finances. Now back on track. Listen to the 2018 Remix of The Beatles - The Beatles. It's different and I like it better than the original. Giles brought a lot of stuff up in the mix that was buried. He also did a great job on Sgt. Pepper, Abbey Road and Let It Be. Abbey Road being the least different.
  9. That's the biggest load of s-hit I've ever heard. March 22, 1963 the album Please Please Me is released. March 23, 1963 (I guess this would be day two), The Beatles are not yet millionaires and do not have Carte Blanch at then EMI Studio. It wasn't named Abbey Road till 1976. Their 1st number one hit in the US was not till February 1, 1964. Late 1963 the mania of Beatlemania began.
  10. It not like I'm wearing her bra and going shopping. I'm using her nail file on a guitar pick.
  11. It wont let me open the link so I have no clue how strange this sticker is. Apparently is has something to do with birds and cults.
  12. Thread over, move along, nothing to see here, post a pic of Bozo The Clown aka Bono and lets be done.
  13. At 9.7k a pop these guitars are for the uber Noel fans with cash, and collectors with cash. Its not for the minimum wage Noel fan or the Noel fan on the Dole, or for the working man guitarist. Gibson hasn't been for a long long time. He's an English guitarist/singer/songwriter and the UK may get 5 total. Wow what a slap in the face UK. They only made a bit south if $400,000 on the Cat Steven's guitar. But then they only made 50. At $9799 for the guitar, and only 200 made (and all are spoken for) that's 40k short of 2 million in Gibson's pocket, and you guys did that. Give yourselves and hand ! What sig models that we don't know about are on the way to clear more of Gibson's debt?
  14. You have heard the lyrics to that song right. Its not a love song. Its an Anti-love song. If you are saying this about the one you love, you may not love them: A simple prop to occupy my time And Another prop has occupied my time
  15. Nothing Gibson has ever done has been shady, oh wait most of the stuff they do is shady. If they didn't get your 10k for that (cause you were not quick enough on the draw) there are 200 other WILLING buyers that will drop that cash because of a name on a headstock, and bragging rights. Anyone who gets one gonna gig it? I seriously doubt it. Don't even point at it:
  16. Call Pete Townshend, he can help.
  17. I have no idea what your level of guitar tech-dom is but there are people out there that are good at it. One thing is you don’t just get any guitar and start cranking on the truss rod to solve a problem.
  18. Remember there are 2 different things: remastering and remixing. Remastering means to go back change nothing to the master tapes except just push all the faders up. Remixing means going back to the masters and change stuff in the mix we did or didn’t hear.
  19. On the 2018 Remix of The Beatles - The Beatles, if you bought the CD or LP with the Esher Demos (done at George's house after India) its almost every song off The White album the lads did as demo's.
  20. My BB King was the only Gibson of the 25, or so I owned that came with one.
  21. With the Big's on it there is no way the SG does the classic neck dive. Nice SG.
  22. Now go out and buy a 5k guitar and turn into a 3k guitar. Yeah its your do what you want with it. Welcome.
  23. When mono was the flavor of the day The Beatles albums were mixed for mono and stereo LP's. The Beatles stuck around for the mono mixes and didn't really care about the stereo one and Geoff Emerick and maybe Sir. G. Martin would take care of the stereo ones. Then of course later stereo was the flavor of the day as more people had stereo systems. The last Beatles album to be done in mono and stereo was The Beatles (aka The White Album). If you have ever heard them side by side there are differences. Also remember Let It Be was up in the air as to what it was going to be, a live show, a book, and album ect. They made the doc, and recorded songs, and then moved on the make Abbey Road, and let Let It Be . . . Be. But the title track was slated for a single. Then it came out, and then Phil (Nut Job Wall Of Mush) Spector was handed the tapes of Let It Be behind Paul's back by John and George. Some groups put out alternate versions of one song on a Greatest Hits album, so hard core fans will want the new version.
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