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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. Yeah but half was George Martins orchestrated score and not the lads. The Beatles stuff was great.
  2. Saw a LP Trad Pro V today in CG. The QC was terrible and it was 2k. Everyone is calming Gibson is back. I don't see it.
  3. I think no, but I have been wrong at least once.
  4. MMT is good. I hate Flying and Blue Jay Way. Strawberry Fields and Penny Lane were singles from before Pepper (lazy). The title track is dy-no-mite though. Rich Man is great. Hello Goodbye is just alright. All You Need Is Love is good, and another sing along. My first post was the most correct - The White Album. But seriously there is no right or wrong. Its The Beatles.
  5. That was when the album as a art form started.
  6. I grew up in San Jose. A's, Warriors, Sharks and Raiders are my teams.
  7. Here is a good song and a hat option for you.
  8. My cousin turned me on to The White Album in the summer of '79. We used to listen to Rev #9 first sitting at one speaker and then the other to hear the different stuff from each speaker. I can't stand it. Used to think it was cool, but now I'm older and wiser and it's nothing more than LSD fueled sh!t.
  9. Dig Tool, they always do stuff that after one listen will get skipped. Haven't heard it, but I'm gonna download it soon and check it out. They came and now with legal scalping and being allowed to sell your tickets back online for whatever price you want, tix were going for $400, I gave a big F U to that noise.
  10. If you would have gotten a Custom Martin, unless ordering a slope shoulder shaped one, that they make would be nothing like a J-45, except maybe the body shape.
  11. Pepper is always a great choice. The opening chords to Getting Better slap you right in the face. Who else in rock was doing anything like She's Leaving Home. The Moody Blues did interesting stuff. But not like The Fab 4.
  12. I know I saw Macca a few years back and Blackbird musically was great but Pauls voice was not there. He can still do the rockers. but on ballads its not that great. I'm real about stuff. I just don't salivate over everything my idols do. If its cr@p I will say so. Like almost every song the lads let Ringo sing. It was un-nessesary when you had a singer like Paul in the group who can almost do it al by himself. Like I said I'm and electrician and if I came to your house to do work and it was substandard I would expect you to say as much. Same for music. Doesn't matter who he is, if its not good, its not good. Sorry bout that. What was his last good album? For me Blood On The Tracks. After that meeh.
  13. Yep you are absolutely right. Obviously your not a golfer.
  14. If you have read my posts don't hate him and have seen him live 3 times. I said his voice is blown and can't sing anymore. If you like his current vocal stylings good on ya. He is a pro and his bands are always tight. I'm sorry you elders refuse to admit his voice is not what it once was. Yes he still tours cause he must still enjoy it and makes records cause he is a musician and that is what they do. I'm an electrician. I don't weld cause it's not what I get paid to do and second I don't know how to do it.
  15. Get Zoot Allures stitched on it instead of Steve.
  16. I've never heard Love. I know people say they did a real good job with it. I listened to The White Album about 50 times last year, Pepper about 30 and Road about 15. If you haven't heard the 50th anniversary editions, I think they are fantastic and don't listen to the original mixes of those 3 much since the new ones give me a b0ner.
  17. I just have few baseball hats I wear now and again. Nothing cool or interesting. Mostly the NFL, NHL, college, and other teams I like. I did get a bad@ss pair of cowboy boots when I was in Austin several years ago. Classic black with cool stitching made by I believe the Heritage boot company.
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