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Everything posted by SteveFord

  1. Wait until he mounts the trapeze tail piece - then you'll get some volume out of that sucker! I AM IRON MAN oh yeah... I have to go to Nazreth and give the high end room a dose of I AM MARTIN MAN and see how long it takes for them to kick me out.
  2. It was nothing really special, well in a way it was as it was a Les Paul Special, the 2019 w/ P90s in honeyburst. For a couple of hundred bucks more you can get a much nicer used guitar so I'm not too heartbroken. My new Firebird was a little over $500 more and you get a case that will withstand a nuclear blast and it's a much better instrument so whatever. Right now I'm going to play the crap out of that TV Yellow Special and break it in a bit. Last night the G string sliced through a callous so it has that new guitar feel to it!
  3. That looks beautiful! The D35 should be a warmer sounding guitar than the 28, more emphasis on the low end. This will come in handy when doing Black Sabbath unplugged.
  4. Cancelled my order with Guitar Center - they kept sending the order to store after store and none of them actually had one in inventory. I can't understand why they've been teetering on bankruptcy forever.
  5. Now THERE'S one for Grandpa Munster!
  6. Boy, Guitar Center sure is stupid. Yeah, one store has 3 in inventory, we'll get you one that's still boxed up. Oh, they had inventory problems, we're getting a new one sent from somewhere else. It's going to the store and then they're sending it to you. No, I don't see anything being sent to us, I'll get one coming here... It's a GC exclusive and I wanted to buy new but maybe that was not the way to go.
  7. Yeah, the dog was great. I can't believe the guy actually released the video of it but guess it was too good to keep to himself.
  8. That thing went so fast it blew the hubcaps off.
  9. I don't mean to brag but here's my spiffy number, 4 Cylinders of Ford Focus Fury. Oh, yeah...
  10. The GAD's are pretty light weight. What with the pandemic they appear to be scarce on the ground at the moment just like all of the imports. We have a GAD 30 and the sound quality has improved over the years, it's gotten a bit deeper and richer. Right off the bat it was all upper registers. Seems to be well made and is real easy to play. Slim neck and it didn't take too much to get the action down. It has a tweed case which is probably pretty useless for actual protection. It's no Martin D-35 but for the price it's pretty good.
  11. No work today so I think it would be stupid not to get away from this computer, read a book and play a Flying V through a little 20W Marshall.
  12. Lack of a control cavity plate will also make changing things around a bit of a challenge, I would think. It looks like they went for a warmer tone on the current ones which isn't a bad thing at all. You're not going to go wrong with any of them. Now a 335 with P90s, hmmm...
  13. So when do we all pile in and go cruisin' for burgers?
  14. It's good to know the bucket list changes as I guess when it's full you have to kick it? No pics, nothing to show yet. No Holy Grail type thing, just something that caught my eye and made me stop as it reminded me of something I stupidly sold in my 20s. When the buyer left with the guitar I just felt like such an idiot. The money went, the guitar was gone and that was the end of that.
  15. To checking off all of the guitars on Ye Olde Bucket List. Maybe tomorrow afternoon a box gets chucked at me. Nothing fantastic but I think it'll be worth getting.
  16. Retired, Maybe poke around for one of the used Guild GAD models?
  17. That looks like it's doing 200 just sitting there - just WOW!
  18. It looks like it's a less aggressive (or hot) pick up as what they have used in the past. This guy here sure seems pleased with his purchase. If it was me I'd just leave things alone and enjoy what I have. It really looks like a winner and the internet, everybody always groans and moans about their pick ups.
  19. As little as humanly possible. Woke up, watched SNL on the laptop, read a bit, went back to bed and then boldly sprung into action and bought a guitar that I've been thinking about for two years. I procrastinated as long as possible and it was getting down to you snooze you lose time. It's either going to be a really disappointing pile or really good, one of those. Details to follow next week.
  20. I can't believe I forgot what I did to my 335 until I read it on another forum! This GOTW Explorer was driving me crazy. There's no shine like Mother's as the ad goes.
  21. I did this such a long time ago I forgot about it. If you have a guitar where the nitro wasn't given sufficient time to cure before they sprayed more on there: wipe the neck down with lighter fluid (naptha) use a damp cloth and apply a good coat of paste carnauba wax (I use Mother's California Gold) and let it sit for around 10 minutes use a little elbow grease when you buff it off with an old t-shirt or similar. That should do it without harming the finish. If it comes back, repeat but you probably won't have to.
  22. https://www.gibson.com/Gear/Humbucker-Pickups/IM57P https://www.gibson.com/Gear/Humbucker-Pickups/IM57R You might like what you have in there better, though. Can you take the guitar somewhere to compare it to another one?
  23. I'm pretty sure everything in Australia can. Great shot, that must have been exciting to see that bird just pop out.
  24. All of them! I was so dejected over that Empty Box from Canada that I never really played the replacement Classic with the P90s. I took a couple pictures, made sure everything worked, did a set up and stuck it aside. Last night I spent a few hours with it, today I played it for another 3 or 4 and it mates up really well with that Marshall Origin 20. I have decided that Classic is a good one and so is that amp. The DSL 40 has more controls and gizmos and stuff but I'm happier with the Origin, it's just fiddle with a few knobs and you've got that instant Plastic On The Pickguard ICONIC tone (more or less). The friggin' sticky neck kept coming back on that GOTW Explorer so I did some more reasearch and somebody mentioned Carnauba Wax. I forgot all about that so out to the garage, a wipe down with lighter fluid, a good scrub with Mother's Gold Carnauba Paste Wax and it's slickern'n snot on a doorknob as an old roommate used to say. The Mother's has a mild abrasive in it so it'll cut through the gunk but won't screw up the finish. I did that on my old Satin 335 and it still feels really good and that was years ago. Also working on another big box to keep me off the streets while my neighbors happily infect each other. At what point do you reach Iconic Overload?
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