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Everything posted by SteveFord

  1. I know, just weird. The last 2006 Firebird VII I tried to buy the guy did the same thing but he was jumping at $600 increments or something crazy like that. Some nut finally bought it. The wife monster took her dog out to buy another car load full of toys so brought the tobacco burst Les Paul Standard down for a whirl. She's never seen it and I plan on keeping it that way. This is really the first bit of playing it that I've done so I'll try and do a mini review tomorrow. I've got it set up right, now just see if I can get used to the stubby little beauty. Compared to a Firebird it's missing about 4" of neck...
  2. Worked (as usual) and am going out for a bike ride to buy tortoise food. Checked in on the Facebook Marketplace and the guy with that Firebird VII just raised the price by another $100! There's something wrong with these people.
  3. I got a set of replacement Steinbergers from Gibson a while back. You have to be careful with the top set "T" as it's a pretty flimsy design. If they'll drop in I have no idea. FWIW, they went to alnico pick ups on the current Firebird. I know my 2019 sounds better than the previous ones, it's pretty noticeable.
  4. You found the right place for that. That guitar looks beautiful, post pics when it shows.
  5. I'll take the two on the left, please.
  6. Move to PA, the cold will take care of the weeds. Good news, that Schaeller roller bridge totally cured the tuning instability on that Explorer. Other than that, worked 12 hours and time to call it a day.
  7. The good stuff sold out pretty fast on that one. The Firebird with the whammy bar caught my eye last week but instantly gone.
  8. I don't think a 345 would be better than a Lucille. Different but not better. I always wanted one since I met a guy who had one when I was in my teens. We'll see. Strings finally showed up so stuck a Schaller roller bridge on the 2007 GOTW Explorer, hopefully that will help with the tuning stability. I was REALLY happy as the posts just dropped right into the Gibson bushings and the spacing was fine. There's no way I'm reaming out the guitar for anything.
  9. I was living with my grandparents and I was trying to sleep. My grandfather knocked on the door, got me up and said you like John Lennon, it just came on TV, he was shot and killed. What a horrible thing to hear.
  10. Damndest thing I ever saw. A lot of really nice guitars are coming up for sale these days so forget that thing. There's a beautiful ES345 on eBay right now but these guys are going to bid it through the roof.
  11. I don't know if I mentioned this here or not. A while back I was trying to buy a Firebird VII, I asked the guy if he'd accept a deposit and the remainder in a week or so and he jacked the price up $600 and then eventually jacked it up another $600 after that. Needless to say, I didn't buy that one. I found another one on Facebook and asked the guy if he'd ship as it would be a 6 hour round trip. No shipping so I said I'll let him know on Thursday. The next day he jacks the price up $100... It must be my breath. I don't think I'll bother pursuing any more Firebird VIIs, one is enough.
  12. Always fun to get new amps. I'm with brad1, good to see you back. Your ears must have been burning, you came up on a thread not too long ago.
  13. That is a pretty one, have fun with it. Bet that neck is just about perfect, too.
  14. The Lucille has a big neck for BB's big hands. You get used to it but it's sizeable. Good luck with the 330L, they don't seem to come up for sale too often.
  15. If you like science fiction Philip K **** was great. This site, His last name starts with a D and then there is ick. He was totally nuts but his writing was just great. The underlying theme of all of his work was what is reality? He got it into his head that what we're seeing an experiencing is just a superficial layer. Crazy man but interesting reading.
  16. I'd chance it. Mostly non-fiction fairly recent current events type stuff. Nearly done with John Brennan's Undaunted (really good) and up next is Facts And Fears by James Clapper. That black Classic never did turn up. Whoever grabbed it got a beauty, it was pristine.
  17. Taking a break from work, waiting on a 10 pack of strings which is somewhere between Utah and my mail box. I've been keeping a spreadsheet on COVID-19 cases since March and overnight PA increased by 42,884 cases. Forty Two Thousand. Holy ****.
  18. I would think a Medium C would be fairly stout but not unreasonable. As long as it's not Richlite I'd so go for it.
  19. I was in the same boat and was forced to buy a Gold Top with P90s and then an ICONIC burst with humbuckers. You won't go wrong with either but the P90s sound really good through a Marshall and bring about a certain complexity to the sound that you won't get with humbuckers. Here's some recycled guitar porn until I take some new pics:
  20. I'm sure that no one would disagree that there are few more ICONIC sights in musical instruments than the Les Paul output jack. All kidding aside, the back is 2 piece but the seam isn't where I thought it was and I don't think this neck could warp as it's a Louisville Slugger type. If you have small hands, go for the 60s Standards. This thing is YUGE from stem to stern. Doubles as a war club, that type of neck. Even unplugged, LOTS of volume, it just rings. The fret board was dry as my granny (as someone here once said) and it lost the real attractive striping once it was oiled up. Maybe that's why they left it that way. The wood grain is much nicer than I thought it would be but it's nothing jaw dropping. I'll give a better write up and some pics once my strings show up and I've got it all set up. Everything works and no flaws that jumped out at me. It was made just a few weeks ago (9/30/2020) and the seller swiped the little Swiss Army Knife tool.
  21. ICONIC looking brown case warming up at the moment. Weighs a ton, it's either full of slate patio stones or a Les Paul.
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