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Everything posted by SteveFord

  1. From my experience the new ones are ICONIC indeed. For the Modern series, the SG Standard is really nice. Personally, I think the blew it with not trying to trademark the word ICONIC. They certainly use it often enough. Then again, I can see trying to protect the ICONIC shape of the Flying V, for instance,
  2. PHEW! As long as the guys in the fake motorcycle jackets and Converse fruit boots hang around we're good.
  3. No wonder she set it on fire. Probably broke up with the band, too. Cheap bloody wankers with their Chibson 345, I'm going back to the Led Zepplin tour bus!
  4. Watched my fellow Americans misbehave drunkenly on the news today, fed some critters, worked and thought about maybe getting a big box delivered right into my grubby mitts. Do I chintz out and get something affordable or hold off and spring for something stupidly overpriced? I'm thinking chintz out and wait for something to just pop up unexpectedly.
  5. That album cover with the nude woman holding up a burning 345 can only be described as ICONIC.
  6. There's still time to get that Lucille.
  7. Stingy brim and a 345, what's not to like?
  8. Only if it's bolted on like Herman Munster's head, otherwise, no thank you.
  9. Here's a new one: the Moderna vaccine for COVID-19 somehow changes our DNA. Perhaps it turns the human race into Yettis?
  10. Use a third party hosting site like https://imgur.com/
  11. It might be too late, go check out some of the stuff on Reverb. I would like to replace the mid 70s ES-335 I stupidly sold but not at $4000 I'm not.
  12. The body's the same stuff, just has F holes stamped out of it. My 335 is a light guitar but that Lucille is a bit much. Big neck, too. If one pops up at a decent price and I have the dough I'll probably get one. I really wish they had kept the VariTone on the new ones, I don't buy that part about people not wanting the Tone Suck Device was such an ICONIC feature.
  13. I think a 345 might be lighter than a Lucille but I could be wrong. I guess it would depend on stereo/mono/varitone/neck profile. I've wanted a 345 since I was in my teens but those things aren't cheap so who knows. This pandemic won't last forever and then it'll be murdersickles getting my attention once again.
  14. Lucky. We don't have pancake trees here in PA. Not even a waffle bush. Maybe the air from NJ killed them off. Worked and spent today wishing ES-345s were less expensive. Are they really worth 1 1/2 Les Paul Standards? They press the bodies out on a machine.
  15. I don't like the sound of any of this. It was bad enough when I learned they had Hitler's brain, kept alive in a jar, down in South America.
  16. I'm just afraid they'll stick a Varitone in my navel when they inject me with the 5G mind control vaccine. That'll suck the tone right out of me.
  17. Aside from the all too real Lizard People from outer space controlling us I now have to decide between COVID-19 is not real OR it is real and is transmitted through the 5G network somehow or other. And if it IS real and is transmitted through the 5G network is Bill Gates really putting microchips or nanobots in the vaccine to turn me into his sex slave? Questions, questions, questions flooding through the mind of the concerned young person of today...
  18. I'll take yours, thank you. Do you need me to PM you my address?
  19. You forgot Tang. I drag a swimming pool's worth of that crap as a kid.
  20. https://www.gibson.com/GibsonTV/Gibsons Guide to Guitar Setup and Maintenance/gtvortac0/epbopx4l It's in here about covering a coin in Scotch tape and using that as a feeler gauge. His whole series is really good.
  21. After a fair bit of screwing around with pick up height I went with Gibson's recommendations using the old dime, penny, nickel feeler gauge trick. Too close to the strings and it sounded really piercing, too far away and it sounded like it was at the other end of a tunnel.
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