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Everything posted by SteveFord

  1. I have a Firebird VII, it's on a stand right next to me. It's a bruiser to play just like I remembered. It kind of feels like something that belongs in a marching band next to the bassoon. It's mostly number of pick ups for 1, III (gets a whammy bar) and V, the VII has an ebony fret board, Lyre tail piece and 3 pick ups plus it weighs a bit. Kind of like the difference between a 335 and a Lucille, same thing just more upscale and heavier with a stouter neck. Same family but a whole different feel to it.
  2. I wouldn't mind owning a white Firebird with the mini humbuckers.
  3. Arctic White 3 pick up SG Custom, ebony fretboard, Lyre tail piece, gold plated hardware, non-reliced that doesn't cost a gazillion bucks. ES 345 w/ VariTone and ES 355 w/ ebony fret board, VariTone, Lyre tail piece, gold plated hardware, mono.
  4. I've sold a ton of stuff on eBay over the years but never Reverb. I knew this one potential eBay buyer from my old motorcycle biz and this guy was a YUGE PITA. I had a book on MV Agustas for sale for $50. He writes me and says he wants the book but doesn't want to pay that much. I wrote back "then don't buy it". I never heard from him again, thank god.
  5. Cherry Red The Iconic Gibson EDS-1275 "Doubleneck" I should certainly say so! I would refer to it as Iconic Squared if only it were mine all mine.
  6. Different recording gear, though. All analog back then with tube gear so there's that to consider.
  7. There is an upside: this will give you the benefit of using HOT HIDE GLUE if you go to the right place.
  8. I noticed that SG wasn't up for grabs. C'mon, Dweeze, cough it up!
  9. I watched it while playing my ICONIC Gibson Firebird VII. It looks like they really crank out the guitars there. I think I saw one of mine swing past on that overhead line...
  10. Good deal. The new Les Pauls are really excellent (with the occasional exception).
  11. I guess it all depends on how much you like that particular guitar. If it was mine I'd give it another shot at a repair and then give up and buy another Studio to beat on.
  12. For the sound of those old pick ups, could it simply be due to the age and not the construction?
  13. I was holding out for baked Richlite but I guess it would melt.
  14. First Zombie Threads, now Zombie Topics. Another sign that the apocalypse is upon us. Glad to see the news guy can use ebony again, though.
  15. It was probably that black cloth that Gibson is including with the new guitars.
  16. Nobody asked but I like it just the way it is, too.
  17. I'm afraid that's where Dweezil comes up short. While it's nice to see that old music being performed it's that same old music being performed.
  18. Just watched the Barcelona show, thanks for pointing me there. No 60 minutes and out the door with those guys.
  19. The 490s in my Lucille and Les Paul studio have some bite to them if that's what you're after.
  20. Thanks. I haven't seen my old guitar since 1980 so wasn't sure if I'd be disappointed with it or not. I remember really enjoying it, though, but I didn't have anything too compare it to other than my SG Standard.
  21. Did you get a chance to play that 335 with the trapeze tail piece or just decide not to bother?
  22. They can come through set up oddly. That white SG I have had the most overpowering bass notes on the bridge pick up, no wonder nobody played it! It could just be coincidence or perhaps electronics but I've noticed that the heavier Les Pauls are the ones that sound the best. The 60s neck Standard that's here is under 9 pounds, that 50s neck is over 10 pounds as is the Classic and Gold Top Standard. From this bunch, at least, the heavier ones have the richer tones. Shame you need a block and tackle to play them for any real length of time. Either that or I suppose you could rent a midget and rest the cutaway on the top of their head. All sorts of bad jokes could come out of that one.
  23. I had one of those 76 335s brand new which means I'm old. It's been so long since I've played one of those I'm not sure if I'd be disappointed or be in love with it. I do know that when I had it I just loved that guitar but I was also a kid without much experience. For when I croak, I've given it some thought. Maybe will one to a buddy as a surprise and let the poor slob who gets stuck settling my Estate handle to rest.
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