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Everything posted by SteveFord

  1. That is a strange looking but I can see why it was removed before shipping. Beautiful guitar!
  2. Who could be expected to survive the onslaught of a wave of Canadians all hopped up on Labatt's Ale armed with hockey sticks like modern day insurrectionists? North Koreans, maybe, but not us, where's the remote? 59 335 GC scratch n dent quality $5799 59 335 dumpster find $9299 I can't make up my mind and that stimulus check is burning a hole in my pocket.
  3. Cleaned out my in box, thanks. New Martin J-40, you say? Hmmm...
  4. https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/11/europe/lou-ottens-dies-scli-intl/index.html I suspect whoever invented the 8 Track will outlive us all out of spite.
  5. Today I rediscovered which boa constrictor it is you have to wear a leather glove for when it's feeding time! Eyesight may not be very good but the heat sensing pits work perfectly...
  6. I don't know anything about the model but a Special with what looks like an ebony fret board with a gloss finish should be around 700-850, I would think. Aside from that one knob the front looks fine.
  7. I can't think of one new model past the Firebird that I'd care to buy. It seems like the guitar manufacturers all ran out of appealing ideas at around the same time. Maybe the 339 series but does shrinking a 335 really count as a new idea? Does making a Les Paul a semi-hollow body count?
  8. You made me learn something new: the average temperature of the universe. It turned out to be minus 269 degrees Celsius or minus 452 degrees Fahrenheit. I thought Pennsylvania was bad. Worked 12 hour day, relaxing with the ES-345, scheming on one last guitar purchase, fed reptiles, ordered a motorcycle battery as a prophylactic measure, the usual. For the 345 the neck kept sticky so I kept it out the case for a few days and left the case open, I think that's what it needed. It was probably trapped in there for most of the past 15 years.
  9. PSI, please, for the tires. After a decade of Moto Guzzis I can look at a bolt and go 6x1.0 45mm shank, you'll need a 5mm Allen socket or 10mm if it's a hex head, 4mm Allen if it's button or countersunk. I never spent much time with Standard hardware so have to cheat and measure. I'm happy to say my bikes are now all Metric so that makes the mechanic (me) happy.
  10. Give me metric hardware any day of the week, I hated working on Hardley Abelsons, I had to buy a whole new set of tools and try to guess what size that stuff was. Errr, big? The older British bikes, of course, would throw in a couple of different types of hardware just because that's what they did. It's enough to make you want to drag a Les Paul down the sidewalk in a downpour and then sell it at a premium.
  11. I'm with rct, somebody dinged it.
  12. I would hope not. They finally got the pick ups right and offset that by screwing up the head stock.
  13. Ugh. You can keep that fake beat up stuff for your fake rock star life.
  14. You answered my question about that vibrola.
  15. Aural memory is transitory. I like to think that my early 70s SG Standard roared like the Gods and the Heavens parted when played through a Marshall stack. Did it really? I can't honestly say, I'd have to A/B it to a current model to know for sure.
  16. For sure, some of the current Gibsons sound as good as anything I've ever heard. As one of my friends put it simply because it's old doesn't mean it's any good.
  17. Let us know how this works out. My Firebird VII sounds decidedly wimpy compared to the Vs, I was putting it down to the pick ups but now you've got me wondering if it isn't the patented Tone Suck Handle.
  18. Sorry to hear that about the wife. I only know of a couple of people who have had it so far, no reactions. Guess I'll see what, if anything, it does to me.
  19. The SG gets pride of place, of course, as consider the source. Plus I'm sure it's REALLY nice. Be kind of a shame not to get a Firebird to keep it company, though, and that one wall looks out of place with an odd number and then an even number.
  20. Maybe you'll like this one better. I try but the necks on them just feel totally foreign to me so back on the wall they go.
  21. No thank you. Got the appt made for my coronavirus vaccine so this Sat it's shoot me up.
  22. Now we're talking! You'd better keep her around.
  23. You aren't kidding that looks beautiful, congratulations! Thanks for the review on the pick ups, I was wondering about them.
  24. We've got to see a picture of this one! Gibson pump polish or Virtuoso with a soft cloth should be okay and I'd avoid prolonged sunlight on it. A little humidity couldn't hurt things.
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