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Everything posted by SteveFord

  1. That was really good! Guitar could stand a spot of Virtuoso Polish, though.
  2. Those crazy snakes, those things make me laugh. I don't know why but these two boas have decided that they MUST take over two monitor lizard cages! Another one is going berserk trying to get out of a cage, it's rubbing it's snout raw so I let it run around. What does it do? Goes on top of another cage and curls up. What's the difference between one spot and the other? Who knows., Gibson's spokesperson, Slash, gave away his snakes, I didn't know that. Big snakes and babies are a really bad combination. Guess having a python sock him in the face didn't help their cause, either: https://www.irishexaminer.com/lifestyle/arid-30155467.html I would have replaced them with smaller ones, Hognose snakes stay small and are really cool and wouldn't go after a baby (or your face).
  3. It kind of looks like it went through that flood that they had but each to their own.
  4. PA is still going up a steady 6-700 cases per day so that explains why the news sounds the same. I just got back from buying a cooler full of frozen rats and rabbits from a guy who had the cornavirus last Spring. Big, burly Harley guy, 50 years old, he said he thought he was going to die when he had it and it did permanent damage to his leg and hip joints. He was walking like a robot, the poor guy.
  5. Thetubestore.com is a real good source. They keep saying that JJ's have got their kwality control under control but who really knows. Too true about NOS, they'd pop in a new tube and stick the used one back in the box.
  6. Thank you, they gave her a bunch of meds at the hospital yesterday, she says she thinks she lost 30 pounds losing all of the stored up water. My favorite monitor lizard, Squirrley, died today. This year has been the s hits.
  7. Wife is vomiting and took to bed, agonized over the purchase of a Marshall amp and finally bought one, played through the 100W half stack to make sure it won't catch on fire when turned on, bought the electrical guts from a 2020 Les Paul Standard (P90s for a Firebird, rest of it for a Les Paul Special), read part of Madeline Albright's Fascism: A Warning out in the sun with the tortoises and now time to go dodge giant carnivorous lizards and feed hungry boa constrictors. I'll give the monitors some hot dogs to keep them occupied for a moment. They just gulp them right down. Taking the Sunday afternoon nap without the dog snoring away is still really strange.
  8. I'll bet they were great back then. I saw them live from Secret Treaties right to a year or three after Godzilla came out. I hate to say it but they had really gone downhill by the last show. The last Who album was better than I expected it to be. It had its moments but not the same when half of the band isn't around any more.
  9. Done dooed it. Thanks for the input, I went with a recent one with the Celestion V-type already installed. I now have small, medium and gigundo.
  10. Can't beat the price, enjoy it!
  11. The tonal qualities of these things does seem to be all over the place, doesn't it? I had one of those ES-125s and I actually gave the guitar away. I was expecting to sound like George Thorogood but maybe if you threw a wet blanket over the amp... I've got a recent Special coming my way and I'm going to take Dub 1-2-3's advice and change out the guts and see what that does.
  12. You're probably better off. Caffeine withdrawal is REALLY bad. I gave up after 1 day and back to coffee it is.
  13. I will have to pop off the control plate to take a look when it shows. https://www.stewmac.com/kits-and-projects/electronic-kits/wiring-kits/premium-wiring-kit-for-gibson-les-paul-special.html That stolen guitar, what a weird thing. I still have the box, nobody ever asked to collect it. This one is coming FedEx.
  14. In person it'll be a shade or two lighter. It's not here yet but I've had the same model. Compared to the carved top Les Pauls the sound is really underwhelming, you'd really have to work with the amp settings to make it sound decent. Think Ventures or Beach Boys or something if you just plug it in to whatever your normal settings are. Kind of bright twangy and then dark twangy and hit the center position and you'll have wimpy twanging going on. Neck profile is a little stouter than the Classic, thinner than that Standard. To me it's just about the perfect neck profile which is probably why I like this model so much. I'd have to have a rosewood fretboard model to compare it with but I think the ebony gives it a little more snap to the sound or perhaps just makes it brighter. The light weight makes it a really good watch football on the couch guitar. You can't do that with a Flying V or 335 or whatever. Probably 2 pounds heavier than an SG, 3 - 4 pounds lighter than the carved top ones. When I had my first one I had a faded double cutaway Special, an SG Classic and the yellow Special. The faded sounded best, then the SG and then the yellow one. I got ticked off at the way the faded paint just disappeared around the tone knobs (!) on the faded and I hated the neck on the Classic so all 3 went out the door. It's not in the same league as the carved top ones but I like it nonetheless. Don't think you can get a Special and it'll rival the more expensive ones because it won't. The other ones will eat it for lunch. Gibson recently put out a Special with the tune-a-matic tailpiece which is a must for me but it has a golf bag type case and it was just kind of plain looking. For an extra two bills I got the ebony, a color I don't have, a neck profile I really like and a hardshell case so take my pennies and make me happy! It fills a niche and I'll play it a LOT. That's about the most honest review I can give you.
  15. I don't know about that, just making up for decades of sloth. That seems to come naturally.
  16. This weekend is the last mighty thrust and then I'm afraid I've run dry for a bit. I had one of these years ago and it was a really nice guitar. I stupidly sold it (to a fellow who dropped by this forum a while ago) to buy some stereo gear which I was buying back from a fellow because when he turned the stereo amps on they shut down his house! That's not gonna work... So, the financial aspect of the Stolen Les Paul Classic has been resolved and I've been looking at this one for months and finally came to an agreement with the seller last night. It's a 2013 special run for Musician's Friend, ebony fretboard, this fellow played it a bit and didn't even pull the protective plastic off the pick guard. This isn't a faded, this model is a gloss finish, a really nice instrument. Light and fun to play, I really enjoyed the one I had and kept wondering if another would pop up. Well, one finally did. Try as I might, I could NOT get him to part with that stylin' zebra print rug. That just screams rug burns on my butt so it probably has some sentimental value to the owner. One more guitar will be in transit on Tuesday and then that's it for the foreseeable future.
  17. Good tip on the speaker, I will have to look into that when I get one. There's black ones all over the place but I think I want one of the cream colored ones and the guy doesn't have a PayPal account. Also had to get something to plug into it. Well, 2 things to plug into it. One for each amp. You can never have too many things to go out of tune! That means I either have to get another guitar cord or come out of the Stone Age and go wireless. That means I'll have to read some instructions in super tiny print. Ugh. Glad I bought my Martin when I did although I think it's going to be a buyer's market pretty soon. Maybe a J-40 will wind up in my lap this time next year but not now. Then I won't play an electric guitar for another year, ha ha.
  18. Anyone who tries to ban caffeine will be killed by me.
  19. I was looking at a J-40 and then I wandered around to look at my HD-28V. Holy crap! Last time I paid any attention D18s were around $12-1300, HD28s were around $18 - 2000. I was expecting to see a J-40 for around $17-1800. NOPE! Yes, it'll be nice to have decent amps to play around with. That gold top gave me the push - what's the sense of having a guitar that sounds so nice and then playing it through some cruddy transistor amp or one that will make the neighbors want to drive a stake through my heart? Time to quit being so cheap and get something more suitable.
  20. It gets worse (or maybe better)? This weekend (and some spillover into next payday) is the last big pandemic induced ICONasm, after that it's house repair time. Got some cool junk coming, not expensive as I try to keep costs down. Speaking of costs, I was looking at used Martins last night. Holy crap, what happened there?
  21. A suburb in a small town which is slowly becoming more crowded as the farm land is sold off an McMansions are going up.
  22. I do believe both are in my very near future. I have an open box Origin 20 coming my way, I think mid September I'll be picking up a white DSL 40c which should be sufficient.
  23. I'm starting to get serious about a small amp and have been looking at the 40W DSLcr and the Origin 20. Any owners here, any reliability issues? I think I can crank them down far enough so I won't tick off the neighbors. Suburbs, don't you know.
  24. I'm still keeping my eyes open for an affordable Firebird VII but that doesn't look like it will happen for a bit. If it does it does, if not big deal. Most of my guitars are pretty reasonably priced so I've got my eye on a pair and then it's amp shopping time.
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