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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. I guess the closest we come to that here is Amazon. It seems we buy something from them almost every week. I think I like your version better.
  2. Interesting - 58% of us use non-extended play strings and 60% keep strings on for longer than 6 months - with half of those over a year. So, it would seem a lot of us use regular strings and like the way they sound for quite a while.
  3. Sorry Olie - didn't know the question was based on Canadian stuff. We had businesses closed, raw materials unavailable, toilet paper shortages .... I'm sure you all escaped the madness! In the US that would smell like "Price Fixing". Our Federal Gubmint would arrest someone. If Martin and Taylor joined in - it would be like an organized crime conspiracy. Our Federal Gubmint would be all over the miscreants. Like cougars on pool boys.
  4. Read somewhere that new electric guitar sales are down. I would guess at least compared to the uptick during the "Lockdowns". And, if half those who took up the guitar quit, they've probably gone to make USED guitar sales go up. So, I wouldn't be surprised if the dealers had a backlog of inventory. Some even older than 2019. But, unlike New Model Year cars - Bozeman simply puts out different models - "2023 Version of the 1940 J45 with a TunaMatics". So, a "STANDARD" J45 is like the proverbial Red Headed Stepchild. I'd expect a 20% of sticker price MSRP for a wood instrument sitting in storage for 4 years.
  5. " A Gentleman is someone who knows how to play the banjo - but doesn't." Mark Twain
  6. Earl Scruggs started playing banjo (his fathers) around 5 or something. When he got older and good - his mother told him something that stuck with him - "Make sure people can hear the melody in what your playing - not just a whole lot of notes." So - when people think of "Duelling Banjos" they don't think of the second half where it's a waterfall like music box of notes - they think of the beginning where you can pick out the melody (Yankee Doodle). (Stouffer's ? )
  7. I only deal in musical cliches and hyperbole, not fancy Italian cooking.
  8. Banjo parts are more or less inter-changeable. People will especially look for a 'good' tone ring and many create 'Frankenstein" banjoes using parts from different models. There is also a market for small shops that produce necks, resonators and other parts. The Tone Ring is comparable to our acoustic cork sniffing version of Tone Wood, And bracing. While they will swap out strings (strangs) and finger picks - they will 'tweak' their instruments to make them sound different. We will just buy a different guitar. Gibson is credited with the Rolls Royce of the 5 String Banjo with their Mastertone model. They haven't made banjoes since the Nashville flood destroyed that facility.
  9. Whoever did it should be 'outed' and charged to the max - because they opened up Pandoras Box. Crazies in this country, we have a few. Haters in other countries, one or two. And of course, foreign intelligence services who will consider the possibilities of what they might do. Whoever is investigating announced they'll be done in a week. It would seem that must mean they already know who the culprit is. Now that they've narrowed down to where it was found, after three guesses.
  10. Our old Lab Hated fireworks. Poor guy. He was even afraid of the grandfather clock once we got it working again. He seemed to make the others afraid of the fireworks. Now he’s gone and our new German Shepherd is unfazed by Anything. - so the others have calmed down.
  11. I’ve never heard of banjoists worrying about RH. But common sense would suggest to avoid extremes. Not leaving it in a car in summer, back porch in winter. They weigh at least 2x what a guitar does, so are sturdier: Metal tone ring around the wooden pot, etc. 5 stringers are a lot of fun. Tuned to an open G major chord, you really pick the melody on the lower 4 strings while you randomly plink the 5th , ringing it like the triangle in an orchestra. Or, some detractors would say - a cowbell.
  12. One would think they could at least tell the 'Our Readers Need To No' media - WHERE the cocaine was found and HOW MUCH was there? Was it a brick, or just some dust on Hunter's AmEx card? Of course, they lost track of Vince Foster, so I'm not holding my breath on this one. Is the Secretive Service suppose to protect the residents' reputations as well as their lives?
  13. Every time I finally give in and get rid of a vehicle to buy a different one - I regret it. Still regret ones I got rid of 30 years ago. So - I'm not planning on ever getting rid of my 2011 Ford sedan. A Taurus SHO - they're not making them anymore. SUV's seem to be the configuration most people want. And, of course, P/U trucks. Wife has a 2011 Subaru Tribeca - the only model they offered a 6 cylinder option in - and she refuses to look at another vehicle. So, we're sort of in line with many of the comments here - Better the devil you know aka Love the one your with.
  14. Could have been that new earwax removal system I bought at CVS.
  15. The answer is only a phone call away. Call and make sure you are clear that is the ONLY guitar you are interested in - so they know you are a serious shopper. Tell them you saw on line they had one in stock Iassumingi you did) so they know you are doing a lot of research work. After they give you a price - ask if they can throw in a new Franklin glove leather strap and couple of pkgs of phosphor bronze strings. They'll say 'no'. Act like you're ready to hang up, ask if their advertised price has any wiggle room. Usually it does and they'd rather haggle on that than trying to figure out how to get you the right strap and strings. G'Luck.
  16. There was a blurb on tv this am - the FAA (Federal AVIATION Authority) has approved initiating an evaluation of the feasibility of a new product submitted to them for approval: A Flying Electric Car !! Now, without getting technical or political (or religious, I suppose) I can categorically state that I'll get in one of those "When Donkeys Fly!" I'm disadvantaged in that I am pre-disposed to the belief that the DRIVER has to steer the car and apply the brakes - not some chip. Made in Taiwan I think. I'm also suspicious of the whole battery driven vehicle technology - in terms of being feasible, in the foreseeable future. I've heard jokes - as recently as this year - "Who would fly in a Solar Powered Plane ?" It would seem the interim step is here. A victim of D Cell Batteries that leaked and died in cold weather - they could provide the 'flying car' with automatic ejection seats equipped with parachutes, and I'd still not get in one. Between this - and 'artificial intelligence' - I'm starting to feel like a cassette tape among MP3s.
  17. Read somewhere 'they' are pushing to eliminate AM Radio bands soon on vehicles. I guess only FM.. So - the direction they are going with CD players in vehicles seems obvious. If you produce media that sound 'great' on a CD player in your studio, wouldn't that be sufficient, given there probably won't be any CD players in new vehicles in 5 years?
  18. I think it was Will Rogers, talking about buying land - he said it was a great investment because they're not making it anymore. Any 1950s catalog guitar in very good shape is worth a toss.
  19. Romulus and Remus ! Congrats - my favorite kind of cat. An 'Alley Cat' ! Our son and DiL are 'fostering 3 kittens now for the local city shelter. Take care of them until they tip the scales at One Pound. Done it a dozen times. Some times, the little tykes don't make it. I'm sure these guys will enrich your life !!
  20. Nope - learned to drive in "Greater" New York. Before they had such things as Left Turn Arrows, and "Right Turn on Red". Or seat belts for that matter.
  21. That's probably my favorite all-round finger-pickn song. Outstanding job by TP Bill and his lovely wife. Of course, Elizabeth Cotton played it upside down.....
  22. See, Sarge .... you post stuff like that and wonder why you get Sad and/or Confused emoji faces !!! As opposed to comments suggesting you lean on your horn with one hand and give them the finger with the other. (Can you guess what state I learned to drive in?)
  23. Probably would be illegal in all 57 states today.
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