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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. I'm gonna through a turd in the punchbowl. While there is no doubt playing with others improves your own ability, I'm reminded of when I played tennis and they use to suggest "Play with someone better than you." The conundrum was - obviously, if EVERYONE, literally played with someone better than they were - No One would be able to find anyone willing to play with them. Like - "What's your handicap?" In high school, in our little group, the 2 other guitar players were One Way Street Sponges. Lapped up every lick and trick I had - but NADA in return. I finally bailed, realizing our practice sessions were really lessons and I wasn't getting anywhere. Of course, that was the 60s: Folk Boomers. We're all more in tune now !
  2. I had an LG1 for a few decades up until 5 or 6 years ago. Currently have a J45. As JedZep said - Toyotal vs Volvo. I loved my LG1. It was my first good guitar and my only guitar for, well 40 years or so. And, with the ladder bracing - it does excel in a very uncrowded, particular niche tone-wise. But they don't call the J45 "The Workhorse" for nothing. If it is an 'either or' question - there is no question but that the j45 is superior all round. But, since the difference in $ between the 'vintage' 50s LG1 and J45 seems to be a limiting factor - you can get a really nice mint condition used Bozeman J45 built in their 'golden age' for the $2500. Then, if and when you are still jonesing for a 'vintage' J45, you may find your bank account and the stars are aligned.
  3. i use to think volume and sustain were more important than 'tone', the latter being elusively subjective while the other two you could measure with a seismograph. But back then I also use to think McDonalds was fine cuisine.
  4. I've found a couple of things, since retiring, having had guitar lessons through Mel Bay #2 during the Folk Boom - but not playing more than a couple of times a month in the 40 years after. The first - taking on a student. It forces you to raise your own bar and always be a couple of weeks ahead of where you're going. Motivating or inspiring someone else has a bounce back effect. The second - playing while watching re-runs or old movies that I am only half interested in. Seems to free up my subconscious 'creativity'. What there is of it. And, I guess a third possibility - touched on by Fester: Singing. Provides context for the guitar playing and increases enjoyment.
  5. Went to an 8am girls soccer match. Froze our butts off. I don't care what the poets say - April is the cruelest month. Weird watching 9 year old girls standing in a crowd kicking the ball back and forth, often in the wrong direction. Occasionally it would squirt out, but they'd all gather around it again. Some seemed to think they got partial credit for kicking it out of bounds. Took the rest of the day to get warm again. Good Times !
  6. Run, don't walk .... in the other direction !
  7. Once you drive a new car off the lot, it drops in value significantly. If you buy a used one at a great price, the opposite happens. The used Real H’Bird will always be “worth more” for a reason.
  8. Went for a 6.7 mile hike with my son in a city park - 600 or 700 acres. Got a little lost or it would have been only 4 miles. Been to dozens of National, State, County and City parks. This one had horrible signage. Spaghetti-like trails. Mostly wooded. We easily brushed off 30 or 40 caterpillars off ourselves. Each. Hanging by threads from the trees. And when they get on you - they climb UP ! Some had scary looking spikes. Pretty sure they leave a mark.
  9. Beautiful Pair ! Life is full of tough choices. Like "... if my house were on fire..." or 'which one should I pick up to play some Dylan ? Welcome Aboard !
  10. Ret, We've got the predecessor of the Ascent (TriBecA) and had a similar problem, albeit a few years after we had it. Obviously, this might not apply to you. There are 3 dome lights in ours. The one furthest back, by the rear hatch, has a switch which if accidentally brushed while loading stuff, will turn the light on - permanently. You probably won't know the light is permanently on if you're back there with the hatch open. You probably won't see it if you are in the driver's seat. I put a piece of duct tape over the toggle switch to make sure it couldn't be accidentally tripped after it drained our battery a couple of times. Maybe Subaru fixed this 'problem' and you have a different one.. Just a quick, easy thing to check. G'Luck. Only problem I can recall having at all with ours after 10 years.
  11. Hey, Sarge. In the Coast Guard - did you all have a "Work Party" when taking on supplies in port?
  12. GA, Several folks here who've never or almost never have had a Gibson Acoustic. Would be sort of silly to expect it. Art, music, is so very subjective and 'open' - meant to find genres, themes and stories that mean something to the 'performer' and not necessarily all people who might listen. "The Critics". So - your take on Gibsons sounding heavy is as insightful as those here who have at time found Taylors to be too 'bright'. While no two guitars are exactly the same - no two ears are either ! Thanks for your observation.
  13. Be Aware of a model called the "Hummingbird Pro". It is not, in any way a Hummingbird. There are two models - "Hummingbird True Vintage" and "Hummingbird Vintage" which are good. The later is the one with the thermally aged top/face. Virtually the same as the TV, but for the addition of the thermally topped face. I don't recall if that change included a switch from Sitka Spruce to Adirondeck Spruce. Conider - if you layer on requirements for the shading of the burst - you will increase your degree of difficulty exponentially! New or Used ? Is usually the first question. Well, second after you've decided on the general model. G'Luck. And, Welcome Aboard. Let us know how your search moves along.
  14. And now, Kim is flipping out on Kanye. What goes around comes around.
  15. Yeah. "Irreconcilable Differences" is what mine keep telling me.
  16. Rules are rules. Guidelines are guidelines. I'm guessing, since 'the contestants have to be legally married', gender confused guys can compete. Some are probably prettier than some of the females in that photo.
  17. In an attempt to rehabilitate this thread: "It was still running even though I had it on off. "
  18. That would be my choice. If we could all be so lucky. Thanks, MP.
  19. How does Sheryl get her hand in the sound hole to sign the labels? Seriously - if I were in the market for another guitar - this would be at the top my list. Great job bookmatching the back. The spruce is nice too. I love batwings. But- OH that tone ! Thanks!
  20. Next we'll hear "This guitar doesn't sound right - the pick guard is covered with a plastic film."
  21. RBp, Great Job. Many of Garth's songs are a bit more sophisticated than they sound. I don't realize it until I pick up his song book and try to play one. No one can deny some are classics. You certainly nailed this one! Thanks!
  22. It's transferring the concept or 'rareness' and 'they don't make it anymore' from gold and diamonds to things like Cabbage Patch dolls. All marketing hype. Gibson does it regularly "Limited Edition of 50" Unless the guitar has more quality materials or workmanship than a 'standard' - it's not worth more.
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