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Everything posted by sparquelito

  1. I politely disagree, good sir, reference "AOC". If indeed she's still in Congress (and forgive me, I haven't followed the news for quite some time), then the US Congress is all the worse for it. She's demonstrably a dim-witted twit. And this isn't partisan-politics speaking, since I pledge allegiance to no Party. I am just an independent truth speaker. By her own words and deeds, she's a dullard. ๐Ÿ˜ถ
  2. I have picked up a left-handed guitar a number of times over the years. It's a challenge, this much is true. I fancy the notion of finding an inexpensive lefty guitar (or bass) and making it my mission to spend an hour a week learning to play some basic, simple songs. Seems like it would HAVE to help in the brains' overall musical adaptiveness. Or so I like to think. ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. To be fair, the only person I called a dummy in the quoted post was AOC. Is it your assertion that she is actually a brilliant, intelligent woman? If so, yours is definitely the minority opinion, good buddy. ๐Ÿ˜
  4. Interesting. Just an hour earlier you posted, "You're the kind of guy I'm talking about. You go around calling people dummies, and when I look at you, man, am I glad I never had to learn stuff from anybody like you. You got probs getting along with people. And I can tell what your IQ is. You don't fool anybody." And yet you feel comfortable calling other people dummies. Pot, kettle? Or are you just that brilliant? Since you know my IQ, old friend, then clearly you will be all too happy to share that it last tested at 129, per Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS, 3rd Edition) and Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices (RAPM), 2003, Army Research Institute. I'm willing to admit that it may be higher or lower at this point in history. Such is life. ๐Ÿ˜˜
  5. I just love it when the sports experts get it wrong. https://www.si.com/nfl/2021/09/08/2021-nfl-season-predictions-mvp-super-bowl ๐Ÿ˜—
  6. Heh. I'm an Independent myself, and have no use whatsoever for either the Republic Party or the Democrat Party. But I find the statement regarding the last two Republican Presidents to be intellectually-dishonest. Every single US President who has served in my lifetime have all had their strong points and their failings. But none of them were dummies. Biden is no dummy. He is merely habitually-dishonest, and suffers from an alarming degradation of his cognitive abilities due to either old age or early-onset Alzheimers. Now AOC, on the other hand, is a dummy. The woman is, by all standards and measures, a dim-wit and a fool. ๐Ÿ˜
  7. My brother forwarded that to me yesterday. I thought it was timely. And it cracked me up. ๐Ÿ™‚
  8. Reference racial divisions; The problem is that there's no easy fix for the human condition. The ancient, primordial divisions that are in our DNA from birth hard-wire us into "us against them" tribal, warring camps. My tribe versus your tribe. This nation is superior to that nation. My team is better than your team. People with my skin tones are awesome, and people with your skin tones and hair colour are inferior. And government cannot, will not, and should never endeavor to 'pass a law' that will magically make things all better. To try and do so is folly, and amounts to so much inconsequential pandering in the end. Should we all aspire to learn from history, and vow to never let what happened with our forefathers ever happen again? Yes. Should we all study the words and teachings of Dr Martin Luther King Jr, and see what we can learn from that, in order to make ourselves into better and more united communities and nations? Yes, of course. But you can't legislate it. And further, you can't crawl into each and every household around the world and influence how parents (and single parents, and mee-maws) are raising their kids. Or not properly raising their kids, in most cases. ๐Ÿคซ
  9. SGT Pepper's hypothesis could be evaluated by a good look inside the larger (4 screw) back cavity, and examining the wires and soldering at the four pots. mihcmac read my mind. I was going to suggest taking off the small round (3 screw) back cover and spritzing some DeOxit into that switch, and working it back and forth for a few seconds. ๐Ÿ˜
  10. That's a fair assessment, and a noble sentiment. I applaud you for your ovation to both articulate the sentiment and to endeavor peace. It's a rather lengthy run-on sentence, mind you. But a beautiful statement. ๐Ÿ˜
  11. Just curious; Do you refer to the overall content of the past few hours, or to Fortyearspickn's accurate description of the charlatan 'Reverend' Al Sharpton? The man is, by all standards and measures, a tax-evading con-man and extortionist. ๐Ÿคจ
  12. There is hope to salvage this marriage. My wife did grieve recently when her old Dad's orange tabby Tiger passed away. And she is admittedly fond of the other fat cat who resides with Dad and his wife. This would be a soft and affectionate orange and white rascal, young Scooter. Hope springs eternal. I am happy to hear that your daughter has a dog now. GOod show! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  13. I have wanted a cat for a long time. One to let loose on the land to be a mouser, and one that will come inside every now and then when it's rainy or cold. The wife is having none of it. She claims to be allergic to cats. If she ever starts claiming to be allergic to guitars, I'm going to have to find her a new place to live. ๐Ÿ˜—
  14. I had a song stuck in my head yesterday. Most maddening and vexing it was. I would share with you what that song was, but then it would be stuck in YOUR head, and then you would go insane, and hunt me down and kill me. So. I'm just going to keep it to myself. ๐Ÿ˜
  15. I love my dogs. They have kinder hearts and more upright character than most humans. Were it not for that whole business of shitting on strangers' lawns and humping indiscriminately, they would be upright citizens. ๐Ÿ˜Œ
  16. A poem, then. ANGRY VILE POSTING Angry vile posting sure wears me down giving each other a roasting and running it into the ground Angry vile posting on the other hand is a boon to web hosting even if it gets people banned Because drama can be entertaining or so I am told posters fighting, squabbling, and complaining somehow it never grows old Angry vile posting I guess it's just how it is while the new visitors are ghosting, please forgive me for boasting, to all of you I'm toasting, with this glass of delightful Cristal fizz Okay, I'm gonna shut up now. ๐Ÿ˜”
  17. My life's goal is to be loved by some, hated by most, and misunderstood by all. I feel like I'm on course toward a spectacular and satisfying ending some day. Life is good. ๐Ÿคจ
  18. I don't think BB is looking at anything lately. Unless you subscribe to that whole afterlife theory, that is. In which case he's looking down at all these Lucille guitars from Heaven, and saying, "Those guys are playing it all wrong." ๐Ÿ˜
  19. Hmmmmmm....... Ehhhhh............. ๐Ÿ˜•
  20. This is the one with the banjo tuners? What's the battery for? Did it have the Min-E-Tune module on the back of the headstock? I can't remember. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  21. I officiated at the 'renewal of wedding vows' ceremony today, for some friends from work. Bruce and Mary were celebrating their 55th wedding anniversary this week, and the family and a bunch of close friends showed up for the ceremony and a nice afternoon supper. Two people, married all that time (since January of 1967), and still best friends. So good. It was an honor to do the gig. Such a great couple! ๐Ÿ™‚
  22. Ah. That would be the Top Fuel, Mustard Gas, Panic Room, Quarter Mile Shart-fest. ๐Ÿ˜ต
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