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Everything posted by sparquelito

  1. All's well that ends well, I always say. 🙂
  2. My Gibson Firebird Zero seems to have been cut from the same piece of wood. Only flipped over backwards. 😐
  3. The thing I like about melatonin is, it's not a drug or a "knock you out" narcotic. It's simply a replacement for a hormone that your body doesn't produced enough of anymore, as you get older. The abstract in this article explains what it is that is being replaced. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK550972/#:~:text=The main function of the,and secrete the hormone melatonin.
  4. I avoid caffeine after two pm. Eat a light supper NLT 7:00 pm. Alcohol yes, but nothing serious. Some beers. I take 10mg Melatonin along with 1 Zyrtec a half hour before bed time. I sleep hard from 9 pm until around 4 am, every night. Sometimes I'm up at 3:00 or 3:30. Seven days a week. I'll take it. 😐
  5. Oh man. I have owned a few Zoom products over the years. GREAT machines. Complicated, usually. I would like to own that particular model, truth be told. 🙂
  6. It was a gorgeous day. Walked the dogs, mid morning and late afternoon. Put the little Christmas tree in the storage closet and took down the Christmas lights that were in the windows and on the front of the house. Checked out all the lights, cross-leveled bulbs, and threw out a few strands of old lights when I went to store everything on the shelf in my garage. Ran the motorcycle up the road after I topped her off with ethanol-free gasoline and a splash of Sea Foam. Ran all the gasoline out of the lawn mower, and cycled some Sea Foam thru the tank/carburetor. Ran my generator, and poured some Sea Foam into the tank early in the operation. Put a load on her, shut her down, and checked the oil. Filled my wife's little BMW up with ethanol-free gasoline, and then did the same for the van. Topped off all the gas cans. I'm relaxing with a cold beer now, and preparing to make supper for the wife and I. Filet of cod in olive oil, garlic, and black pepper, with a side of Brussels sprouts. 😛
  7. Oh dear. I can swing the $178.75, no problem. It's the $14,000 part where I come up short. 😐
  8. Check these guys out. https://www.stewmac.com/parts-and-hardware/knobs/top-hat-bell-reflector-knob.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=2020-12-gp&gclid=CjwKCAiA25v_BRBNEiwAZb4-Ze4_yLI3FNbqFHW165NEKdu-f8SvOVtL9jvisdj1Eu2ou8xGMShjhhoCViUQAvD_BwE Read the bottom left of the advert, and count your pot splines. Fine = 24, course = 18.
  9. I think it's both interesting and beautiful. I do agree with Twang Gang though, I can't see it fetching any more than $2,500 USD. Any sort of factory CS case candy and Certificate of Authenticity would certainly help. 🙂
  10. Welcome, Roger. It's great to have you aboard, mate. Home recording is a passion for many here on the Gibson boards. I keep a Tascam multi-track in my music room, quite an antique notion in the world of modern computers and Pro Tool, I reckon. 🙂
  11. Welcome, Tarz. Glad to have you aboard, mate. We all have the one that got away. Mine was a '71 Les Paul Deluxe gold-top. I let my future ex-wife talk me into selling it when I joined the Army. That's what you call a 'two-fer' in the bad decisions department. 🤨
  12. Your new guitar's poorer cousin (my Pelham Blue Firebird Zero) says Happy New Year and congrats to you, SteveFord. Beautiful guitar you have on the way, and we are very excited for you! 🙂
  13. Welcome, Rock. Nice to have you aboard, mate. I have some family near Fort Leonard Wood, good sir. 🙂
  14. Looks like a standard 2012 Gibson Les Paul Studio in Vintage Sunburst finish, and a previous owner changed the 490R and the 498T for some naked Dimarzio's. (Or just removed the chrome covers.) Nice guitar. Here's a link describing all the original features. https://www.musicradar.com/news/guitars/gibson-les-paul-studio-revamped-for-2012-540179 😐
  15. In for a dime, in for a dollar, I guess. The new matte black pick guard (from musiclily.com) looks really good, feels great, and most of all, covers up that heinous wear spot that was so eye catching. (Go back and look at the photo in the original posting. Natural relic'ing is one thing, but hoo boy was that ugly.) And I have always been a fellow who could take 'em or leave 'em when it came to Les Paul pick guards. But I am liking this. I decided that I didn't like the metal bracket thingie, so I mounted a fat rubber washer beneath the mounting screw closest to the Volume Knob, drilled a fine pilot hole, and screwed it right into the top of the guitar. Fabulous choice. It's really solid. And hey, I had to do the same for the screw up there by the neck, so no big deal. Sweet Jesus, stop me now. No more mods. 😬
  16. By the serial number. Here's a good link. 🙂 http://www.epiphonewiki.org/index/Epiphone_Serial_Number_Decoding.php
  17. Okay, I have to ask; Is that your living room, and are those six small amps chained to create a veritable Wall Of Foghat?? Nicely done, sir. 😀
  18. Oh well, heck. That one isn't an FX model. Pretty cool though. 😐
  19. Give this guy a call. (209) 473-6868 He's selling his, and he lives just 45 minutes south of you, in Stockton. 🙂 https://www.musicgoround.com/product/stockton-ca/40090-S000059149/Used-2001-Epiphone-Slasher-Electric-Guitar?gclid=CjwKCAiA8ov_BRAoEiwAOZogwVtCL-HHYEBFSon0krKaewOpOoXYEdVjbB-pENdc_vEbXG0Czs6ffhoCCMcQAvD_BwE
  20. Interesting. I'm curious how that many hours of Beatles (recording, clowning around, and performing) remained unseen for all these years? Seems like a fantastic treasure trove of material. 😐
  21. M-T-Pockets, Do you wish to buy from a person or private party, but not one of the usual online resources (Reverb, etc)? If so, it would help to know where you live. Not a specific town or street, but more like a region, such as Upstate New York, or the coastline north of Brisbane and south of Hervey Bay. I found this 2001 Epiphone Slasher FX on Reverb straight away. https://reverb.com/item/11701418-epiphone-slasher-fx-2001-rare-1-of-only-200-made-with-active-built-in-effects 🙂
  22. I'm guessing that adding a pick guard at this point wouldn't be out of the question. It would certainly cover up a lot of the damage from the previous owner. 🙁
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