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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. NIce guitars. The J45 does state the bridge plate has been changed, so maybe it is from 1950? Probably should get both.
  2. Great article Tom - thanks for sharing (and for documenting!)
  3. I watched most of the a show on Sam Bush 'Revival' last night talking about him and newgrass etc... a common theme was how structured bluegrass was and all the rules around it. I had never heard that before - was interesting to hear...
  4. This is just awesome - best to you!
  5. Very well said MP. I think there's musical technicians who are wizards and can play anything note for note, and then there's folks like me, will never be good enough to do note for note stuff, but more get into a groove that's close to the song, but how my body parts work to get it there... my grooves may be simple, but they are good though 🙂
  6. Good comment, got me looking at the video with a different eye and I understand and appreciate what you said.... Tommy E didn't just play his part, but made the whole 'team' better.
  7. There's a joke in there somewhere...
  8. It's mid 30s and rainy - supposed to be a rain snow mix today so my day is looking to be inside... I expect to see some guitar (a new lick to learn, a song I'm struggling through, and then the rest I'm smooooooothe on....) football, a puzzle, some computer time and then some more guitar... waffles for dinner. Anyone else?
  9. Thanks all, appreciate the replies. Chicken pickin' seems like anything - it's how you use it. Richard Thompson is unbelievable! ... but not the sound I'm going for. He's just plain super smooth and to me the difference in the pickin is super subtle. Most of what I found is like that and I'll never have the talent to replicate that. I do like that one lick from Samantha fish though - and feel it's within reach (same link as before, just reposted for reference). I'll give figuring out that a couple months effort and see what comes of it 🙂
  10. I've been on a diety about six months now - feeling very enlightened... about 25 lbs so.
  11. Very cool and enjoy - it's a great guitar, mine inspires me to play!
  12. Hi all - the Samantha Fish post got me looking into hybrid picking. Does anybody do that - and any recommendations on basic songs to focus on when getting started?
  13. I can't say I love the Who, but I have to say I'm impressed with them. Pinball wizard was one of my favorites.
  14. Very much appreciate your contributions, glad your back in time for the holidays!
  15. Very cool, used to seeing her with a CBG - this was awesome. Love that picking!
  16. Very cool list of bands from everyone... fun blasts from the past to think of. Love the Kinks, did not realize they were from over there. And Canada, although maybe sparsely represented, is well represented from RUSH, go Tom Sawyer!
  17. cedar, go figure. Sound aside - I do believe it's a softer wood, so for longevity sake - may be more suited to finger pickers.
  18. thank you, learn something new every day - i did not know that about the logos
  19. I give them some of the best bands (counting bands and individuals) Beatles are first IMO, then the conversation goes to Zepp, Stones, and right with them is SRV, Bob Dylan, Jimi, The Pixies, ACDC, Neil Young... Will be fun watching who they add, when and with what fanfair
  20. Can you elaborate a little bit, what's a guitar coming to life like / mean (is it when you're really laying into it, it comes to life)? Maybe give thoughts to your J200 vs a J45 or something.
  21. Is it a re-issue for sure, looks like some age worn wear on the front a bit... ?
  22. LOL - love the show, Rev Tim Tom is awesome! I never noticed he was playing a banner before, he's even cooler than I thought.
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