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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. Stay strong everyone. Take a break if need be, but I say stay here and banter about... having other voices in one's life is good.
  2. Vintage vibe is cool, but that's a subset of the Gibson vibe which is cool, vintage or not. FWIW Nick Lucas models have been talked about (here's one I saw on reverb, no affiliation) - I have not played one yet, but have a hankerin' to. This does not give the specs on the neck, maybe others can weigh in - it might be a larger one?
  3. I think you just need a baseline to get started... Either J45 / Bird for the rock, blues- rock sound (if you can ignore your concern about the Martin neck being cramped) also IMO the J45 is more rockish than the bird, but both are awesome If you want a dread, but want a wider fretboard (1.75) find a jumbo re-issue on reverb ($3200 +/-) Or want a wider fretboard, but don't mind it not being a dread, save a little money and go small body. I believe there's quite a few with fat necks - but others would have to weigh in. FWIW - I got a J45 and have gotten used to the neck, (was used to a wider neck on previous guitar) but it took awhile... now that I'm used to it - I love it. I would have started with the jumbo re-issue if I had known of them. Also - I think you bond with guitars in different ways, if your an aficionado (really know what your looking for... maybe 5% of the population) then you play one and if it rings out just how you hope you know it. Most of us wont pick up on those nuances but sometimes we play something and it just feels right, but don't know really why - but there's an immediate bond. But also if you have something that you did not have that feeling at first and - but you play frequently - what feels right can evolve. Good luck, just go get something... buy from a reputable dealer and enjoy!
  4. Sounds like your moving to a good location for music, now if they got good fishing - I think you got utopia 🙂
  5. Nice Sal - I'd still want you if you weren't yourself 🙂
  6. Congrats, very nice looking guitar - bet there's some magic in there!
  7. Happy Veteran's Day and thanks to all who served
  8. Nice Murph, love it... super slide (what tuning?)! I think the key to that song (and quite a few) is your barely strumming when singing - but regardless the singing needs to keep volume with the guitar. Guitar looks awesome as well, love me a J45. PS - I appreciate this, feel it's been too long since we've seen a murph original.
  9. Love a telecaster thin line, and the white is super cool!
  10. I'm a hack, so take it for what it's worth, but I like mine (in my J45). Light, sounds good to my ears, I've never had feedback issues - but others who have, have used a feedback buster (rubber plug in the soundhole) and it solves any problems.
  11. Thanks again all. Do many of you ever just play / sing unplugged, no mics for vocals or anything? I don't sing loud enough for that regardless of the guitar.
  12. Very nice - any chance of a bit of a comparison?
  13. Hi all - super naive question i'm sure, but the AJ thread got me wondering and I didn't want to derail that thread. There's quite a few comments about an AJ being overpowering - I know the different guitars will put out different sounds, volumes etc... but couldn't a guitar overpowering a singer (regardless of the guitar) be resolved with mic placement (placing closer to your mouth...)? Sorry if it's really a silly question - but do appreciate any input. Rgds - brfm
  14. To me, this is it. What type of singer are you - loud, full, fill the room type of person... should be able to go toe to toe with the AJ - or maybe a bit more subdued, low key, then the AJ might be too much. I'd get an AJ and Songwriter (believe both are long scale, but different bracing?) and let them duke it out.
  15. Again - very nice Sal. I understand going w/o a p'up, but I feel the strap button is essential. I play standing up mostly (driven by body issues) and not a fan at all of having the strap wrap around the head stock - makes me feel like a troubadour. Regardless - play on my friend, hope to hear some of your magic in the near future.
  16. Didn't know this before, really liked it - seems like it would be a cool song to play with a band.
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