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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. I do feel walnut makes a pretty guitar, never played one though... guess I got some homework πŸ˜‰
  2. Maybe it's a little too much vanity, but this was one of the chief drivers :). For use as an in ear monitor, do you think you lose a lot only having a single speaker? My desire is to find a wireless set up... then if I find a wireless mic I like and one of those wireless contraptions for guitars coupled with my battery operated bose S1 - I will be portable and cable free πŸ™‚
  3. Hey BK, how do you like the shure in ear monitors?
  4. GAS inducing post, nice guit - congrats! Kelly Campbell - nice guits to yourself as well, and good thoughts to you and your wife, peace.
  5. I just saw a woodstock movie where they talked about Bob Dylan's song 'the times they are a changing' and how the views of the young people who were not in favor of the Viet Nam war were pushing back, not just going to accept the status quo of things just being right because an old person said it. I feel we're in a similar time but instead of it being a war uniting a generation, it's computers and the age of information, now people have facts to make judgements, not just 'who heard what'. Science is science, and information is available... but there's still a pocket of people that have not been brought up on it or have accepted it, and there seems to be a large pocket of nay sayers. Why do you not get a straw even though the impact is negligible? Because it's right. Turkey
  6. Still no pictures. I feel for you if this is real, but you do need to step up with a photo or two...
  7. Pretty cool BK - I used to be in Cambridge and just going down to Harvard Sq to see the street musicians was pretty cool... never happened upon any big names, but there was a hole in the wall bar called Toad it was rumored Aerosmith would show up every once in awhile...
  8. Jinder, how did you settle on the Roy, seems awesome, but it's a pretty big piece of gear - 7 channels / 400 watts? The demo sounded fantastic, I'd take it - but didn't think you were looking for something that big. Rgds - br
  9. Locked and loaded is what that makes me think, well done!
  10. Jinder - although I'm sorry the AER didn't work out, I truly am appreciating your journey - and extremely insightful reviews - of the acoustic amp world. I've been wondering about the Schertler's since they've been brought up, so happy the next one up is one of those. Good luck with this being the end of the process.
  11. Saw a movie about Woodstock last night, not sure if it's a new one or not - but was from view of the producers of the show and was really interesting. Loved the movie and the clips of the musicians (although wish there was more of that) really liked the story behind it and how the local townspeople stepped up to welcome people and provide food when it was needed, and the gov't provided medical support. As Max Yasgur states at the end... it was almost 500,000 kids who said they wanted to get together for 3 days of music and fun... and that's what they did. Also made me nostalgic for my years going to festivals, camping out and just doing the thing!
  12. How about 'Mickey' from Toni Basil - I can recall anything else from her?
  13. Thumbs up ZW, enjoy... especially Richard Thompson, he's one I'd like to see!
  14. lol - yeah, pictures can be a learning curve. You need to post them to a site (i.e. IMGUR.com) and then post the link here. Post them to a site means got to IMGUR.com create an account, and then you can upload them from there. Once it's uploaded you edit the size etc... and there will be links you can copy and post places for the picture to show up. ...neighbor kids are good!
  15. Very nice, congrats and enjoy!!! And yes, pics...
  16. What do you all think, for $340 is it a good project guitar? Love 'The Gibson' on the headstock. Never mind, thought that was 'buy now' price, but it's just current bid. How high would folks expect it to go?
  17. I go the opposite way to get some distortion. Yep! Nope - Keep it... it's fun to have something you can pick up once in awhile, if it's gone, it's gone. you should just pick one up for a little bit right now.. dedicate 2 weeks to electrics - see what happens Yes - figuring out the blues jr, I get the distortion I need out of it, just had to remember to play with it right. Agreed as well... starting to rediscover the world that electrics brings. Thanks again all for the comments - rgds -b.
  18. Thank you all - I guess I owe it to myself to start down the electric rabbit hole, add a couple and see how my playing habits change... let's see how this plays out with the powers that be. Just as an FYI - I'm playing through a Fender Blues Jr, no pedals. Love the amp, but do need a little volume to get that distortion to kick in just right. I think maybe it's the right time to go play a bit!
  19. I'd exchange for another, it's an awesome guitar and once you get it sorted you'll be psyched - but the reason to start new is to start without any problems.
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