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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. Hi all - trying to at least get close to singing in key, I've started to use a capo a bit. I just use a $14 Keyser and do not have any complaints - but I got my Guild used with what I believe to be capo wear spots on the neck at the 1st/2nd/5th frets... So before I cause issues with the J45 - do I need to be concerned with the capo wearing spots on my guitar neck, and is that justification for one of those hi $$ ones? Thanks all for any input - rgds - billroy
  2. Well, my first name is jim, so it seemed obvious...
  3. My advice is to be careful but play the ba-jeezus out of it. If it proves to be what it is - looks like J45s from the '40s are going from between $6-9k typically, but I would stray away from that thought and go back to the playing it thing.
  4. ahhh, you've evolved to the guitar pick... my inside thought is over here we've taken 3 steps back and shouting it loud and proud. go bread clips. just kidding, i like the bread clip idea. but really i just decided i'm going to get rich enough where if a guitar falls, it just doesn't matter...
  5. you nylon string guys are in a different league... good job, fun video, fantastic playing!
  6. nice, impressive, very sensitive of you.
  7. KB - out of curiosity, what are examples of things you'd play on a nylon string vs steel and vv?
  8. Doug - I feel you kind of owe it to the forum to take the bird on a tour N. America (US and Canada side...) to give us all a chance to try 'er out. This thread is GAS inducing.
  9. Not to derail Jinder, but do you use a pre amp with the K&Ks and if so - which one? Rgds - billroy
  10. This is the first i've heard of anyone talking about wear with respect to blue chips - i thought one of their value props was long life.
  11. Lots of good info here Jinder, thank you for putting it together and posting. Sunrise is still king!
  12. Really nice Buc... looks like your settling into the new digs well - best to you!
  13. favorite quote from a bike shop i worked at back in the day 'took us all night, but we finally got it back where we started...'
  14. Ended up giving that a listen last night - not sure what I could pull off from there, but definitely some good listening, Nashville skyline rag, and there was one with Bob D and Johnny Cash that was pretty cool to name a couple. Dylan wise - actually thinking about 'Leopardskin Pillbox Hat (from Blonde on Blonde?)' technically correct, wholistically - just not the same Is that a reference to 'I love Lucy... I remember that episode LOL!'
  15. This is just awesome, travel safe and enjoy your time! I'd make sure there's a fishing rod in there as well. Here's a homework assignment to get you started, build something around an F chord.... really liking the F chord lately.
  16. Sub $60k is definitely a deal, but in that price range I'd probably look for a higher end (camaro, mustang, challenger... you choose) instead of a scaled back vette. Ultimately when I get my corvette, I'm thinking I'd like the $120k blinged out to the max version. but need to finish paying off my chevette first 🙂
  17. Nice way to chase the muse - best of luck and I look forward to what results!
  18. BK - I love all your stuff, but I think that might be my favorite - well done!
  19. Buc that was awesome. Was it all done in one pass through, or did you have a second guitar part in there - wasn't sure?
  20. I'd investigate what was available over there, and look at getting something temporary. Give you an opportunity to try out something new for the short term. Or the J35.
  21. Buc is back, woo hooo!!!! From Galveston I hope (can't listen now, will check out later and comment back)
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