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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. woulda shoulda coulda... I thought this through and wanting to help out, have provided a go forward roadmap for the OP. *soundhole pickup... it will last 1 mo, I recommend skipping this step, but doubt you will, (dean markely will get the job done, sunrise would be really nice.) *K&K... requires end pin jack, but so be it, it is where you will end up.... get a fire eye red eye pre amp as well *Tone dexter + Edwina mic... down the road just a little bit, but once your happy with the K&K, but then you realize you can get even closer to amplified acoustic nirvana (and it would give you the edwina mic for those times you do / can go acoustic only). (BK - I'm planning the edwina to be used with the K&K to build the wavemap, any reason this is wrong?) 'welcome.
  2. There's really only one way to know, and it would be a service to all of us if you took that step to help clear it up.
  3. and what do you think you'd find when you pulled the pickguard... bare wood? Seems nice, no cracks never been repaired - but yes the PG needs to be addressed.
  4. I ultimately put a K&K pick up in, but you do have to drill the end pin jack. Before I did that, to see if I liked using a pickup - I got a dean markely soundhole pick up. A bit quacky, but you can address that with the tone / bass controls on the S1. If you dont want to drill the end pin, there's quite a few good soundhole pick ups, but I didn't like leaving it in all the time.
  5. Found the same with a similar set up, you did have to run the SM57 mic pretty close to the guitar but you can do it. I recommend recording yourself with the recording device somewhere in the proximity where you feel the audience will be. In smaller places anyways, they hear what's coming out of the amp and your guitar, and the balance between the two was not what I expected.
  6. They're all holding each other up for support.
  7. Wanted to thank everyone again for the input, here's what I've got going on so far (early days, but a good start). My hoped for goal is that when I sing, I'm confident I'm on key. The exercises I have started are: using a guitar tuner (first playing the notes on guitar), then matching the notes with my voice (I can almost reach the full range of low e to high e, almost, and not good either, lots of opportunity) practicing 'take me out to the ball game' and 'star spangled banner'... (ssb is a better exercise, tougher range) very humbling and big misses are obvious but I'm still developing an ear to hear all the misses. Some of it beyond my range, avoiding those at the moment on deck - PBs drone exercise. -------- I expect these to evolve, but feel these are good building blocks to start with. Again thinking if I can get my arms around these, it will help me progress down the path of singing with confidence that I am on key. If anyone thinks i'm off base or suggestions to augment i'm all ears. rgds...
  8. Nice song, nice guitar. For my education - what are the characteristics I should be listening for that is highlighted by the maple body?
  9. you lookin, have one, or just talking out loud? I thought wildwood guitars had a couple posted, check their site if your looking.
  10. Sounds good to me, interesting you just flip it and keep the light strings on top... sheer craziness. The overall impression I've developed of these (w/o actually having tried one) is they're good sounding instruments (and again yours sounded good here), but need a heightened level of care at least in humidity mgt and I'm a little (happily) surprised no one was concerned with mediums. None of this is scientific just my thoughts. Good luck with it.
  11. Looks nice, looks loud 🙂 Getting more serious about guitars in my senior years, I've missed out the whole 'playing at band volume' thing - but gotta bet that's where the fun has to be mixing and matching guitars, pickups and cabinets... what's your favorite guitar to play through it?
  12. Thumbs up from me, good stuff! (On the lighter side, if you want to get rid of your J200, I'd help you out, no mailing req'd.)
  13. skabee boop boop bop... too late.
  14. Think I'll start with 'take me out to the ballgame' - sounds horrible at the moment, but I think fits the bill as a good practice song at least to start with. The tip makes sense, I appreciate it. I'm playing it n the key of D at the moment (just because its the version I learned), might have to change that.
  15. Worcestershire sauce helps
  16. Thank you all, very much appreciate the input. Sounds like headphones are a definite. I do use them quite a bit to manage my volume, breathing, clarity etc... but not confident in my ability to judge pitch yet. Will keep working it. BK appreciate the tips as well, will look up the lyrics and put a little vocal down to your toon. I apologize in advance for any catastrophic murdering of it 🙂 PS - striper fishing was good, caught 3 rocks, a bunch of seaweed and was able to return a lot of bait to the ocean.
  17. Hi all - i've had to take a little time away from the guit due to a sore arm so started working on singing pitch. I know, most of you are probably saying 'geeze, he's got perfect pitch why would he put time into that' but i have to say, regardless of how good you are, there's always room for improvement. Anyways, just starting - but what I've been doing is play a note on the guitar, and try to match it with my voice - using a guitar tuner to tell me how close I am. Getting real time feedback on how I'm doing seems to be what I need to work on at the moment, hence the tuner - but hoping doing this develops my ear. I'm not looking to be a singing virtuouso, but do want to get a little better than horrible. Anyone else have any tricks to practice? Rgds - billroy (ps - going away for the day (striper fishing with light tackle), so wont be able to catch up to comments till later / tomorrow, but thank you all for any input and will reply when i'm back)
  18. Nice, I've never sold anything on reverb- but have gotten a few pedals / mics etc... Always happy.
  19. I've got the same guitar and put a K&K in there. It's the best set up - don't allow anyone to sway you otherwise. I do prefer the sound of mic'ing it when I have the time to do the set up etc... but I'm an open mic hero at best, and just for convenience being able to plug in quick for my 3 (rocking) songs is a nice convenience. You can go with a soundhole pickup, but most attract hi gravity situations and want to put dings in the top of your guitar when putting it in and out and you accidentally drop it while thinking about kidblast. PS - nice guitar 🙂
  20. Agreed, this guy didn't do it justice, but the bigger error in my mind is the person who asked him to do the restoration in the first place and 'for as little as possible'. Anything this old is a piece of guitar history IMO - if you can't afford to do it right, wait until you can...
  21. I'll put it on the list, but still in the middle of my guitar hiatus due to wussboy arm issues, but once back up in the saddle, I will do it for the chickens! I'll second the call out for Woof, Murph rocks the mando as well - bet he'd have a cool rendition. BK... where are you, you should be able to strum up something? I like it, appreciate you posting, and listened to it through to the end, twice! definitely a few years earlier than your other stuff but shows progression. I really would love to hear you put this down again - love your voice and would love to hear how you progressed from this recording. If your just sitting around with nothing to do - here's a homework assignment for you 🙂
  22. Gotta rock what you got, would love to hear a PB version - put something down!
  23. Demons are tough, it's good to hear a story of someone beating them - and maybe an angle to try if your unfortunate enough to ever have to. Appreciate you posting.
  24. I thought you wanted the Edwina, not Myrtle, wouldn't want you to settle... and I live closer than Grunt.
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