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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. Very nice, I don't know much about washburn - but this one definitely has a cool factor w/ that neck and those inlays IMO.
  2. Pretty sweet, I'm ok with wood (not rabswood good, but ok) but can't start to think what it would take to put that together. Is it replacing something in the studio - and if so, what are you hoping you get out of this (out of curiosity)?
  3. I wouldn't kick any out of bed for eating cookies, but they all sound a little bit electric to me. oh no am I turning into a 'it has to be mic'd' person. Hey BK, how about side by sides of these then w/ your Neuman mic?
  4. How about guitar riffs, you get a little ditty you want to save. Do you have a good way to save those for future reference? Guess it would have to be a sound clip of sorts. I haven't done it, but it is where I'm lacking.
  5. It's always cool to see these musicians in their younger days, I like the guitar too
  6. Hatred no, that's strong, anger yes... sadness yes, happiness yes
  7. I would say I have a rule of thumb that is in line with that with respect to anything I perform. but respect to what I write - it's a therapy thing and anything is fair game. I feel as long as i'm responsible with what I do with it once it's a song, (meaning save it, put it away, maybe play it for a couple people - but never throw it in anyone's face...) I'm good with it. But about the songs I share - I'm a touchy feely feel good sort of guy, just finished one called 'ice cream and cotton candy'. got kids, need to make sure anything i message, i would message to them.
  8. everybody's a pain in the *** You're a self righteous anxious person living in a self constructed zoo You make something out of nothing and put the blame on who?!? everybody's a pain in the *** You lie to little 10 yr old kids, its what you do A POS thru and thru Being loud and opinionated got you the job But your ignorance is taking over like a giant glob everybody's a pain in the *** You said to me your going away I can use your pool But I didn't realize it was april fool I went on over looking to have a good time The you ripped me a new behind the families a pain in the *** Strangers and acquaintances are your favorite friends Do whatever you like it never depends You come off looking like a hero Although you treat your family like a big fat zero everybody's a pain in the *** disrupting any harmony disparaging diversity promoting inequality perpetuating anarchy a cancer in society everybody'd a pain in the ***.. ahhhh... I feel better now.
  9. Oh that's a nice thing. Tom Petty always makes me happy, Tom Petty done well makes me very happy - nice stuff! I feel the gauntlet has been dropped though. The title of the thread is CW, so at least Sal is obligated due to his recent acquisition - but there's a lot of talented people here, anyone care to display your Tom Petty chops? PS - Was working on a version of that myself. Not anymore.
  10. For a little Gibby goodness - Here's one of the versions I'm helping coach me along, it flashes Kris Kristofferson playing a Gibby at about 26 seconds, I guess southern jumbo, but could be wrong.
  11. I went to bed at 8 pm, my wife woke up ranting about a run in she had with a women up th street after i went to bed... new lyrics: I'm a self righteous anxious person living in a self constructed zoo I make something out of nothing and put the blame on you Tell me that's not a song...
  12. Sweet! Hows the play ability and sound difference compared to the Martin? Gotta bet it's a beast of a different color?
  13. Could I request some Tom Petty - a new one from you (although the other was awesome)... really I'd like to request an original, but barring that TP is my vote.
  14. Hey MP - I agree 100% you got to be you, but if you is a steady consistent thing - IMO stretching who you are on occasion is a good thing as well. And agree 110% writing, it's good therapy - just put up a post about that in the lounge the other day :)... really helps me deal with the turkeys of the world. And appreciate the thought on cataloging ideas - I do a good job once I decide to turn something into a song, but I've got a lot of riffs / ideas etc... that I lose.. I think your comment here will get me to develop a better strategy around that. Regardless Lars, liking what you got, happy you got it back and I look forward to it's progress.
  15. Nice Lars - I feel this could go different ways with respect to tone (happy or dark)... I kind of thought of happy, which way are you thinking it will go. I like the little guitar riff the middle, mixing it up!
  16. lol - I was thinking black shirt and cowboy hat but I guess dressed appropriately means different things to different folks (I asked for it 🙂) … and KB, good for you, rock it loud and proud!
  17. Hey folks - here's my plan, by mid August I will put out a version Cash' Gods Gonna Cut You Down' . Can I interest anyone in doing it chain letter format, have you folks put out versions (gives you a month to prepare, and doubt most of you need a fraction of that). Will be happy with just music cuts, but I think video format dressed appropriately would be best. This will give me time to hone what I'm honing - shooting for 'well it's a little better than awful' and see if any of my self made curriculum translates to a better performance. ------- FYI - last couple times I tried kicking something like this off it went over like a fart in church, so not expecting much - but you don't catch 100% of the fish you don't try for. And it gives me a sly reason to put out my version 🙂
  18. They do, but the trick is to remember not all of them. Also, I'll say one more time, I am amazed at how well it helps me get over things (truly go from pent up aggravated to laughing about it). I got some Irish in me, like to hold on to things... feels like prozac in the form of art. Acoustic J45 art. .. although a screaming LP or SG wouldn't be out of place in a couple of them.
  19. Ok - I gotta say, I am not a Taylor Swift fan, but I am a Taylor Swift fan, meaning I don't listen to her music - but appreciate the general messaging she puts out in her songs etc... (i.e. Shake it off, meaning get over whatever is bothering you so you can appreciate what's going on right now). Anyways - I'm dealing with an aggravating little league baseball situation (don't f w/ my kid) and kept saying to myself, I gotta shake this off - I'm just wasting all this time being aggravated. Then I think, ok - Taylor Swift says shake it off, but that's after the fact, what do you do when your living it. Then I remembered she writes songs about all her breakups, so I figured I'd write a song to get out what I was thinking... and out came 'Little fat man'. I only played it for a couple of folks (who I know feel like I do, but truly it made me feel better. So I take this thought just a little bit further and think back to other songs I've written. I've got 3 revenge songs, they were all inspired by people or circumstances, and all made me feel considerably better after I created them. I also have to say in each there are some really good lyrics. My revenge songs Little fat man I am great, I am great, It is me you should celebrate Had a run in with a POS today Anybody else got any revenge songs they want to share the title, maybe a little story of?
  20. TY - 200 people, I would have guessed there were that many in paparazzi just hanging out your windows :).
  21. I've gotta say this scares me a little bit because the canvas I'm painting on is very scaled back and basic. The Cash version hooked me, but I've found a couple other versions that have helped me along, I'll check out the Elvis version, just because I've got a costume and it would make for a good vid. Space in singing, yes - thank you :)! The chicken series - I like it! Not yet, no bells and whistles until I get the basics, but I like the idea of trying it on a slide once I get it down (probably a 3 string slide guitar - because I love the basic goodness of the sound)
  22. Very nice, super nice burst and like the collection it's sitting with - gotta be a song or two in there somewhere!
  23. Very nice - happy playing!
  24. Hey BK - sounded nice, a little more electric than other recordings with the TD (IMO) was there anything different than the other recordings. Since you seem to have almost every gidget / gadget known to mankind - if you were to do a show (say 200 people or so) - and you could choose everything you want about the set up, would you use the TD, or what?
  25. I'm using the K&K with Fireeye red eye, like it a lot. I got to this through recommendations on this forum, and happy with the direction. Not to derail, but for a '69 anything or other, I'd probably try to learn to live with a soundhole p'up (and the one I want is a sunrise) if having something else required any mods to the guitar.
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