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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. God's gonna cut you down. Key of A, goes up to E and down to G in a couple spots, not many - just right for practice. I think of my kids little league coach when I'm singing it, and it helps me get the right tone 🙂
  2. ZW - I love just whatever it is goes on that brain of yours!
  3. I heard he'll tell you about it, but will charge you for it.
  4. Seem to be available over here. If I was ever to go this way I think I like the studio version. Maybe I'm being a curmudgeon but not sold on richlite yet... and diamond inlays really don't do much for me.
  5. Once you get into something, you start to learn about it and really what the measuring sticks of quality are - before that, it's which looks best.
  6. Everything gets compared the original, and Shinedown's is good... but not as good as the original. Not just the singing, but LS guitar as well... it has a sound. Being an old guy growing up with the original I may be a bit biased.
  7. Hey Murph - sorry I missed it above, what mic did you use for your gig in the photos above?
  8. Thanks Grunt, working on my version of Danny Boy for you (just kidding 🙂) Right now mixing it up between the Eurythmics and Johnny Cash - might have to put a mash up together.
  9. I don't know - I'm excited about it, and can be just within reach of some who would really love a Gibson and can't go for a full dollar J45 or bird or a stepping stone for someone undecided. They do need to match the strategy with a quality product though, I'm routing for it
  10. When you think of it, it really is a shame to the highest degree to lose anything like that. If the original artists were not the owners, hopefully they have copies?
  11. The impression I've developed is the J45 and D18 are the foundational models for a collection and you build from there... then everything gets compared to those 2 as you add on. Then building the collection on the Gibson side I'd be thinking of adding on an SJ200, Hummingbird, Jumbo Reissue, and LG something or other. Then build the equivalent Martin based collection, and then add a Collings and Froggy Bottom for comparison. And I'd like a 12 string.
  12. Just a 'thinking out loud' update - I've been doing my 'pitch' exercises for about 10 days. For most part I've been using the guitar tuner and guitar to play a note and try and match it with mmy voice etc... yesterday for the first time I was able to play the open string notes on a guitar and match it per my voice (for the most part). I've also got a couple droning songs I can now consciously say I'm on key... or at least close, which is also enabling me to add volume. Don't really have a clear path to where I'm going with this but have to believe it should translate somewhat into an improved performance. Back to the reason I've started focusing on voice (except for need... ) was a sore arm / elbo. Taking time off, doing my fruit loopy yoga stretching etc... is working, but it's still an issue. Was talking with my wife about it and she hands me a tube of cream, CBD oil stuff. Not sure the pain is less but I do feel hungry.
  13. Here's a good one, summer baseball in London (Bo Sox vs Yanks). I've got a 10am game here (Boston time) tomorrow morning. I love Sunday morning baseball! ...unfortunately the Sox are laying an egg this season, while the yanks look like a steam roller gathering strength - ooooof.
  14. 9 mo into middle retirement, this 'good economy' makes me go hmmm... good for some, BRUTAL for others.
  15. that's a pretty cool environment to be employed in - as said above, that oak is beautiful!
  16. Lol, you remembered you forgot something, that’s still something
  17. Does anyone know, and this with respect to acoustics, does the finish (i.e. quilted, or flamed) have an impact on tone, or is it simply cosmetic?
  18. Flamed vs Quilted: Below is a flamed maple (I know it's electric, but thought it was a good representation) In the Gibson Lounge, someone posted a 'build your guitar' link. You can do flamed and quilted maple and see the difference. I can only post one pic here due to size limits (it's flamed) but use the links to build your own with quilted and you'll see the difference. Pretty cool IMO.
  19. PB - I feel you should get one of each to witness the differences first hand. If it helps in the decision process, you can claim you're doing it in the name of science 🙂
  20. there's a bazillion ways to store back ups of anything... would've thought something considered irreplaceable would of had a plan around it. Some COO dropped the ball big time.
  21. I love it, love all seasons... living near Boston we've got 4 distinct seasons, love em all, gotta take em all head on. For me summer is getting up early 4:30ish... heading out to the chicken coop and playing guitar for a couple hours. They all come hang out by me. 3 of them have started to learn a routine to one of their favorites. Then on to the computer for a bit, if a break in the schedule happens, maybe a little bass fishing. Throw in managing the goat rodeo 3 kids and 2 dogs can throw at you and i'm occupied just right. M.E. above - mentioning noise sensitive, (...don't like the summer with open windows etc...) any opportunity to move to the burbs. The noise is less, and the season becomes nice.
  22. One thing I'll say (although it's still few and far between) but when you get pitch right, it does sound good.
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