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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. My impression was that a torrefied top would give it a 'dryer'type of sound, but you still need to play it in order to get the 'looser', worn in characteristic... based on nothing, just how I understood it. And apologies, I don't really have a good way describe the difference between the two.
  2. For bang for the buck, I'm liking: LP Tribute In Satin Honey burst https://www.gibson.com/Guitar/USAANM97/Les-Paul-Tribute#SKU-LPTR00FHNH1 LP Studio in Smokehouse burst. https://www.gibson.com/Guitar/USAYNB363/Les-Paul-Studio#SKU-LPST00KHCH1 I do like the look of the classic, but wary of the burstbuckers just because of all the comments, no experience. -------- When people are looking for last model years, where are you usually looking? Local shops, GC?
  3. Favorite - '18 J45 Vintage Got away - '90 Strat, American Standard
  4. CBD oil helped with the pain in my elbo... the type of stuff with no 'high' type effects.
  5. Same comment, closed my eyes - thought it was Sal. Good sounding guit.
  6. I closed my eyes when she was singing and thought it was Sal. EA - I kind of like this singing, reminds me a bit of Edie Brickell, but probably only so much of it - it would have to be mixed up a bit for variety's sake for anything more than a couple songs.
  7. Someone posted a Baggs M1A that sounded phenomenal. Couple that where I've developed an opinion it's 95% the player making the p'up sound good - I feel M1A is solid if you want soundhole, K&K + fire eye red eye if you don't mind drilling the end pin jack. Everything else is just playtime.. But my playtime list would be: Sunrise if you want a soundhole p'up K&K + Tonedexter + good mic (i.e. Edwina) for a permanent set up
  8. The first just sounded like an all around top notch production, great sounding guitar and seems as much talent doing the recording as well. I didn't feel the martin represented as well - what's the pick up? Super liked your CW. Got a fullness to it that's sweet but to me still with a good separation of notes. IMO... Are you wearing a cowboy hat in the last one?
  9. I got one here for you, it comes with the Brooklyn bridge. Just send a check and it will be on the way 🙂
  10. Folks - Perusing the web looking for things to improve myself, came upon this video of Waylon Jennings playing a Gibby (SJ 200 is my guess...), acoustic goodness, thought some might enjoy. Waylon Jennings
  11. Ok BK - you got me thinking on this. I feel Taylor, and your Maton's as well - have put together a quality instrument, but more so and what gives them a differentiating edge (to non educated buyers who don't realize Gibby's are just the best ) - as you noted they put the plug and play sound system in them. I'd like to see Gibson figure that piece out and then see what happens to the conversation (although I got a' vintage' instrument w/o any electronics).
  12. You have to give them their due, there's a reason they're so popular.
  13. Sounds good as well. I'd have to say they all sound pretty good - almost as good as my J45 (with a K&K thru a fire eye red eye). Just kidding, jonesing for a ToneDexter... and Edwina ...and Jumbo Reissue...
  14. Hey folks - do you ever worry about the ends / slots of the guitar straps wearing out (that go over the buttons on the guitar), to the point they they could slip off the buttons?
  15. Really, I can't say anything bad about any of it - they all sound goo, really good. I think someone mentioned on another thread, the equipment helps but really it's 99% practice. Appreciate you posting BK - I aspire...
  16. Nice - welcome to the forum Henry.
  17. RIP, I did not know him - but appreciate his story. Thanks for posting.
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