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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. I love Angus - really feel he's a player and got some skills.
  2. How do you go about that, do you have to replace the wire (my wire stretchers just don't work that well). 'luck!
  3. I think it was just a point in time where everything went right. Couldn't see it recreating in this era... it's not the offering that grabs the general population. I'm happy that it went right when it did though...
  4. There's something just not right with this picture, ahhh - probably just me, never mind
  5. Ok folks - progressing well, but really want to make sure I don't put out a turd so going to be another week or so before I post. Still wrestling with some vocal demons, but I've got some professional guidance, so feel I'm on a good path. Just to remind people, there was encouragement and invitation for anyone else to put up there versions (Johnny Cash - God will cut you down) once I post mine. I'm sure you'll never have a lower bar to reach so get ready shine bright and strut your stuff! On a side note - there was mention of Rambling Jack Elliot in another thread - looked him up and saw his version of 'soul of a man' found a little 'how to' on you tube and I see some open E slide coming next. Open E - never played in it before, first impressions make me say 'hmmmmm...'
  6. These may all be one hit wonders - but I sure am happy they all had those one hits! Just listened to Venus and In the Summertime... just made me smile!
  7. I don't have one, but just listened to this clip on you tube, and now I want one.
  8. Unfortunately my new 'eating lifestyle' doesn't allow for that... 30 lbs away from a beer for me. Thank you for noticing the asymmetry, 4 years of engineering focusing on fluid dynamics guided me in the design 🙂 Will definitely check it out, but not sure if having an entry in there is a badge of honor...
  9. I find that to be very true, and very therapeutic! I think timing might be an important consideration though in that environment. And it's a Boston based company as well, which makes it a bit more surprising for me (I feel we've got something of a music scene, but wouldn't say we're a mecca...). Regardless, just seeing them made me plug in as soon as I got home 🙂
  10. Kudos to you for getting it right, but I think sometimes there's a curse to knowing too much... but then again - if you walk the path as you're doing, I bet you'll get all the kinks worked out and have an envy inducing guit at the end of it. FTR - I'm waiting for everything to be right and your 'this is awesome' post 🙂
  11. I was a little too late to listen to him real time, but by the time I got to first appreciating him (probably 1985ish...) it was Blonde on Blonde that first got me, especially Leopardskin Pillbox Hat and then Subterranean Homesick Blues... just checking these look to have come out '65 / '66 timeframe. ...and Maggies Farm Just checked out moonshiners, and roll on john - definitely a different side to him. He's a musician, skills there... although I believe I saw a clip of him describing himself as a 'song and dance man' 🙂
  12. Necessity is the mother of invention - wanted to practice outside (doing a recording and listening back) but the wind kept kicking up and maxing out the mic. I thought to myself 'I wish I had one of those fancy wind screens' then I thought, 'well wish in one hand and sh!t in the other, see what fills up first' - and figured I should try to get inventive... and I bring you the 'billroy redneck wind screen'. It wasn't 100% perfect, but it did a good enough job to where I could practice outside. The DIY instructions also come with a guide how to get the appropriate farmers tan and burned neck. For the record, I love the portability of the Apogee Mic plugged into an iPhone for garage band... for my needs it's the bees knees!
  13. Had a meeting at Staples corp yesterday (naming them because I believe it's positive publicity - and they deserve kudos for this). After my meetings, one of the folks took me around the building to show me around. They had a big cafeteria and lounge area - and in the lounge area they had 4 guitars set up for anyone to play. 3 acoustics (Epi, Johnson, and something else) and an Epi SG set up next to a small crate amp. I didn't get to strum any, but the guy did take me for a fly by to get a closer look. That's some good corp mojo IMO!
  14. the letter (boxtops), god'll cut you down (cash), sweet things (eurythmics)
  15. Awesome, thank you for all the replies folks! I like all the suggestions - I think I'd like to get a fender twin reverb first, then one of the Gibson GA15R's, and then a Marshall something. Those would go with my new LP and Firebird (or maybe flying V in honor of Albert King). Time to go start soundproofing my barn. Maybe I'll plug my SG into my Blues Jr and work some overdrive first.
  16. I'm an acoustic guy - so ignore if it's a stupid question (but this forum has got me interested in looking for opportunities to plug in and play loud (er))... lots of NGDs get posted here, but I figure the amp has a lot to do with the sound - so was wondering what are people's favorite guitar / amp combo. Anyone have favorites? My favorite was Fender Strat through Fender Blues Jr (small room) but is now '67 SG through the Blues Jr. In bigger rooms, I've played a Fender Blues, and liked it - but only had a few opportunities to try that.
  17. Probably just beating a dead horse - but had a thought... just pasting photos, you're allowed 2 - 3 max before space is used up. Not sure if you can delete ones, and post others - but seems to be a hassle. A better way to post a picture (IMO) is to use IMGUR or some other site. You have to create an account, but you upload your picture to there - size it etc..., and then you copy a link to post into your thread. You can post as many as you want, no limits. I'm no techie, so don't know why things have to be this way - but just seem to be. IMGUR can be a little picky, but it works.
  18. I've got hair, just seems to be a different color than what I started with 😮
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