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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. Ok all - so volume is not a req't, but what about all you folks picking up multiple guits with different p'up configurations etc... are you able to get a flavor for the differences in those at lower vol's. Again - sorry if naïve questions. And yes the reason not to play loud is to not disturb everyone else around. I don't have a proper place to regularly do it.
  2. Folks - This forum is drawing me to the world of electrics, but I'm an old fart - and finding opportunities to plug in and play loud are minimal. So here's my question - are there places for electrics in quieter settings (where an electric would shine over an acoustic), or really only when you want to put out volume?
  3. Good stuff BK! Thinking of gadgets, if you get a hankerin', would you do a demo of different mics? 1 Guitar, no p'ups, vintage, Gibson. I would say no FX (i.e. reverb, compression...), but not sure if mics require FX to really display their capabilities? I've got shure SM57 and 58, and happy with the results (they are more than fine for my use), but didn't know if there were other ways I should spend my money that would matter to no one other than me...
  4. Sorry, I'm not knowledgeable on Gibson acoustic amps - for my education - what would you consider to be an equivalent to the Domino 3 in your opinion?
  5. Q: If you have a baby, and they argue about going down for a nap, are they guilty of resisting arrest? Q: What did the 0 say to the 8 ? A: Nice belt. Comment: Just ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon - I'll let you know... (do you get it?) Oldie: Judge was questioning a women who beat her husband with his guitars. The judge asked 'first offender'? The women replied, 'no first a Gibson, then a Fender.' Q: What did the ladder braced guitar say to x braced guitar? A: Newbie Anybody else got any dad jokes?
  6. Been a bit, gotta figure you made it to Toronto, how's the tour d'N America going and what are some recent hi-lights? (No pressure, but I'm living vicariously through you and really hoping for a great trip!)
  7. Tried them before, but just wasn't able to partner with them. Some folks work magic with them though. Sounds like the elixer nano's are the front runner! I agree science says things shouldn't change, and science should be right, but when I pick the guitar up after awhile, the strings don't typically sound bright and chippy. Maybe just the everyday expansion and contraction due to humidity changes is enough to effect them.
  8. Awesome pic - which are you? (PS - Go mullets, I remember my first encounter - probably about 8 yrs old, playing soccer and a kid on the other team had one. After the game I was like, 'Mom - did you see that, that's how I want my hair to be!' as I was out in the sun and my neck started to burn.... There's got to be a picture somewhere you could post. What did the cover of your record look like - would love to see it?
  9. I don't know DH, I know it's not your style - but after 20 years of riffing on a couch - I'd pay for someone to ask me to play my guitar for 2 hours w/o singing. I usually get sent into another room 🙂
  10. I've got 2, pretty weak compared to what I've read above - but they were milestones of sort for me. 1) About a year ago, after about 20 yrs of noodling on the guitar, I plugged into an amp (Bose S1 🙂 ) and sang a song for my wife. The look of amazement (in a good way) was priceless (it truly was - I could tell I amazed her). Stepped over from producing elevator music to songs on that day. 2) My 3rd open mic, for my 3rd song (following 2 good toe tappers that got the place interested) I played an original. Supposed to be a defiant-ish song 'you got in my face, well I'm going to push back' type song. Played the song, it had a couple points that it gets a little zealous (felt I was pushing hard, then I thought well I'm into it - go with it!). The song ends with a couple powerful strums and abruptly stops. The place is silent (I'm thinking like 'oh sht - bit the big one on this) but after what seemed like a lifetime, the place erupted. Maybe they were just happy it was over, but I'm believing it's because I connected with a few. Good stuff - b.
  11. Love the Blues King! Sunrise sounds good, I caught a bit of murph though, and becoming partial to just mic'ing things - no pick ups.
  12. Nice, little things are good things!
  13. Awesome Jinder, great news - best wishes for the reliability you're hoping for!
  14. She's a good girl, loves her momma, loves cheese its, and America too.
  15. Nice Buc. Is this a different guitar, the burst looks darker than I remember.
  16. Thank you all, the guitar is out in the elements, maybe will try the naphtha or axe wax next time it takes a little hibernation. tried something like that before and wasn't thrilled - but might be worth a try. Worse case I swap the strings, which I'd be doing anyways.
  17. 36 yrs ago I was a hardcore metal head... had my first guitar but really didn't start strumming for another 15 yrs. BK - that looks like some cool but tough country, as mentioned above sounds like a well timed exit. Reminds me of a time when I was mountain biking out in the Lasalle mountains in Utah... lost the trail, found a guy in a cowboy hat to ask directions who was none too happy we were there. The trail passed through a couple fences -and as we were leaving he left us with a warning, 'and close the gates- otherwise I'll come find you...' yep, good time for an exit.
  18. Thank you, do you know if keeping it out in the environment vs in the case make a difference? Thanks - I've been fortunate not to have oxidation, just not that bright fresh string sound I love... and even that not so bright, but not dead string sound.
  19. Hi all - I use, and like the sound of PBs, and for my every day player (J45) don't mind swapping them out every 6-12 wks or so - but for my other guitar, which could sit for a couple months and then I'll pick it up again in spurts (usually due to something in an open tuning), and the strings have lost their life. Are there any strings people would recommend for a sporadically dormant guitar? Or is swapping them out just the nature of the game? Off to swap some strings...
  20. On my guild, had a pin fail and in a pinch used a chopstick to fill the need. Filled the need with respect to making the guitar usable, but geeze did it kill the string... muted compared to all the others. Just got a new pin though - so all is fine with the world. Posting because I was amazed at the impact of the pin alone, I really had not expected that...
  21. I like the antiquity - but would want to better understand the finish issues you describe. Via the pictures - I have a hard time telling if it's reflection - or something in the finish. If it looked like the finish was cloudy underneath, I probably would pass on it. On the bridge pins - they look like the ones that came on my '18 J45 Vintage, and to me the bridge looks to be tusq (some sort of super plastic that is great for this stuff). Mine came with that as well. Nothing I'd worry about. Also - just worth understanding is the pick up. I'm not sure these came with one originally, but looks like there is one now. Just would want to know what it is and how it got there - might come with it, not sure... No major questions - but a few, if you can answer them, I feel a guitar you can play first is a bonus in my book. If you can not answer them, ordering from somewhere with a good return policy is key. A good thing about buying new is if it does have a problem, you typically have a recourse to get it addressed (although it could still be a pain). Luck (PS - other folks on this forum know 10k times as much stuff as I know... so maybe they'll weigh in)
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