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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. should have avocados on it
  2. Very nice line up! Enjoy them, play the snot out of 'em!
  3. Woke up, got out of bed, dragged a comb across my head.... now making coffee
  4. Really you need 2 more, the SJ200 and then something small body LG0 or something. Then you can pretend your done, but should get the Dove after.
  5. 'Luck BK - would be pretty cool if the Dove worked out!
  6. ACDC had bagpipes! I don't know any Chicago songs - what's good to check out, what are you looking forward to hearing?
  7. I like the swap out, it's good when a plan goes well - nice!
  8. That works, but there's nothing available local? I thought the music scene in Cyprus was pretty good (I believe that's where you're at)… but then as I type this, when it comes to a stand, I think it's worth getting what you want. I like Sweetwater - good luck.
  9. I think it's a couple of things - you've got years of listening to what sounds good or not and have a very developed opinion, not me - and in this case ignorance is bliss πŸ™‚ I'm using it more for my vocal amplification than amplifying my acoustic - I'm trying to sing louder than my guitar, not really trying to fill a big space... I've tried my fender blues jr totally clean with the acoustic (due to comments on some thread) - and again, noting my judgement is not developed - really liked it. It complicates the set up up but when I'm feeling really frisky I bring the blues jr out to the campfire for guitar and the bose for vocals.
  10. if your not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space... is what I would have said in my younger days. ...but now I agree with you.
  11. Very cool Jinder! For me, which is to have volume in the office, and then portable volume to the campfire and maybe the rare open mic type party - I'm good with it. I agree with you on the tone shaping though, but I do get to good enough with what I need. If I was concerned with an audience of more than just a few friends, it might be an issue - but right now I'm more than happy with it. I'll check out the Boss CE7. When I'm as famous as Jinder I'm going to get the H&K.
  12. Not to beat a dead horse - but the topic of EQ got me thinking. I love my Bose S1, and only bass and treble controls are fine with my K&K p'up in my J45, but when I use my Dean Markely soundhole p'up with my Guild it sounds quacky. I can get rid of the quackiness by turning down treble, and up bass - but I do wish I had a 'mid' knob in these circumstances. Having said that - I'm really liking the Roland Street Cube and Street Cube Ex (although have not listened to any live).
  13. Bummer, I'd try to put a $ value in the difference and ask for that, &/or offer him to buy it off you. Hoping he owns up to the issue, and a discussion allows you to come to terms. Not sure on the $ value you're talking - but if a discussion didn't fix it, the $ value would weigh in on whether i'd go the lawyer route or the 'put it behind me' route. Again, bummer. FYI - there's a couple of us here in the Worcester MA area, if you're in need - we can give you the names of some good / trusted luthier's down here.
  14. Thanks for the replies folks, the pup is Lucy... she's one of 2 and loves to sit on the steps next to me, usually pushes the guitar out of the way πŸ™‚ . Dogs are good - show us yours! Double points for a dog pic w/ a guitar in it... but dog pic alone is fine.
  15. went for a walk along the local canal path, and at the end there was this bunch of painted rocks with things painted on them... made my day! Small things making a big difference. Then I went home and occupied myself here on the green steps. (… and yes they need attention - it's on the list πŸ™‚ good stuff!
  16. I'm starting to thing a guitar stand is an extraneous expense...
  17. There's people more knowledgeable than me here - but I'd guess somewhere in the $3k range if it's still in great condition... maybe $2850 or so if your lucky. Just a guess though. Could check reverb to see if there's any posted and get the range from there.
  18. Cool, don't want to derail the thread, so may ask in another post - what were your musical influences down there, local and other?
  19. want to shudder a bit, I just remembered a post someone put up with a video of someone standing their guitars up balancing on the bout and strap pin. I couldn't find the post, but who needs a stand...
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