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You Gotta Get A Uke!

Buc McMaster

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As a diversion from the norm on the forum I hope you folks don't mind a little ukulele tune now and then. If you've never played one I highly recommend you get one..........easy to learn and play and their happy little voice just can't be beat! Those of you that own onw know what I mean - they are just a hoot to play! The perfect "sofa" instrument! A playable one can be had for well under $100.......go ahead! You know you wanna!


Changed the strings from the Aquila nylgut to a set of Living Water fluorocarbons.........better volume, less string noise.



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The owner of my favorite Mom & Pop music shop is a big uke fan and always has a nice selection of vintage Martins, Smecks and such on hand so I get to putz around with them regularly.


The big rage around here though is not ukes but the U-Bass especially the fretless models. Guys swear that despite their dimunitive size, plugged in they are as close to the sound of a double bass as you will get.

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As a diversion from the norm on the forum I hope you folks don't mind a little ukulele tune now and then. If you've never played one I highly recommend you get one..........easy to learn and play and their happy little voice just can't be beat! Those of you that own onw know what I mean - they are just a hoot to play! The perfect "sofa" instrument! A playable one can be had for well under $100.......go ahead! You know you wanna!


Changed the strings from the Aquila nylgut to a set of Living Water fluorocarbons.........better volume, less string noise.





Nice .....


I did get one uke a few years back......... Somehow.... I now have eight of the little buggers!! Lovin' the uke [thumbup]

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Nice .....


I did get one uke a few years back......... Somehow.... I now have eight of the little buggers!! Lovin' the uke [thumbup]



They reproduce in the closet if you don't keep them carefully separated. That's why you see so many odd uke configurations and sizes. That faint musical sound you hear in the middle of the night is not the wind in the willows: it's ukes getting it on.

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I'll not give this little rascal another to mingle with! Just as one guitar is enough, so it is with the uke. Thank you all for tolerating my crossing the center line with the Collings.....and thanks very much for the kind words! B)

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Great video Buc! Thanks for posting... great tune. I got a cheap laminate mahogany uke for my birthday this year. I've been working on learning the chords and one song in particular... George Harrison's version of "The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea". It is a great little uke song and fairly easy to play.


In my online research about playing a uke, I discovered that you can play the uke AND get a fairly decent uke sound on a guitar by capo'ing to fret five and muting the low E and A strings. For me it is difficult not to hit the low E and A so I put my pick widget near the sound hole between the E and A and it works like a charm!



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