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Kaiser Bill

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My Kalamazoo arrived tonight just before dinner. I opened it a couple hours later...took some photos, and an hour after that I plugged it in to see how it sounded. Meh...nothing I haven't already heard. Coil taps make it sound like a Fender. The strings are too light for me, and MUST be changed. The neck is wide and not real comfortable in my hand. On the plus side... the finish is perfect. I did have to wipe it down...as it was all smudged from the factory. Palm and finger prints everywhere.


I cannot remember for the life of me how to post pics from photobucket. Its been about 5 months since I've done that. Then again we've all seen these guitars...its no different than the others.

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I thought you guys were excited about this guitar because of the shorter scale. If the coil tap sounds like a Fender isn't that the goal?


I am sure 10s will feel lighter on a shorter scale guitar.


By the way once you upload to photobucket you copy the IMG link and paste it in here.

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Nope...not excited at all. Its just been a while since I got a new guitar. It comes with .009s...way too light for me and my style of playing. Don't know anything about making a Gibson sound like a Fender.


I cannot remember how to get the link in the body of a post/email. I had to start all over because I moved and changed ISPs...so all my photos are gone. Haven't been on the photo site since July. Memory is failing.

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Hello Bill!


Sorry to hear about Your disappointment. That instrument really looked fantastic, and sounded great on Youtube demos.


However, I get excited over every Gibson I put my hands on. The only case I can recall when I was disappointed, is when the first examples of my pre-ordered 60's Tribute SGs arrived to the shop, and I tested one. It had no quality issues or such, just the feel and it's sound was so boring - I guess, that's the right word.


Dirty from factory? I never seen such thing, though, but that's unacceptable.




I wish You a better luck for the next time... Bence

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I cannot remember how to get the link in the body of a post/email.



Click on the IMG box, which has the link in Photobucket, (you'll see "Copied" the URL for the link to photobucket is now in your paste buffer)


then, open a post/reply window here in the forum, and simply "paste" it to the post (Right mouse button, the select PASTE or,, just hit Ctrl+V)


sorry to find out the Midtown was "Anti-climactic"

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I've played 2 midtowns in my local store and I've gotta say neither impressed me as far as tone and feel.


Actually compared to my Gretsch hollowbodies they felt rather ummmmm delicate. (cheap)


The sales boy was all excited about it and wanted to know my thoughts. I just smiled and said not for me thanks.

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btoth...you've hit the nail on the head ..disappointed and boring are the correct words.


That's exactly how I felt when I bought my ES 339 when they first came out... Bought it sight unseen from GC and had it shipped. I'll never do that again. Set up was terrible out of the box and never was able to get the guitar feel right and I know lots of people love that guitar. Never bonded with it and ended up trading it for a Chat Atkins signature 6120... Happy with that.

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I have considered this post for possibly as long as 30secs...


And decided to take the guitar on to save any more unhappiness... [thumbup]


I will not mention that a guitar such as this will improve with age


And need much tweakery to optimise tone...


Just pack carefully and tell the donkey where to deliver(Chez V)...


Looking forward to it... [biggrin]





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I'll top that offer with having FedEx come right to your door and pick it up from you. I wouldn't want ANYONE unhappy with a guitar purchase like that!!! [biggrin] [biggrin]


Seriously, do you have return privileges? I never purchase new w/o at least 10-30 days return option to give me time with it.


Sorry to hear it's not a trigger tripper. I know how that can go, but I would still have it picked up if ya want!!!



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