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what do you guys think of...


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Converse shoes - Expensive

Seymour Duncan distortion and jazz pickups paired together - uh

fenders - Yes

mesa boogie - YES

levy straps - uh

tight jeans - on you?

boss peddles - Well Built

pumpkin pie - NO

school - Can't remember...M O O N spells moon

awesome computers - Just tools

smileys - uh

emos - My daughter is turning into one!!!

social - ?

mafya - Bad

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Converse shoes - overpriced

Seymour Duncan distortion and jazz pickups paired together - stupid

fenders - awesome

mesa boogie - good at what they do (but Marshall is still better)

levy straps - too lazy to formulate an opinion

tight jeans - only on girls please

boss pedals - great, but unnecessary if you're like me

pumpkin pie - delicious! especially with whipped cream

school - awesome- where would civilization be without it?

awesome computers - um... awesome? and also very expensive

smileys - entertaining!

emos - should stop threatening to kill themselves and just do it so we don't have to put up with them

social - social what?!

mafia - scary


Learn how to spell "pedals"... and mafia is with an I, not a y...

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Converse shoes/boots

Seymour Duncan distortion and jazz pickups paired together/O:)

fenders/nice on cars and trucks

mesa boogie/okay I guess

levy straps/yep

tight jeans/on girls

boss peddles/have some

pumpkin pie/cooter pie

school/still study

awesome computers/O:)

smileys/this site sucks gator c0ck




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Converse shoes....Fish heads? Yes

Seymour Duncan distortion and jazz pickups paired together....No opinion

fenders...Too expensive but still shouldn't have never moved to Mexico

mesa boogie..."Pig Nose"

levy straps....Quit buying Levy anything.......Moved to Mexico

tight jeans....On females? Yes

boss peddles...No opinion

pumpkin pie...Yep with whip cream

school...Hated it but its needed and everyone should graduate as a civic duty. We have enough stoooopid

people now.

awesome computers....I'll be buying a Mac next time.

smileys...This forum needs more variety

emos...Didn't know what that was 'til several weeks ago. I believe they would qualify as "stoooopid people."

social...Better than anti-social. Socials? All for 'em. Like to party. Socialism? Looks like we're going to need some form

if we are going to have any jobs left in this country.

mafya... Bad dudes. We could put 'em out of business if we'd legalize drugs' date=' prostitution and gambling. Then sin tax it.

O:) O:) :-s [/quote']

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Converse shoes - pretty cool, but I feel too old for them.

Seymour Duncan distortion and jazz pickups paired together - I don't know...never tried Duncans.

fenders - they don't have 'it'. Gibson Les Pauls have everything I want in a guitar. Fenders don't even come close to the versatility of Les Pauls!! I'm serious.

mesa boogie - too dark sounding most of the time. I love Engls for a brighter/more cutting tone.

levy straps - gay.

tight jeans - even more gay!

boss peddles - good; they're doing their thing.

pumpkin pie - too greasy.

school - nice if you have the brains for it.

awesome computers - I don't care. Only for ps2/ps3.

smileys - nice, they keep the humour alive.

emos - extremely hot if they're lesbian.

social - I don't care most of the time. What is 'social' anyway...I can't stand sarcasm though.

mafya - a bunch of idiots.

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Converse shoes - i own some but i prefer boots

Seymour Duncan distortion and jazz pickups paired together - in some guitars, but not all

fenders - it happens

mesa boogie - for somethings i love them

levy straps - could have just put "straps" everyone has a levy (at least a few)

tight jeans - are for in shape girls with a nice butt.

boss peddles - learn to spell pedals. we will touch on this in 2 more lines. and yeah, some boss are OK

pumpkin pie - i would rather not

school - you should stay in. being stupid is not cool. at least learn how to spell "pedals"

awesome computers - umm.... ok. but computers aren't my life. i have seen that there is a real world out there.

smileys - sometimes needed. it's hard to express mood and inflection with with brief text blurbs.

emos - trying too hard.

social - poorly used word

mafya - get a life.

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thanks for answering, heres what i think:


Converse shoes: i wear them

Seymour Duncan distortion and jazz pickups paired together: can switch from metal to jazz, i luv it

fenders: despise them, my first stratocaster fell apart in 2 weeks

mesa boogie: luv their tone

levy straps: not too good

tight jeans: i like them, looks hot on both guys and girls

boss pedals: nice tone and versatility

pumpkin pie: my favorite

school: not to fond of it but i know its necessary

awesome computers: macs are the best

smileys: ok sum of the time

emos: i am one so theres your answer

social: they beat me up

mafia: funny with their italian names

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Converse shoes: overpriced and overrated

Seymour Duncan distortion and jazz pickups paired together: whatever makes you happy man.

fenders: great

mesa boogie: good

levy straps: =D>

tight jeans: yes

boss peddles: dont know what they are, but I like boss PEDALS

pumpkin pie: no

school: schoolgirls =P~

awesome computers: I dont find any computer awesome.

smileys: =D>

emos: perfect pets for sociopaths

social: what?

mafya: what?


Librarians: under 40, with glasses and a nice rack? =P~

ergonomic keyboards: ...what, your hands dont move?

SGs: great

calligraphy: WTF

snakebite lip piercing: :-&

multiple ear piercings::-&

novels that are really about old people talking: I dont know

the movie Wanted: =D>

Emo haters: =D>

peeple who corect speling on forums: "people" =D>

bisexual emos: :-&[-X=;[-(






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Welcome to the forum...


...so, we should conclude that you are an italian bisexual emo who wants a fender but has a gibson and wants to upgrade it with SD distortion and jazz, uses a levy's leather strap (in black with pink details) and uses converse shoes (black with pink skulls) and plays gigs with a mesa boogie and some boss pedals, for schoolboys in tight jeans that call you pumpkin and give you cream pies, and while not playing guitar spends his time with higher end computers and his only interaction with feelings are smileys and so thinks will end up a librarian in need of an ergonomic keyboard and a lighter guitar with better upper fret access?


Well to become a librarian multiple piercings would be a problem as would be having unfinished bussiness with mafia and being hunted down by emo haters and people that "spells good".


Seems like a novel that wouldnt get many old people talking.







...or were you just asking randomly???





(just kidding man, and again, welcome to the forum)

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Converse shoes-not as cool as vans

Seymour Duncan distortion and jazz pickups paired together-probably the lamest thing ever to happen to the world


mesa boogie-meh

levy straps-wtf?

tight jeans-hinders sperm production

boss peddles-mostly awesome

pumpkin pie-almost as bad a SD distortion/Jazz

school-worse than SD distortion/jazz

awesome computers-awesome

smileys-fine in moderation

emos-superfags that should be shot without trial




ergonomic keyboards-idk

SGs-not as cool as Les Pauls, but great guitars


snakebite lip piercing-for fags

multiple ear piercings-for fags (and girls)

novels that are really about old people talking-don't really know what they are but they sound bad

the movie Wanted-miserable, but you see a little bit of Angelinas *** so good

Emo haters-awesome people

peeple who corect speling on forums-smart?

bisexual emos-almost as bad as regular emos, not quite though

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Converse shoes - Nice

Seymour Duncan distortion and jazz pickups paired together - dunno, but in general I prefer low-output pickups.

fenders - The greatest influence on ocidental music since Leo Fender started crafting amplifiers. Can't get no better.

mesa boogie - I feel pity for rectifiers and V-twins. Don't know about the rest.

levy straps - They look cool on the pictures.

tight jeans - That's basically a great add to score some. And I think that I look cool with them.

boss peddles - Ok. I have one.

pumpkin pie - In the brazilian way, YES!

school - Amazing.

awesome computers - I like Imac's a lot.

smileys - the best thing to type when you have nothing to say and you HAVE TO type something.

emos - They just needed better parents.

social - Don't know what you mean.

mafya - I don't agree with crime, really.



Librarians - I only met the mean-old-hag kind.

ergonomic keyboards - Good, they prevent harm.

SGs - Do I need to say anything?

calligraphy - Bittersweet.

snakebite lip piercing - If I want to do something painful to myself I'll call those girls that leave scratches on my back when they leave in the morning.

multiple ear piercings - define multiple.

novels that are really about old people talking - I don't really understand the meaning of novels. If it's like soap opera, I don't like.

the movie Wanted - REAAAALLY smart, great script... jeez...

Emo haters - Hater = no good. Emo haters (to be specific) in general are people who were affected by emos in the way emos wanted to affect those people.

peeple who corect speling on forums - One goal.

bisexual emos - I respect them. I just wonder if most times it ain't just just for display. To stay in fashion/follow the mainstream.




And, by the way... I loved this thread =DDDDD

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Converse shoes - Been a Nike man since my hairband days

Seymour Duncan distortion and jazz pickups paired together - No idea; never used either

fenders - Big love; play a Strat with my band

mesa boogie - Use one with my band; don't love it, don't hate it

levy straps - Overpriced and never saw one I liked anyway

tight jeans - Great on girls; need more room for my johnson

boss peddles - Great quality for the money

pumpkin pie - Love it spicy

school - Haven't been there in years but had a great time, from what I remember

awesome computers - Less into it now but as long as I can play WoW, I'm good

smileys - Helps avoid misunderstandings... sometimes

emos - Life's rough, wear a helmet.

social - Distortion

mafya - Kids pretending to be tough

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Converse shoes:

Pointless, I don't have converse feet.


Seymour Duncan distortion and jazz pickups paired together:

Well if you've not got the blues, your audience will.



There's no need for bad language!


mesa boogie:

Marshall Light


levy straps:

The little known Grandfather of Blues. He went down to the crossroads to sell his soul to the devil but the devil was out. He ended up selling his shoes to the demon Belial for a pack of cigarettes and a signed photo of Lady Godiva.


tight jeans:

I'm eating too much again.


boss peddles:

Used to be better but still good, solid effects peddles.


pumpkin pie:

No thanks, that's why my jeans are tight!



Taught me nothing and is directly responsible for most of my emotional hang ups.


awesome computers:

Are by definition, awesome!



Are yellow.



Emo is an overly-emotional muppet who dresses in black. He has his own range of merchandise and what young school child wouldn't love to find in there Christmas stocking a fickle-me Emo.



The new alternative to 'Internet'



I'm not saying anything for fear of finding a horses head in my next post.

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Librarians - A friend is one

ergonomic keyboards - Don't care

SGs - Rock and roll!

calligraphy - Give me a font instead

snakebite lip piercing - Cry for attention

multiple ear piercings - Cool in the 80's; says nothing today

novels that are really about old people talking - As long as it's not A Catcher In The Rye; I wanted to punch the first person

the movie Wanted - Pretty good; not great but good

Emo haters - Any hater needs to find something better to do with their time or take a closer look at themselves

people who correct spelling on forums - No comment

bisexual emos - Everyone loves two girls making out

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ergonomic keyboards:

Hurt my wrists.



Easier to play than a Flying V and look just as good.



Showing that not even artistic words don't always have meaning.


snakebite lip piercing:

Well, if you need to hide a snakebite then a lip-piercing will do the job.


multiple ear piercings:

Is just careless.


novels that are really about old people talking:

Shouldn't be called "The Erotic Adventures of Susan and the Football Team".


the movie Wanted:

Wasn't needed.


Emo haters:

Shouldn't be so mean to muppets.


peeple who corect speling on forums:

That should be: people who correct spelling on forums!


bisexual emos:

The reason why Sesame Street was cancelled.

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Thundergod wins award for best use of smileys!


Librarians - good

ergonomic keyboards - gay

SGs - good

calligraphy - gay

snakebite lip piercing - ?, sounds weird and dangerous and gay

multiple ear piercings - weird

novels that are really about old people talking - bad

the movie Wanted - never seen it

Emo haters - hate is for nazis

people who correct spelling on forums - good

bisexual emos - pick a team and don't be emo


* No offense intended to gay people intended

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Converse shoes - it don't fit.


Seymour Duncan distortion and jazz pickups paired together - why not. i've paired a dimebucker with a jazz, works fine... in a totally over the top kinda way.


fenders - from amazing to terrible, and everything in between.


mesa boogie - puts the ton in tone.


levy straps - savvy


tight jeans - + fat chicks = nightmares.


boss peddles - dull bright colours.


pumpkin pie - mmm.


school - almost over.


awesome computers - better recording.


smileys - overused.


emos - easy.


social - the useless type of science.


mafya- the russian alternative to pizza.

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