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I miss USA


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Feel a bit low today, in 2010, I went in US for a roadtrip between L.A., San Francisco, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Bad Water ... and I really miss it, I like it so much, attitude of american people seems so positive, driving in the middle of desert but even if it was desert, amazed by the beauty of the nature, seems still so wild and peacefull.


Even if now they say that american dream has died, I still believe in it, I still believe that if you have faith in you and you work hard things can happened there, I don't mean become rich or famous, but just have the luxury to live and work there.


I don't know, perhaps it is just the imagination caused by the midlife crisis, maybe I have watched to many movies or simply maybe I want something different the only thing I know is that I would give anything to be able to stand alone again along a road to nowhere in California where the limit is the horizon.


Just to tell you guys living in the USA how much I envy you.

Take care


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Perhaps it is a feeling from European people or perhaps it is a feeling of dreaming people ... who knows?


As far as I am concerned, it's not about the culture, or the people. Much more about the nature, and the sites I've seen.


I also miss Russia. Moscow during winter. When I recall pictures of the city covered with snow, with purple sky above, I hear the melody of Tchaikovsky's "Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy" in my head. I haven't been there for 25 years... but when I am in Gothernburg, Sweden, I get into the same mood.




Cheers... Bence

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i've visited the USA many times as well and also get that good feeling.


the best thing is the way the Americans approach service in stores, restaurants. etc.. its unheard of here in Europe !

No matter where I've been, most people have been friendly, some not, same as in my home country. ;)

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Yeah man. Every day, I thank the good Lord I was fortunate enough to be born in the USA. I give thanks and I am humbled often at the countless hundreds of thousands of veterans who served and died so young, they left wives, moms and dads, their dogs and yes I am sure many of them left their pre war Gibsons behind, never to be played again.... all sacrificed, died excruciating and horrible deaths, so I can get in my car and take a road trip, go to a Rock Concert, go up on the roof and burn the end off of one with my brothers, drink a cold milkshake, get up and go to work and EARN my living, sit on my back porch and play guitar.. etc etc... The graveyards are full of better men than I could ever dream to be. Kids actually. Countless thousands died running into the teeth of German machine Guns at Normandy the white crosses in Southern France adorn the green rolling hillsides and are far too many to count., The pacifc Island sand like Iwo Jima, and Tarawa, cover thousands upon thousands of Marines and how many thousands of Americans have served and died in Vietnam and Korea. Freedom, what we have here is not free.


We are the red headed step child of the World. We are often ugly, eat junk food, drive big gas guzzling cars, we litter, drink too much, smoke too much, often run in segregated circles and many of us worship a plastic hollywood culture but,,,,,we are the policeman, who is slow to anger, often gets sand kicked in his face, and turns and takes it because tolerance and setting an example is the right thing to do. The fact of the matter is we do have a great Country..( the greatest) built by the blood and bones of men who I am not fit to shine their shoes. I pray for all of them every night before I close my tired eyes.


For America did not make itself, it was made by them for us all. You, me, everybody, and yes we have social discord, Political stagnatiion, stupid ignorant Racism and greed drives the corporate machine over many of us. ( me included) as the fat stuff love handled corporate suits stuff their pockets and the meek wander the cold American streets homeless, but overall American moves forward like a giant imperfect Snake. Slowly methodically, not perfect, but yes, you are right, beautiful from sea to shining sea. From the Southern Illinois Cornfields, the thick green forests of the North and the Rocky Mountain ranges that where hand carved by the palm of God himself, all the way to Cali, the surf of Carlsbad, the cliffs of Carmel, frisco, and back again to the big Apple.



So let the Terriorists cut the head off an American and wallow in the horror of their own being. they will never be us. They will never have a free Society like us. The terrorists will continue in future years to kill Americans, some by prostituing the very freedoms we give them to come here and study, it may happen here like it has before, we will be judged and tested, but what they ,and many other will never understand is just how kevlar strong the fabric of the American will and spirit is.


Enjoy the USA Man, come here often and dig in brother, but never take her for granted, Never forget So few wrote the check that many of us cash every day. Alough I do like to travel, I was born here and will die here, humbled in the thought that I will be covered by the same dirt that covers many heroic men and women who served, many who died, just so I can be free.


I am not even worthy to write about them.



Yes freedom!!!..I am free to breathe and free to play my guitar.


God Bless us all. Now I got to get to work!

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There's no freedom, no equality, no brotherliness anywhere on earth. They are illusions. Some people even believe in democracy although it doesn't really exist. There are no heroes, too. It's all about language regimes, nothing else.


Those who dream may keep on dreaming. Some people like to feel comfortably numb.

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There's no freedom, no equality, no brotherliness anywhere on earth. They are illusions. Some people even believe in democracy although it doesn't really exist. There are no heroes, too. It's all about language regimes, nothing else.


Those who dream may keep on dreaming. Some people like to feel comfortably numb.


Very true.



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There's no freedom, no equality, no brotherliness anywhere on earth. They are illusions. Some people even believe in democracy although it doesn't really exist. There are no heroes, too. It's all about language regimes, nothing else.


Those who dream may keep on dreaming. Some people like to feel comfortably numb.


Dreamers and believers are people that have made things changed since the beginning of humanity.

So that's ok, called me numb if want, but yes I hope one day everyone could stand like brothers, that not all political peoples are corrupted, ...

Yes sometimes it is hard, no one said it would be easy.


Yes I can still be amazed by the moon shinning bright in the night, or by migrating birds when they passes above my head with this perfect V shape. But like Boudist philosohy says happiness is in every simple thing you enjoyed.

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Nothing wrong with dreaming - we all do.


Nothing wrong with turning Your back on reality either - God forbid us, we all need rest once in a while.


But finding ideals to justify human sacrifices, and using pathetic slogans to conceal crimes - is the ultimate sin.


I wish this will never happen, but when someone sends me fighting a war, I wish I`ll have enough courage to turn back, and kick his butt.



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Nothing wrong with dreaming - we all do.


Nothing wrong with turning Your back on reality either - God forbid us, we all need rest once in a while.


But finding ideals to justify human sacrifices, and using pathetic slogans to conceal crimes - is the ultimate sin.


I wish this will never happen, but when someone sends me fighting a war, I wish I`ll have enough courage to turn back, and kick his butt.




Let me clarify my thougths, I didn't say that if someone attack us we should stay passive, I just say most great innovations in our world came from people that their ideas looks weird or even crazy at first sight but they had faith in their beliefs and make things changed.


Of course I am against terrorism, of course we should solve this issue as soon as possible (by the way, to me, terrorists in Syria with the way they kill people are not human at all anymore they're just pure evil) but just we have to keep in mind that the first victims are local citizens, like in a way german people that refuse to follow the move during second world war.

And that's why too our government send army there not only to find and neutralize terrorists but to protect civils too

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There's no freedom, no equality, no brotherliness anywhere on earth. They are illusions. Some people even believe in democracy although it doesn't really exist. There are no heroes, too. It's all about language regimes, nothing else.


Those who dream may keep on dreaming. Some people like to feel comfortably numb.


I assume this was directed at me because of my last post.


No offense, capmaster, but you are in Germany. Please do not lecture me about democracy. Go to the Graveyards of Normandy and get back to me about your view on Hero's. Many "comfortably knumb" kids ( dreamers) died so you have the freedom to walk down your cobble stone German streets and talk about language regimes.


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I am glad my fellow Americans treated you like a welcome guest and that your visit to our country was pleasant.


I haven't been to Belgium, but in Europe I've been to Italy, UK, Netherlands, Spain, Hungary, and the Czech Republic - I found friendly people everywhere that have treated me like a welcome guest too. Same for Asia, Africa, Canada, The Caribbean Nations, and from Mexico to Costa Rica.


I firmly believe the majority of humans are the same all over the world. If you approach them in a nice manner, they will respond in kind.


After all, most people just want to live their lives in relative peace, bring up a family, and make the world a nice place for their offspring. It's the governments and religions that get in the way.


I am glad I was born in the USA and I'm glad you came to visit us. I hope to visit your country some day.



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I firmly believe the majority of humans are the same all over the world. If you approach them in a nice manner, they will respond in kind.


After all, most people just want to live their lives in relative peace, bring up a family, and make the world a nice place for their offspring. It's the governments and religions that get in the way.



Agree completely.


As for governments, I couldn't imagine a better President of The United States and a better Federal Chancellor of Germany than there are at the moment.

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After all, most people just want to live their lives in relative peace, bring up a family, and make the world a nice place for their offspring. It's the governments and religions that get in the way.






Hello Notes!


This is true, too!


Someone who is up to date with my region's events, might be aware of the Slowakian/Hungarian - so to say - ethnical conflict. Which is - in fact - non existing! Living 15 miles from the border, I often go to Slowakia (former Hungarian Highland) and never encountered any hatred from Slowakian people. They are helpful, nice and welcoming. Same here, the two villages next to mine are Slowakian villages - I have friends there. Hungarians, Slowakians, Germans are living peacefully together in this region. But when, You read the papers, watching the news, You always find an idiot trying to spread hate between these ethnic groups. Politicians - nothing is sacred for those worms.


Cheers... Bence

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Who, - in fact - kept slaves during these - referred to as iconic - democratic days...



Modern slavery follows stringent regulations, e. g. through the FIFA at the construction areas in Qatar. "Kaiser" Franz Beckenbauer confirmed they don't wear chains during work. Brave new world...

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Modern slavery follows stringent regulations, e. g. through the FIFA at the construction areas in Qatar. "Kaiser" Franz Beckenbauer confirmed they don't wear chains during work. Brave new world...


No illusions here, Capmaster.


I see that everyday.


Cheers... Bence

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