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I'm Bored...

Marshall Paul

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Currently working on 12 string finger-style country blues... [thumbup]


No Les Pauls aloud... :blink:


Listening to a lot of bagpipe music... <_<


Arranging said bagpipe music for violin


Digging Frank Sinatra


Tchaikovsky on the blaster... [thumbup]







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Awe yeah, gotta love those 12 strings eh. Keep at it, they're beautiful. Sarah put that in the Bluegrass vote.


No loud LP's? Oh, you poor lad. I'll start a VersatileAid Concert thing happening straight away and we'll change that real quick ok. Don't panic in the mean time!


Bagpipes...ok, cool. Start with AC/DC's "It's A Long Way To The Top" OK.


Transposing bagpipes to voilin? Better man than me Gungadin!


Sinatra...way cool. Got it.


Tchaikovsky? Yeah, alright! He never did things by half eh. His scores always 'grandioso furioso forte'. Sort of the Led Zeppelin of his day! He was such a rebel.



"rimmed out on a deal"? what's that? is it a genre?

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Awe yeah, gotta love those 12 strings eh. Keep at it, they're beautiful. Sarah put that in the Bluegrass vote.


No loud LP's? Oh, you poor lad. I'll start a VersatileAid Concert thing happening straight away and we'll change that real quick ok. Don't panic in the mean time!


Bagpipes...ok, cool. Start with AC/DC's "It's A Long Way To The Top" OK.


Transposing bagpipes to voilin? Better man than me Gungadin!


Sinatra...way cool. Got it.


Tchaikovsky? Yeah, alright! He never did things by half eh. His scores always 'grandioso furioso forte'. Sort of the Led Zeppelin of his day! He was such a rebel.



"rimmed out on a deal"? what's that? is it a genre?

You've never been bent over on a deal and lost you gonads, if so you was rimmed out~bored out~slam dunked

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One thing I've a hunch most of us would agree to is "death to disco." That and rap together... Little for a guitarist to get into in either one and ain't what pays the bills for a picker around here for sure.


4H... sheesh, you guys have a bit different slang in your part of the country for sure than we do here.



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are we still playing along with this one?


Unlike a lot of guys my age, I was not into the Beatles when everyone else was, (late 60s, early 70s) My appreciation for those guys came much later for me, and while I do love the Beatles, I'm by no means "All in" when it comes to them.



My interest in playing guitar started with Hendrix's, specially All Along The Watch Tower. (Good lord, how does he make those sounds I'd ask myself).. But, the "skirt" flew up when I first heard Machine Head over a friends house one day. "What the ???" I had already started playing for a few yeas by then, and had had been taking lessons, but for me, that's when light went on, (very brightly) and has never flickered a day since.


I spent the next few years listening to every tune on Machine Head a thousand times over and trying to steel some of that magic that Blackmore tracked on those tunes. I hear that album today and I'm back in '71, in my room with my blonde Telecaster, trying to steel every note that Ritchie played. He was a huge influence for me.

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Sitting in my sofa fiddling on my gits, i try to do some composing and at the same time having some fun.

Later years i´ve started to like a little cleaner tones out of boxes, semis and hollows, got a bunch of them, this tones was recorded in my living room a couple of years ago, sorry but no Gibby in this one [rolleyes]


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Sarah's going to put that down in the R&B genre! lol


and just remember, a lot of motown wound up morphing into that most horrible of all genre's (even worse than punk or ©rap)......disco. So keep remembering the guitarist creed....DEATH TO DISCO!!


Unless you were a guitar player that made a lot of money playing disco. Not nearly what the pros who wrote/arranged/recorded/produced it, but good money the same.



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I play my Les Paul Classic Antique through my Peavey Classic VT Series also using my pedal boards which consist of the list in my signature.

I mostly play Classic Rock and 95% of that is RUSH. I play alone most of the time, but when my son is In the Mood,(pun intended) he joins me playing bass. We really love jamming together and sometimes we just jam, no particular song.

I also enjoy some soothing blues, or even get into some classic Christmas songs around that time of season.

Occasionally I'll just get out my Acoustic and play around a bit, but I am mostly an Electric Guitar person.

When we know we're alone in the house, we might crank it up a little. That's when we really get into it and have some fun.

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Unless you were a guitar player that made a lot of money playing disco. Not nearly what the pros who wrote/arranged/recorded/produced it, but good money the same.


yea man, I hear ya..


we used to play a club back in those days,


It feature disco upstairs, straight ahead rock and roll down stairs....


try as we might,, we could never get the crowd that those jackasses in the "Disco" room got..


but -- we had WAY more fun down stairs,,, I think anyway..


I mostly play Classic Rock and 95% of that is RUSH.


ah a kindred spirit... I've played a few gigs with my son he is a Monster Drummer - Pert was a big influence for him -- in the gigs that we have played, we've always managed to slip in La Via Stangia an YYZ... that stuff keeps you on your toes, I'm just glad I'm not playing Bass!!!!

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are we still playing along with this one?


But, the "skirt" flew up when I first heard Machine Head over a friends house one day. "What the ???" I had already started playing for a few yeas by then, and had had been taking lessons, but for me, that's when light went on, (very brightly) and has never flickered a day since.


I spent the next few years listening to every tune on Machine Head a thousand times over and trying to steel some of that magic that Blackmore tracked on those tunes. I hear that album today and I'm back in '71, in my room with my blonde Telecaster, trying to steel every note that Ritchie played. He was a huge influence for me.

[thumbup] In a thread a while back the question was asked; who first made you want to play guitar? My answer: Ritchie Blackmore did it for me with "Lazy."

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OK! we're on a roll here! Onya fellas! Now, let's start adding up some more....


Now, before we start today, anyone having trouble following my slang, just try reading my posts with an Australian accent ok, might help there. (lol)

Or just try reading real slowly, something...


Like. How. When. You. Read. This. Ever. Notice. The. Little. Voice. Inside. Your. Head. Takes. Pauses?



OK, not real sure what "Sitting in my sofa fiddling on my gits" means, but it got a good giggle out of Sarah, and she's now sitting over on the couch looking at me with those dreamy eyes so, I'm gonna type real fast, because there could be a root in it for me! (oh, and thanks for that mate, owe you one).


And, Machine Head, excellent. I think I've still got one of there albums somewhere. And yeah, I'm with you on that whole Beatles thing. When they were really comming to prominence, I was listening to Motte the Hoople, Iron Butterfly, Manfred Mann's Earth Band, Jethro Tull, Led Zep, The Who...you get the idea eh.


Aw...how could you not like Iggy? Ever seen him do 'Lust For Life'? Too good.

Rushman gets a tick in the Classic Rock, Blues, Me, and..and.....not sure where to put the xmas songs (?).

Kidblast gets a tick in the Classic Rock box, and The Order of the British Empire medal for having to actually put up with disco whilst trying to play on stage!

And L8, what a man! Citing Ritchie Blackmore, oh yeah! Big Tick (and I don't mean roo).

Love the Bored Song! thanks.

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LOL! No wonder you yanks always look so perplexed when you first hit circular quay! lol


OK, follow me.


G'day means "hello"

See ya means "see you" or "goodbye" Seeyalongajingalong or Ooroo means that too

Beauty! or Ya Beauty! or Yer Beauty! means "that's terrific!" Bonza just means "terrific"

Mate means "friend"

Awright means "all right!" or "Got it" If it's got a slammer after it (!), it would also mean "Terrific!" or "Great!"

Onya means sort of "you've got it" or "understand you"

Yer or Ya is "you" or "your"

Cobba is another one for "friend"

Oi means "hey!" - to get someone's attention.

Dunno means "don't know", not to be confused with Dunny which means "toilet" Unless ya dunno where the dunny is of course. (still with me?)

And a root is a, well...a...you know, a...umh,..doing the horizontal hula! So if you come down here and get into a sports discusion in the pub, fer christ sakes, don't say you root for your team...you'll get some very odd looks indeed! lol




so something like "onya cobba!" means "you've got it, friend!". "Awright mate!" means "great, friend!".


OI! All clued up now cobba? Ya onit now mate? Ya beauty!


Now, if you'll excuse me please, I'm going upstairs to the bedroom, give Sarah a nod and a wink, and have a root.

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