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Speaker Cable

Mr. C.O. Jones

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I'm on the hunt for a good speaker cable.

Price, doesn't matter much if it's really good, I'll be glad to pay for quality and good tone.

But I hate to pay for a brand/name only to find out that the product I bought is a POS.


Right now I use this ( don't laugh, ah what the heck I'm laughing myself ):




Problem is I don't have something to compare it with, and because of that I don't know if something else would sound better.

My gut tell's me that this isn't what I should use.


And the other problem it has two angle jack's, wich works right now, but not so well if I have to connect another speaker.


The ones I'm looking right now are Spectraflex, Lava, Monster, Mogami.


I appreciate any help, thank in advance.

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For the two of my amp to speakers connections I use these here:




My bandmates use two respectively one of them, too. We never had any problems with them, regardless if solid-state or valve/tube poweramps of up to 400 watts RMS. The maximum current in our applications is 5 amperes resulting from 200 watts into 8 ohms, peanuts for a 2.5 mm2 cord. [thumbup]

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I'm on the hunt for a good speaker cable.

Price, doesn't matter much if it's really good, I'll be glad to pay for quality and good tone.


There is no "tone" in speaker cable. Nobody can hear a difference between speaker cables outside of one works and one doesn't. Having a spare or three on the gig is far more important. I've been using a couple crummy, free Mars Music fattys since...well, they went out of business last century I think. I still have a couple homemades we used for decades. Use whatever you have, just have extras.



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There is no "tone" in speaker cable. Nobody can hear a difference between speaker cables outside of one works and one doesn't. Having a spare or three on the gig is far more important. I've been using a couple crummy, free Mars Music fattys since...well, they went out of business last century I think. I still have a couple homemades we used for decades. Use whatever you have, just have extras.



+++1 [thumbup] [thumbup] [thumbup]

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Guest Farnsbarns

There is no "tone" in speaker cable. Nobody can hear a difference between speaker cables outside of one works and one doesn't. Having a spare or three on the gig is far more important. I've been using a couple crummy, free Mars Music fattys since...well, they went out of business last century I think. I still have a couple homemades we used for decades. Use whatever you have, just have extras.







While there may be some tiny tonal differences in instrument cables (I think you'd be very hard pushed to hear the difference other than very cheap cables. This is due to capacitence) the much higher signal levels in speaker cables means there's not going to be a measurable difference. Besides, this cable goes after your tone stack so if it were a little bassy due to capacitence you'd just turn the bass down and the treble and mid up on the amp. Just get half decent ones that are less likely to fail and have a couple of spares. I'm using some relatively cheap ones (can't remember what they are) and they're fine. I've even used mains wire with a 1/4 inch jack on each end.

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There is no "tone" in speaker cable. Nobody can hear a difference between speaker cables outside of one works and one doesn't. Having a spare or three on the gig is far more important. I've been using a couple crummy, free Mars Music fattys since...well, they went out of business last century I think. I still have a couple homemades we used for decades. Use whatever you have, just have extras.






I do prefer heavier gauge just because they hang out of the way better - but anything in the correct length will do. I often use a couple of relatively cheap ones that Marshall ships with some of their heads. I would make sure it has soldered ends, however. A speaker cable is no place to play with an un-soldered connection. I had a problem once with a George L's set screw type speaker cable so I won't use those anymore.

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There is no "tone" in speaker cable. Nobody can hear a difference between speaker cables outside of one works and one doesn't. Having a spare or three on the gig is far more important. I've been using a couple crummy, free Mars Music fattys since...well, they went out of business last century I think. I still have a couple homemades we used for decades. Use whatever you have, just have extras.




This is when I read my own post in the morning, and feel stupid!

Good thing is I can lough at myself.

Thank's for pointing out the obvious rct, it's pure logic how could it have TONE without TONE-knob.

Oh man, that was fun.

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Rubbish. Just another snake oil seller on the marketplace.


Which guitarist can play a specific note twice the same within her/his entire lifetime, let alone chords? When about cables, only measurements can help. Also your ear can only be the judge when exactly reproduceable signals are used.


Cleaning contacts mostly does the trick, regardless if speaker, guitar, microphone or data connections. Sweat and fatty residues from human skin are the very problems of plugs with openly touchable contacts, and dust will affect all of them. Dust-proof is a higher-grade technical demand than gas-proof - did you know that? I dealt with both specifications in the pharmaceutical industry.


Being reasonable will save money and time.

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Yup, that's why posted here insted of ordering directly.

And now that you say it, I remember vaguely hearing my mum talk something about dust-proof stuff back when she worked at Dr.Dünner AG in Kirchberg.

Looong time ago.

With the cash you all saved me I will buy me probably a pedal, hehe.

Those mini Crybaby's look darn nice.


Thank's again!

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