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I was just thinking how we, people, should encourage or complement each other every now and then… Try this experiment. Throw a complement at someone for something random and watch their face light up of break into a smile. If you play in a band most likely you and everyone else is working hard to improve and get things right. A little encouragement can go a long way, so if someone does a great solo, vocal performance, solid rhythm, bass or drums let them know. Just saying'…


if you give it a try please post your results...

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I was just thinking how we, people, should encourage or complement each other every now and then…


Those are compliments.


But yes. Recently I posted a link to a piece I recorded, and I got some very nice responses from some real guitar players. [smile] This didn't just stroke my ego, but actually gave me more confidence in my playing. Confidence is a big thing.

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To my feel giving kudos to bandmates is the most important part for creating original songs with my band. While noodling around with a new song, my pals and me contribute some offhanded licks and grooves that seem worth keeping to another one of us. Calls like "That's great, do it again!" often give way to solidify an idea through repetition that otherwise probably would have been lost forever. This uses to happen between any two - or more - members of our quartet.


I think that honestly complimenting each other is the most important thing not only for creating our songs, but also for keeping our band running with the same lineup since nearly twenty years. [thumbup]

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Guest Farnsbarns

I tried this last night. I complimented two things.


I got a slap from the complimentee and my wife is far from happy.

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I was just thinking how we, people, should encourage or complement each other every now and then… Try this experiment. Throw a complement at someone for something random and watch their face light up of break into a smile. If you play in a band most likely you and everyone else is working hard to improve and get things right. A little encouragement can go a long way, so if someone does a great solo, vocal performance, solid rhythm, bass or drums let them know. Just saying'…


if you give it a try please post your results...



This works for all aspects of life not just music/bands at least in my experience.



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I guess I was just brought up to see the good in people and compliment folks for a job well done. I don't see or hear people on here play but know that many of you play in bands on stage. People don't do that unless they are good. I'd be embarrassed for you guys to hear me play. I'm still not consistent and make mistakes. My wife both compliments me when I get it right and criticizes me on my timing. I think nothing but highly of the folks here. Your all great in my book!

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As I look back on my life, I've always found that one sincere compliment will do immeasurably more to inspire hard work, productivity, and achievement than any amount of 'constructive' criticism.



I agree I spent my career in low level and mid level managerial positions and I found that you were able to accomplish much more with a bit of praise where it was warranted. The other side of that was when you needed to tell someone that they were slacking or falling short quality wise it was easier and meant more because the fact that you praised as well, when you only criticize it starts to fall on deaf ears. Like the old saying "if you want to grow a rose you have to shovel some shite.."

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...but know that many of you play in bands on stage. People don't do that unless they are good. I'd be embarrassed for you guys to hear me play. I'm still not consistent and make mistakes.


Me too, and I've been playing out for 45 years. But no one has sued me for misrepresentation (yet !) [smile]

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