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The Dreaded Scoring Mechanism


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I am loath to admit I just this morning noticed that each comment in each thread here seems to have a vaguely familiar little scoring mechanism in the bottom right corner.

This mechanism existed here several years ago, but was removed by the Forum Administrator, in hopes, I suppose, of moving us closer to a forum equivalent of a 'Safe Space'.

As time progressed, however, the absence of a simple + or - button, led some members to resort to actual words when they were exceptionally displeased by the comments of other members. Often, the recipient of the negative comment, also having not Thumbs Down button to push - push backed and a donnybrook ensued, much to the enjoyment of all. This is common on most other internet 'forums', a direct result of human nature. Hence to rise in popularity of the term "Pass The Popcorn."

So - we shall see if the return of the Dreaded Scoring Mechanism will improve or exacerbate civility and tolerance as we enter the New Year.

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I couldn't care less about the scoring system, etc. If someone likes it, then use it. If they don't like it, then don't use it. I personally don't think it does anything to enhance the legitimacy or value of this forum. The value and legitimacy for me resides in the people I can interact with in the forum. You find the people you can relate-to and you focus on topics that interest you. Much of the rests kind of revolves around people marking their territory and making themselves a legend in their own mind.

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Is there a prize or a punishment that goes with racking up the most positives or the most negatives? Does Santa monitor this forum? My favorite saying about scores: Men play the game, but women know the score!

You made me hit the Plus button with quoting this saying! [biggrin]



I couldn't care less about the scoring system, etc. If someone likes it, then use it. If they don't like it, then don't use it. I personally don't think it does anything to enhance the legitimacy or value of this forum. The value and legitimacy for me resides in the people I can interact with in the forum. You find the people you can relate-to and you focus on topics that interest you. Much of the rests kind of revolves around people marking their territory and making themselves a legend in their own mind.

I agree. Your line has been worth to me hitting Plus for you, too! [thumbup]


Until now I never used the Minus function. Like before I just ignore posts of no interest for me or topics I can't contribute neither helpful nor humorous comments.

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It is also too easy for internet meanies to see it as some sort of forum popularity contest, much in the same way that some might simply post a short “I agree with this” reply merely because they associate number of posts with forum cred. Ironically, the wish to signify agreement without lengthening a thread may have been what the green light was intended for all along. Maybe if it was labelled as such?


40Yrs- it might be interesting to go into the “Use full editor” feature on the edit post page, & turn this one into a poll.

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Damn, you can't vote for or against yourself! Maybe the Russians can help me out. I think it was Joe Stalin who said, "it's not the people who vote that decides who is in power, it's the people who count the votes." But, have you ever seen a famous Russian acoustic guitar?

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It is also too easy for internet meanies to see it as some sort of forum popularity contest, much in the same way that some might simply post a short “I agree with this” reply merely because they associate number of posts with forum cred. Ironically, the wish to signify agreement without lengthening a thread may have been what the green light was intended for all along. Maybe if it was labelled as such?


40Yrs- it might be interesting to go into the “Use full editor” feature on the edit post page, & turn this one into a poll.

Not to unnecessarily lengthen the thread 😄 but might your idea to lend support/agreement without taking up space work best with only a + option? Seems to me that if there's a need to indicate disagreement, a need to explain why also exists, and the - option is mostly a cowardly copout. Then, again, since I don't have access to the buttons or the ratings, it's likely none of my business!

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Damn, you can't vote for or against yourself! Maybe the Russians can help me out. I think it was Joe Stalin who said, "it's not the people who vote that decides who is in power, it's the people who count the votes." But, have you ever seen a famous Russian acoustic guitar?

In Russia they invented the seven-string guitar aka Russian guitar in the late 18th century: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_guitar


Keith Richards might have been inspired by its tuning D2 G2 B2 D3 G3 B3 D4. [biggrin]

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In Russia they invented the seven-string guitar aka Russian guitar in the late 18th century: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_guitar


Keith Richards might have been inspired by its tuning D2 G2 B2 D3 G3 B3 D4. [biggrin]

Thanks! That's my daily satori😀 If pressed, I'd have said John Koerner invented the 7 stringer😒

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Thanks! That's my daily satori😀 If pressed, I'd have said John Koerner invented the 7 stringer😒


Yah. I've seen 'seven stringers' rarely in big music stores - always wondered about them. Now I know the Ruskies are behind it.

What we use to call "A Communist Plot" back in the 60s.





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I have a feeling that the phrase, "I don't believe it" will become the most frequently used phrase over the next four years. But, the Russians building seven string guitars seems like an arms race story from the Cold War. I'm surprised we didn't respond with an eight string! Looks like this madness might be starting up again too. But, no Russian brand names?

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I have a feeling that the phrase, "I don't believe it" will become the most frequently used phrase over the next four years. But, the Russians building seven string guitars seems like an arms race story from the Cold War. I'm surprised we didn't respond with an eight string! Looks like this madness might be starting up again too. But, no Russian brand names?

I think the seven string was just a metric version of a six string-(or an eight string?) You know those Ruskies!

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Thanks! That's my daily satori😀 If pressed, I'd have said John Koerner invented the 7 stringer😒



You mean this one? Like some other young folkies, I tried this out as well in college. Fortunately, I didn't try it out on my vintage Gibson, the way Spider John did.



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You mean this one? Like some other young folkies, I tried this out as well in college. Fortunately, I didn't try it out on my vintage Gibson, the way Spider John did.





Yeah, I was also inspired by Spider John in the 1960s. I did not mess around with my old Gibson but slapped a banjo tuner on an even older Kay Kraft.

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You mean this one? Like some other young folkies, I tried this out as well in college. Fortunately, I didn't try it out on my vintage Gibson, the way Spider John did.



That be the one! Strange how some of us grew up together in different locations😒

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