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3 minutes ago, billroy said:

that's a pretty cool environment to be employed in - as said above, that oak is beautiful!

Yeah I really enjoy it... So much better than working in an office (which I have done)...

I even enjoyed just making those shelves today.  A simple job but theres something about making two perfectly sized and square bits of beautiful wood like that which is just satisfying, even as I look at them now. Im thinking, man they are so straight and square  😄 hahaha 

What can I say.. I love wood 🙂

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That is cool!! Are you guys taking the idea any further?


I made 4 discrete op amps yesterday morning. Soldered up most of two preamps and mics as well, but I’m waiting for a couple tools to come in the mail today before I finish up.


my transistor tester crapped out this weekend so I ordered a new one. Waiting on that to match a pair for the input of each op amp (the two transistors not yet installed on each board)



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We currently have no plans to take the project further, although I know how I would improve it if I got the chance. The solenoids don't have that much strength in their throw but we're using a pretty shitty power source. Also the solenoids are only playing in thirds because playing 2nds was too close together. This could be fixed by putting solenoids with longer throws above them and having the throw run in between the current solenoids. Anyway it's running off a raspberry pi for anyone who is curious using a short python program.

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Had some excitement/dismay yesterday as I racked up a pair of preamps I just built. 


Powered up the rack and I see my other modules power on, then back off, then on again. I’m thinking “oh ****, power supply issue” when she blew one of the DC filter caps. I yanked the power right away


This rack/module has a bipolar supply, so caps on both + and - rails. One blew and the other was bulging, so I disassembled the module and replaced both.


I thought I had most likely installed the exploded cap backwards (couldn’t identify orientation after it had exploded) but had recently taken a photo of the build showing the cap was in fact installed correctly. 


Then I turned my attention to the discrete op amp and rack. No problems there. I replaced the caps and fired her back up in the rack with no DOA and she blew both caps. 


So I’m having an unexpectedly frustrating time on one of these but hopefully I can get to the bottom of it today. Not having the best time cleaning out the rack and board repeatedly haha. Could be something as stupid as the PCB not sitting in the edge connector properly

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Figured out my issue with the preamps. The guy who designed this PCB marked the electrolytic cap polarity backwards from the convention everybody else on the planet uses. Really special...


So frustrated with this but at least I can wrap them up now.

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19 minutes ago, Dub-T-123 said:

Figured out my issue with the preamps. The guy who designed this PCB marked the electrolytic cap polarity backwards from the convention everybody else on the planet uses. Really special...


So frustrated with this but at least I can wrap them up now.

Ohh man, it sucks so bad when this sort of thing happens.. But you obviously have the experience to know how to deal with it..  I don't mess with electricity, I would have killed myself by now if I had decided to make amps instead of guitars 🙂 

More wood goodness  🙂  

I posted this on another thread but its so nice I will post it here too..

Flamed Sycamore





And some Norway Maple or as you guys in the US call it Brown or Country Maple. And we oiled it.. It was so funny.. Tuesday we were down the farm getting new stock.. First thing on Wednesday when we should have been working on orders, neither of us could wait to get a proper look at it.. Like boys with their toys 🙂 My boss even oiled it as he couldn't wait to see how it came out.. Such wood nerds..  But look at it [love]  All I see is a guitar body  [drool]



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Both of those pieces look amazing 😍


I’ve been meaning to snap a pic for you of my saws all set up with a nice ocean view and breeze. I have the day off today though 


Here’s a pic of where my rack is at today. Gonna spend some much needed time at the studio this weekend and will post some clips recorded through it. UUXmtBm.jpg


By the time I had replaced all the caps and reassembled yesterday I just slid them into the rack without taking pics of the guts. 

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40 minutes ago, Dub-T-123 said:

Both of those pieces look amazing 😍


I’ve been meaning to snap a pic for you of my saws all set up with a nice ocean view and breeze. I have the day off today though 


Here’s a pic of where my rack is at today. Gonna spend some much needed time at the studio this weekend and will post some clips recorded through it. UUXmtBm.jpg


By the time I had replaced all the caps and reassembled yesterday I just slid them into the rack without taking pics of the guts. 

Pretty sweet, I'm ok with wood (not rabswood good, but ok) but can't start to think what it would take to put that together.  Is it replacing something in the studio - and if so, what are you hoping you get out of this (out of curiosity)?

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3 hours ago, billroy said:

Pretty sweet, I'm ok with wood (not rabswood good, but ok) but can't start to think what it would take to put that together.  Is it replacing something in the studio - and if so, what are you hoping you get out of this (out of curiosity)?

Same here.. Its why I cant comment much. I have no idea about electronics... Well a small idea maybe but not much, just enough so I can wire and fix a guitar circuit 🙂 

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3 hours ago, billroy said:

Pretty sweet, I'm ok with wood (not rabswood good, but ok) but can't start to think what it would take to put that together.  Is it replacing something in the studio - and if so, what are you hoping you get out of this (out of curiosity)?


Nothing in there is too challenging except the FET 500 (1176 compressor clone) which has a lot of parts and requires calibration


I have a couple upcoming ones I will be doing with my own PCBs. Making the PCB and front panel is a little involved, because it is all meant to conform to API VPR specs. The PCBs mate to an edge connector in the back of the rack


As for why, I just enjoy electronics and music. It’s about trying to make better recordings as well as indulging my love of electronics. I’ve always wanted to have a studio

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Cool knobs!

Next step on from pedals maybe?  Your work is so neat I'd love to see a pic of the internals.

Dub I just got a Mosky Golden Horse, cheapo mini-Klone with circuit boards in.  Must do thread with pic.

Do you hear from Surfpup these days?

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33 minutes ago, jdgm said:

Durned cool knobs!

(I used to think of myself as a bit of a cool knob but....let's let that go, eh?)

A step up from pedals maybe?

Dub; I just got a Mosky Golden Horse, cheapo mini-Klone with circuit boards in.  Must do thread with pic.

Do you hear from Surfpup these days?


Lol yes I got some more cool knobs coming on the next ones! 


That pedal sounds cool. Since I’ve got some extra discrete op amps sitting around now, I was thinking it could be fun to build a tube screamer or Klon type thing with discrete op amps. For no reason other than complete overkill


Sadly I have not talked to JC in quite a while. I will try to get ahold of him

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I will upload a little nugget of clean e guitar recorded through the rack soon. Been playing around at the studio this morning and yesterday, things are sounding nice 


Here are the insides of the KM84 clones I’m building. The transformers are Cinemag, the capsules (not shown) are Maiku. Just need to bias them and then they’re ready to go



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Wow this gets even more impressive.......

Do you populate all the boards yourself?  Are there heatsinks for the transformers?

The mics look amazing.

And what are yourinterfaces? DAW?  Mixing desk?

My home studio days are sort of over for the moment - mine was mostly analog and I sold it all for peanuts 10 yrs ago......had an Atari 1040ST, Tascam 38, Studiomaster 24-8-2, Akai S950, Roland D110, Yamaha DX11 (still got that!) and some nice racks - e.g. Korg SDD 2000 was fantastic in its day and I had 2 superb JL Cooper units, the MIDI patchbay and the SMPTE box  -  but you have to maintain it, use it, keep working on recording your music and upgrade if you h ave the money; I never went to a digital recorder and my tapes got 'shed', I didn't have time, and somehow then I just wanted to concentrate on guitar.  But it was very exciting and satisfying for about a decade, and I did some good things, still have CD and DAT masters.....🔊

It made me realise how hard it is to do music professionally. You can put together some tracks, ideas and hey- you've got an album.  But then in a few months you have to do more - the whole thing again only different and better - and keep doing it! 




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18 minutes ago, jdgm said:

Wow this gets even more impressive.......

Do you populate all the boards yourself?  Are there heatsinks for the transformers?

The mics look amazing.

And what are yourinterfaces? DAW?  Mixing desk?

My home studio days are sort of over for the moment - mine was mostly analog and I sold it all for peanuts 10 yrs ago......had an Atari 1040ST, Tascam 38, Studiomaster 24-8-2, Akai S950, Roland D110, Yamaha DX11 (still got that!) and some nice racks - e.g. Korg SDD 2000 was fantastic in its day and I had 2 superb JL Cooper units, the MIDI patchbay and the SMPTE box  -  but you have to maintain it, use it, keep working on recording your music and upgrade if you h ave the money; I never went to a digital recorder and my tapes got 'shed', I didn't have time, and somehow then I just wanted to concentrate on guitar.  But it was very exciting and satisfying for about a decade, and I did some good things, still have CD and DAT masters.....🔊

It made me realise how hard it is to do music professionally. You can put together some tracks, ideas and hey- you've got an album.  But then in a few months you have to do more - the whole thing again only different and better - and keep doing it! 




Yeah of course I populate the boards myself! These are all audio transformers which do not produce heat in these applications. The power supply to the rack is external and powers the whole thing


My interfaces are an Apogee Duet 2 at home and Apogee Element 88 at the studio. I am using Logic on a MacBook Pro. My “studio” is just a lockout type place so there are other bands there, but I go way before anyone else shows up


I feel like I’ve been getting better and better but I have a long way to go. It’s always a learning process. I just wish I had more people to play with

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17 minutes ago, Dub-T-123 said:

Yeah of course I populate the boards myself!


Apologies - these days for me, successfully soldering leads is a major achievement.......:-&

I am so out of touch.....

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32 minutes ago, jdgm said:


Apologies - these days for me, successfully soldering leads is a major achievement.......:-&

I am so out of touch.....

Well these modules and mics were kits, more or less, some without components some with. I have some upcoming ones which will be more pure DIY in the sense that they will be totally proprietary using my own PCB artwork and panel etc


With mic projects it’s hard to go from scratch. I could make a ribbon mic from scratch but for just about anything I would be buying an existing body and capsule. I have the aluminum ribbon material for mics and have re ribboned two so far. I’d really like to build a clone of the ELAM 251 or U67 but they’re expensive even to build. Frankly for my needs a really expensive condenser is overkill. I have everything I need already, anything else is just for fun. The good thing for me is that all of this stuff has a value beyond what I’m paying in parts, so if I change my mind on anything I can sell and not be out any money 

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Heres a quick snippet tracked through the rack for you guys



Signal chain is Telecaster > Guild Foxey Lady in bypass (I mention because it is a very old non buffered non true bypass pedal) > Twin Reverb > Beyerdynamic M160 (a couple inches in front of the speaker cone on axis) > API 312 clone > DIYRE EQP5 (Pultec based filter in this case boosting pretty generously at 10Khz and cutting a bit at 20Khz) > Hairball FET/500 (1176 compressor clone set to 2:1 ratio with fastest attack and almost fastest release)


So what I don't like is that I wasn't holding my guitar in the ideal position to reject 60 cycle hum and picked up way more hum than I would have liked. What I do like is that the guitar sounds pretty much just how it did in the room. I realize this does not really sound processed so you may be wondering why bother using the rack at all.. If you have any questions about that I'm happy to go into detail, but figure it'd be better not to give some super long detailed post at this time

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