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Happy New Year ya bunch of Lunatics....


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Not gigging tonight, could have worked a deal but didn't like it.


Haven't had a drop to drink in almost 9 years, so I have no plans to go to jail tonight. Years ago I think I actually TRIED...


Wife is out of town with an ill family member, I'm thinking about calling a hooker.


Those of you gigging and/or going out into the asylum be careful, God Bless and looking forward to whatever 2019 has to offer.





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Ummm...maybe go back to drinking, Murph. You'll need to be high to get the hooker's look of disappointment out of your head.


For the new year I'm just going to rearrange my bad habits, but I really hope to improve my guitar playing.

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Always stay off the road on 'amateur night' and don't drink enough these days for it to matter. Probably sleep the New Year in, unless wake up for a bathroom call at midnight - the party animal of yesteryear has been tamed. I rather like the notion of working on improved playing in 2019, but gave up extravagant resolutions in favor of more modest ambitions (stay out of trouble in general, and such...) about 10 years ago.

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Not even my birthday.


I heard Jay Thomas say he tried to live at least part of every day like he was on vacation. I like that path. At the end of every day I strive to get into my sweats and sneakers as quickly as I can. I celebrate!

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I try not to make promises I cannot keep and resolutions that I will not see thru. Having said that, I have just put a recumbent tadpole trike on order today as an exercise regimen. I've quit cigs after 30+ years of smoking (11 months now) and I need to firm up. It is my hope that renewed vigor will have a cascading effect on my health and interests. Best wishes to All, be well.

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I've quit cigs after 30+ years of smoking (11 months now)


TODAY is 11 years for me. My last cigarette was driving home from a New Years gig in the early morning of Jan. 1 2008. I lit my last, threw the rest out the window, and haven't had one since. I smoked a LOT and enjoyed every one along with freight trains of beer. Gave up the beer Feb. of 2010.


I was WAY past due.


Best of luck !

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Happy New Year all...

I quit cigs. A week ago before I went to London. Been a good boy this week, and just got back to the states last night. Patch and Gum - it ain’t easy.

Time to lose weight. I’m 6’ and 208, and I should be 190 tops. Time to feel better. Time to act.


By the way, N.O. Tom on Denmark street was a nice little place. I enjoyed talking with the owner, and I almost bought a Gibson Mandolin there....

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Happy new year, Murph! A fellow sober rover here...quit booze in Sept 2017 and smoking a year ago. I was long past due, too. I loved both and had a wild ride for 20yrs but appreciate sobriety and sanity.


I studiously avoided NYE gigs for a long time, but the last two years I've taken bookings and have really enjoyed the shows. Last night was no exception, so much fun... thankfully an audience of a more mature stripe who, whilst amply alcoholically enhanced, weren't throwing hands and puking in handbags!

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