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Gibson case smell - how to get rid of it


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1551035031[/url]' post='1979601']

While I love Gibsons, I do not love the strong smell (vanilla-scented) that the Gibson cases have. The smell gets on the guitar and sometimes bothers me while I'm playing it.


How do I get rid of this smell?


Give it to me! ;)


Like others have posted, it will fade away soon enough. You can try wiping it down with Gibson polish, and let the case air out for a couple days.


Personally, I try to keep that smell as long as I can, lol :D




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  • 2 months later...

I love the vanilla smell.  That and the baby picture on the workbench are what sets Gibson apart from other brands and supports its premium reputation.

A definitive explanation for the vanilla smell can be found on the "everythingSG" forum, posted by "koaguilds" on Dec 8, 2016.

"I worked for TKL's Cedar Creek Custom Case Shoppe here in Oilville, Virginia and I can attest it's an additive to the glue used to manufacture cases in order to mask the toxic smell of the lining adhesive. TKL in Canada is the sole provider of Gibson's cases and does the same. A lot of nice theories here but if you've ever worked for TKL you would know.

Many of those cheaper Chinese cases do not mask the adhesive's smell and you can tell instantly when you open the case what it's like without said additive."



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